Sustainability Starts With Me

Mangalajodi birds

Sustainability is not mere jargon but a reality. Each one of us needs to do our bit to sustain the beautiful planet we live in and everything in it.


Sustainability is no longer a fancy word mouthed by an elite, intellectual group. It is a reality today that compels and demands action by each one of us. Whatever we do, wherever we live, the clarion call is loud and clear, we need to save our beautiful planet. its rivers, mountains, lakes, culture, and everything else for the children still unborn. Yes Governments, NGO’s, and other stakeholders are all geared up and doing their best to steer towards sustainability in different spheres, but individuals need to bring about lifestyle changes to make sustainability a widespread movement.

Sustainability Starts With Me

What is Sustainability?

In very simple words sustainability means maintaining or conserving the natural resources of the planet, the cultures of the World, wildlife of the world and ensure that we lead a life that does not deplete resources and contribute to its deterioration.

Steps Towards Sustainability

Impact sustainability by driving an electric car

If each individual made even minor adjustments to their lifestyles, this would snowball into a mammoth move towards a more sustainable world. To quote Neil Armstrong, “A small step for man would indeed be a giant leap for Mankind”.

We too are taking small steps towards a lifestyle that is more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

  • We drive an electric car for short distances and have been doing this for over 6 years reducing our contribution to the air pollution
  • We have drastically reduced the use of single-use plastic and are on the way to eliminate it completely
  • As we are regular travelers we always travel with reusable water bottles
  • We never take print outs and are focused on digital transactions and try to minimize the use of paper
  • We are conscious about the need to conserve energy and hence use power consciously and switch  off lights and other electrical appliances when not needed
  • We look for environment-friendly and sustainable products wherever possible

Generating Awareness As Travel Bloggers

As travel bloggers and social media influencers, we are uniquely placed to not only walk the talk about sustainability but also create more and more awareness about it. Be it saying no to animal tourism, carrying reusable water bottles, encouraging local products, there is so much one can do.

We have consciously been partnering with brands and organizations that are working towards sustainability in various fields and helping in spreading the word. Here are some of the campaigns that we have worked on.

Talking About Rwanda As An Example of Sustainable Tourism

Mountain Gorilla Rwanda

Many African countries like Kenya, Rwanda, etc., are leading the way in the fight agains plastic pollution. We were really impressed with our visit to Rwanda with its sustainable practices in place. The conservation efforts to protect the endangered Mountain Gorillas, the ban of single-use plastic, the practice of Umuganda in which the entire community joins hands, really amazed us. Rwanda was indeed a beacon to the world in terms of sustainability. We have written many blogs about these initiatives and Rwanda as well as numerous posts on our social media handles as well as in the print media to spread awareness about what this tiny country has been doing.

World Environment Day – Connecting People to Nature

Saying No To Single-Use Plastics

Plastic Pollution

Plastic is terror incarnate as far as the environment of our planet is concerned. Plastic pollution is creating havoc. More than 5 million tonnes of plastic waste finds its way into the oceans and much of these find their way into the stomachs of the sea creatures. Isn’t that alarming? We have done a few campaigns to raise awareness of this menace through our blog and Social Media channels.

Beat Plastic Pollution

Voyager – Sandy N Vyjay on Twitter: “Do your mite in the fight against Plastic pollution, the scourge of our planet, and pledge to reduce plastic pollution, take the pledge by giving a missed call to 18001371999 #BeatPlasticPollution #WED2018 @ficci_india @moefcc @drharshvardhan @asoulwindow @IndraniTweeets @Mucyo33 / Twitter”

Do your mite in the fight against Plastic pollution, the scourge of our planet, and pledge to reduce plastic pollution, take the pledge by giving a missed call to 18001371999 #BeatPlasticPollution #WED2018 @ficci_india @moefcc @drharshvardhan @asoulwindow @IndraniTweeets @Mucyo33

Association With Project Sanskriti – A Sustainable Tourism Initiative

Project Sanskriti

When you talk about sustainability, it is not only the sustainability of the environment but also sustaining the rich cultures, arts, and heritage of the World. We partnered with Project Sanskriti a joint initiative between an NGO called Grassroutes and the Andhra Pradesh Tourism Board to spread awareness about the project. The project is an excellent example of promoting sustainable tourism to a village called Madhavmala. The village is home to artisans who practice the esoteric art of wooden carving for temples. The project not only envisages the protection and sustenance of this dying art but also provides a means of income to the village through rural tourism and also a market to the artisans to sell their products. We have written about the project in the print and online media and our blog and also promoted widely through our social media channels.

Project Sanskriti – A Sustainable Tourism Initiative In Andhra Pradesh, India


Sustainability in Basar Arunachal Pradesh

Basar is a picturesque place in the pristine region of the North-East of India. The place is the home of the Galo tribe who lives in harmony with nature. We spent a week with them understanding their lifestyles and environment-friendly practices. We spoke to the President of an organization called GRK, that works in the region and organizes a festival every year called BASCON. We have written extensively about this unique place and how they are a great example of sustainable living and tourism in our blog and print media as well as on our social media channels.

Live like Galos

I am active in trying to help keep the culture and traditions of the Galo tribe alive,” says Henka Basar who holds a Masters degree in Political Science and takes an active role in efforts to keep alive the ancient indigenous culture of the Galos.

BASCON Festival at Basar, Arunachal Pradesh, India

In Conversation With Er. Tomo Basar, President, Gumin Rego Kilaju (GRK) Organizers of BASCON

Villages that were spick and span, children lending their hand to clear trash, rash cans aesthetically placed at intervals. This is what we saw during our st…


We have also associated with PATA(Pacific Asia Travel Association) covering the PATA Adventure Travel And Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart 2019 held in Rishikesh, India.

PATA Adventure Travel And Responsible Tourism Conference And Mart 2019

The Future is Sustainability And More Sustainability

We feel that there is so much more to do in terms of a sustainable lifestyle. We hope to adjust our personal lifestyles even more so as to reduce our carbon footprints. We want to associate more and more with organizations who are geared towards conservation of the environment and working towards the sustainability of our planet. The more we lead by example and influence others to join the movement, we are sure that the future of our beautiful planet will have a bright future. We hope to bequeath this lovely planet with all its treasures intact to the future generations to come.

We invite all our readers to join the movement to preserve our planet Earth and its environment and take at the least baby steps to contribute to this endeavour.


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