6 Tips To Stay Healthy And Safe While Skiing

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6 tips to stay healthy and safe while skiing
Safety tips for skiing
Skiing safety tips
How to Stay Safe & Avoid Injuries While Skiing
How to stay safe on the ski slopes
How to Stay Safe While Skiing
Ski Safety
risks of skiing
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Staying Healthy While Skiing

6 Tips To Stay Healthy And Safe While Skiing

Many of us love the idea of hitting the slopes on holiday, whether it’s the snow-capped mountains of Whistler in Canada or the jaw-droppingly beautiful Dolomites mountain range in Italy. Going skiing is relatively healthy compared to other holiday types, such as lounging around the pool on an all-inclusive, but there some things you need to watch out for. These six tips to stay healthy and safe while skiing will make your skiing enjoyable.

Staying Healthy While Skiing

Get fit before you go 

Whether this is your first time skiing or you just haven’t been in a few months, it’s always a good idea to build your fitness levels up before you jet off. This is the topmost tip to stay healthy and safe while skiing. Skiing uses plenty of muscles, and it’s likely you’ll end up with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) if you don’t try increasing your fitness levels first. Try some lower body HIIT workouts to build your strength and core, while adding in some cardio to increase stamina.

Wear sunscreen 

So many people think that because it’s snowy or grey that they don’t need sunscreen on a skiing holiday. However, the high altitude dramatically increases the risk of UV damage, which means you need to be slathering that sunscreen on. The snow will also reflect the sun’s rays back into your face, and you’re likely to be outside all day, so it’s imperative that you apply sun lotion before you leave, and reapply throughout the day.

Staying Healthy While Skiing

Wrap up warm

Of course, this seems like a no-brainer, but the weather can be deceiving out there on the slopes. Just because the sun is shining (and you’re wearing sunscreen), doesn’t mean that it’s going to be warm. Invest in some good quality ski clothing that will last you, but don’t forget to keep your head protected too. A helmet will keep your head warmer, won’t get wet in the snow, and will keep you safe if anything were to happen.

Fuel up before heading out

You may be excited to hit the slopes, but don’t leave without having a big breakfast. Skiing is physically challenging, and you don’t want to start feeling light-headed while you’re out there. Make sure you have plenty of protein and complex carbs before heading out. Oatmeal, trail mix, eggs, and fruit are all excellent choices that will fuel your body for a day of exercise. You should also take some snacks with you, to keep your body going throughout the day. And, just in case you get stuck in a snowstorm somewhere!

Staying Healthy While Skiing

Don’t push yourself while skiing

It’s easy to get carried away when you’re on a skiing holiday, but it’s also easy to end up injured. Imagine you’re having the time of your life, skiing in a dream destination like Aspen, and then you push too hard and end up breaking a bone! Not only will it completely ruin your holiday, but a week in a USA hospital can cost over $30,000. That’s not something you want on your ski trip. Make sure you take it easy, schedule regular breaks, and never take on a run that is too challenging for you without a guide or instructor.

Go easy on the apres-ski

One reason so many people love skiing holidays so much is because of the apres-ski scene. However, this is another part of skiing that you’ll want to go easy on. While it’s fun to party after a day on the slopes, you don’t want to overdo it. Especially if you’re going to be up early and skiing again the next day. Alcohol can stay in your bloodstream for longer than you think, and it’s extremely dangerous to ski if you’re still under the influence. Try to get eight hours of sleep and have one soft drink for every alcoholic beverage, if you’re going to be hitting the apres-ski scene.

Staying Healthy While Skiing

A skiing holiday is fairly active and healthy in itself, so you don’t need to worry about getting up and moving around because you’ve spent all day by the pool. However, you will want to bear in mind these tips to stay healthy and safe while skiing before you hit the slopes.

Do you have any other advice you think should be on this list? Feel free to share in the comments.

6 Tips To Stay Healthy And Safe While Skiing

6 tips to stay healthy and safe while skiing | Safety tips for skiing | Skiing safety tips | How to Stay Safe & Avoid Injuries While Skiing | How to stay safe on the ski slopes | How to Stay Safe While Skiing | Ski Safety | risks of skiing | #travel #ski #skiing #adventuretravel #adventure #skiingtips #skisafetytips

6 Tips To Stay Healthy And Safe While Skiing

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7 thoughts on “6 Tips To Stay Healthy And Safe While Skiing”

  1. So many of my friends love skiing here and I know right technique is most important in this adventure sport. Thank you for sharing the tips. These sound very useful.

  2. These tips are really very useful and the people who want to do the activity should keep it in mind specially one should never push on snow..it can be very dangerous

  3. Agree Skiing is not easy and requires lots of muscles strength. That’s very helpful tips to increase our Physical fitness as well proper meal of Protein.

  4. next month i have planned to go out of station where i am trying for skiing which I am going to try the first time, so i googled it to get more info about skiing i read multiple blogs but yours i found informative and helpful
    you wrote it very explanatory and understanding manner
    thanks a lot for such an amazing article, keep writing…

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