A traveller’s realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions

A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions

A traveller’s realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions

How wonderful it would be for us travelaholics if the world was without borders!
Oh! what fun it would be to travel across countries and continents without worrying about visas, passports and stampings.

We would travel like the migratory birds across millions of miles in search of new experiences and adventures.

We would gently drift across international borders like the clouds in the sky.

Maybe one day the world would be one and our children would be able to travel across the world with the freedom of the birds.

Why do these thoughts arise in me?

It is because what I observe about people in my travels. Be it India, Europe, China, Thailand or any other country, if you take out the external trappings and peel out the layers, intrinsically people are the same everywhere.

They all love and hate, laugh and cry, eat and drink, have families and have their daily routines, have beliefs and egos  everyone is on the job of earning their livelihood in their own way and all of them are striving for those moments of happiness.

Wherever you go the  emotions of Love, Joy, Anger, Compassion, and Fear  bind people of all races into one common thread.

And nowhere is this oneness, this universality more evident than in the children of the world.

During our travels though we admire the breathtaking natural sites and the awe inspiring man made wonders, we are equally if not more, fascinated by the people around us.

I present here some photos from my travels which captures children from different parts of the world.


A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions
Waves of joy sweep across this group of children as they watch the antics of Orangutans at Safari World, Bangkok, Thailand.


A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions
Children dressed as ancient Romans participate in a drawing competition outside the Colosseum in Rome, Italy.


A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions
Kids dressed up as Santa Claus on a beach in Goa, India.


A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions
Children running after soap bubbles at, Gardens By the Bay, Singapore
A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions
A little girl stares awestruck at an idol of The Buddha in Sarnath, India.


A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions
A little girl in a pensive mood at Disneyland, Hong Kong.


A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions
This little man is all smiles at Disneyland, Hong Kong.


A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions
Deep in discussion, kids at the Tibetan Refugee Centre, Darjeeling, India.


A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions
A baby, secure in the arms of its father, on a bicycle in Bangkok, Thailand.


A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions
Children on a school trip gaze at the wide expanse of the Indian Ocean under the watchful eyes of their teachers in Dhanushkodi, India.

Hope you liked our photos and the emotions associated with them.

We will be back with more photos of people in different moods from around the world in one of our upcoming posts.

This article has also been published in Huffington Post. Click here to check.

How do you look at people and interactions with them on your travels? Do share your people experiences.


 A traveller's realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions


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48 thoughts on “A traveller’s realization: People are divided by borders but united by emotions”

  1. Great post. I agree that kids are just kids, wherever they come from.

    I’m off to The Jungle in Calais this week where there a many unattended children who have made it across Europe from Syria, Iraq etc. I expect it to be a difficult visit.

    1. Thank you Amanda. I can imagine the plight of those kids from Syria and Iraq. Wish this world is a more happy place where all kids can smile and be happy. Happy travels. Look forward to your post on the same.

  2. Love it! And would love the idea with no borders! I totally agree with you that emotions are the common bridge between all people around the world! I will follow you 🙂

  3. Lovely blog post! I think that we need more posts like this one out there. Pinning this so that other people will find it and remember the important things in life.

  4. This is a great collection of moments. And the Disneyland HK pictures are just like the ones you get at Disneyland Anaheim or Walt Disney World. Such a great thing to call out.

  5. I love this. Being that I often travel with my children I had a crude saying when people asked me how I dealt with different cultures. “No matter where you are, if a baby farts, everybody laughs”. Because inside we’re all the same and all we need is to find those commonalities that bind us.

  6. This is so true. Especially with children, I always find the innocence and warmth in their smiles are there no matter the circumstances or response from adults in that country. Hopefully one day those borders and divides might just fade away… I hope!

    1. You are absolutely right Dan. The innocence and smiles we see on the face of children is heavenly. We hope to see a better world with no borders someday! 🙂

  7. What a beautiful article and you’re so right! Just look into the childrens eyes, before they realize how the adults are messing it all up for who knows what reasons, and you just know we’re basically all the same.

  8. Loved the concept of this post . Children have a lot to teach us adults.being happy despite the circumstances and keeping that innocence alive is just one of them

    1. Thank you Jennifer. It is nice to know that you are showing the world to your children. They will be able to capture the essence of humanity. 🙂

  9. I can only totally agree with you! We are all the same within – in search for happiness, in search for joy, in search for beauty, in search for amazement! Children are our biggest teachers in this. They don’t look at someone with judgement but with curiosity. Love your post, love your photos!

  10. One of the most lovely posts that I have come across. Each time we travel to a new place, we have that question running at the back of our mind – hows it gonna be. Every time, it turns out that the people are so much similar to us.

  11. I think that is one of the sharpest lessons we all learn as we travel.

    People, all over the world, we are truly one and the same.

    We might not look identical, and we’re never always going to love the same things, but at the root of it all, we’re pretty much the same 🙂

  12. Yes, we are all one and the same. We all want happiness! A world without borders would be amazing. I love all of the photos but I especially liked the kids dressed up as Santa in Goa. They were super cute!

  13. Your opening line is so true – People are divided by borders but united by emotions and I love the way you have explained it with the pictures of kids. No better way to share emotions than through innocent faces. Cheers to a bright future.

  14. Love this! The raw emotions depicted in these photos says all. We are all human in search of love, happiness, inclusiveness. It’s the simple joys in life that we all share.

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