Why Flowers Are The Greatest Mood Elevators In The World?

Why Flowers Are The Greatest Mood Elevators In The World?

Voyager (57)

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Daffodils“, this wonderful poem that emerged from the thoughts of the famous poet, William Wordsworth, speaks volumes about the therapeutic value of the beauty of flowers, any flower for that matter.

So Why Flowers Are The Greatest Mood Elevators In The World? Flowers and the innocent smiles of children act as a soothing balm on stressed minds. However tired or worried or irritated you may be both have a dramatic effect in elevating your mood.

Isn’t it one of the greatest miracles of nature, that flowers which are so fragile and so ephemeral leave behind an undying imprint of their color, beauty and fragrance?

Given our love for flowers we always try to visit places where we can see flowers in plentitude, whether it be Keukenhof in Holland, Sim’s Park in Coonoor or  Lal Bagh in Bangalore. In this post, we take you on an intoxicating voyage to one of the flower shows in Lal Bagh.

What is Lal Bagh?

Lal Bagh, which literally means Red Gardens in English is a 240 acre botanical garden situated in Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka, a southern state of India. This building of this garden was commissioned by Hyder Ali in 1760, but it was completed by his son, Tipu Sultan. The garden is home to over a 1000 species of flora and also has trees that are centuries old. Within its premises the garden also has a rock formation said to be one of the oldest on earth which dates back to over 3,000 million years. The Lal Bagh also houses a famous glass house which is the venue for two annual flower shows, on India’s Republic Day (26th January) and India’s Independence Day (15th August).

Lal bagh Glasshouse

Flowery moments from the flower shows in Lal Bagh

This post is more about our love for flowers and our flowery moments in Lal Bagh rather than about the garden itself, we reserve that for some other time.

So here we go with some lovely moments which uplifted our moods and flew us far, far away on the wings of imagination. Please do not ask us for the botanical names or even the common names of the flowers, as we plead ignorance, but what we do know is that they  captivated our hearts just as the fluttering Daffodils captivated Wordsworth’s heart.

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People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us. ~Iris Murdoch

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Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul. ~ Luther Burbank

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You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way. ~ Walter Hagen

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God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars. ~ Martin Luther

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Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts. ~ Sigmund Freud

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Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into. ~ Henry Ward Beecher

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Thus, having lost all sense of time and space we wandered in this wonderland of beauty, colors and fragrances, we roamed ecstatically oblivious to everything else but the beauty of these wonderful gifts from God. But soon evening was upon us and we bade a silent adieu to these wonderful creatures and with a glance at the rock that has stood in this place for a well nigh 3,000 million years, we made our way home not with stars in our eyes, but with flowers in them!

Do watch these videos of Flower show at Lalbagh Botanical Garden (Courtesy: YAR Channel )

Flower show at Lalbagh Botanical Garden – 1
Flower show at Lalbagh Botanical Garden – 2

Lal Bagh Rock

What emotions flowers evoke in you?

Please share your flowery moments and spread the fragrance.

Why Flowers Are The Greatest Mood Elevators In The World- Voyager Travels

Why Flowers Are The Greatest Mood Elevators In The World- Voyager Travels


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57 thoughts on “Why Flowers Are The Greatest Mood Elevators In The World?”

  1. Great post. I loved the poem and the pics. I cannot wait to see the Dutch Tulip festival one day.. I always just miss it.

  2. There is not a single word in this article that can be argued against. Beautifully written and well drafted. Thanks for sharing.
    Cheers! 🙂

  3. I photographed the international Ikebana convention a few years ago and was immersed in flowers for the week. It was a really cool experience and a joy to work.

    1. It is an observation tower. Long, long time ago when Bangalore was very new, 4 such towers were built at a height on all 4 corners of Bangalore.

  4. Flowers can be the greatest of all four senses, the touch, the sight, the smell, and sometimes even the taste 🙂 I love exploring botanical gardens with my little ones.

  5. At first I thought their was a great poet hidden in you! Then I saw it was from William Wordsworth 🙂 Nevertheless you caught me with this post! I couldn’t agree more, flowers are chicken soup for the soul!

  6. Flowers are definitely my kind of pick me up: bright, colorful and lovely smelling. I always bought them weekly when I had an apartment of my own and plan on doing the same after my current backpacking trip! It looks like a lot of research went into this, which is impressive! Thanks for sharing!

  7. This post made me smile :). I love flowers for that very reason…especially sunflowers. They just bring brightness to any day. Wonderful photos and a loved the accompanying quotes!

  8. Well said. I remember this one horribly sad moment in Canada when we went to the Butchart Gardens to try to turn things around and it worked. Flowers are the ultimate way to lift spirits.

    1. Yes, I agree. I was reading today that Washington has a tulip garden and looking at the Tulips there, I could not say it is not Netherlands! 🙂

  9. I love flowers and they do uplift my mood..but never thought why. Your post is beautiful, and the flowers lovely. Reminded me of the many flower exhibitions of lal bagh in Bangalore and the botanical gardens of ooty and kodaikanal

  10. Wow, ambling around the 240 acre botanical garden will be such a wonderful experience. Yes, for me there’s really something about the flower that always leave me in awe. There natural fragrance, innate beauty and how they look so attractive is really something we human can never have. I once have visited a flower farm and it was such a great experience.

  11. Wow, what a place. The Lal Bagh glass house with all the lights at night looks incredible, and I love visiting Botanical Gardens around the world to enjoy the flowers and plants.

  12. I completely agree! I love having flowers around me, in my room, at work, anywhere. We are bless to have such gorgeous and unique flowers across the world. Thank you for you post, I already feel a little more positive today 🙂 have a great day x

  13. Lalbagh was the very first place I visited when I came to Bangalore years ago and loved it! It was the flower festival then and the place looked magical. Looking at your pictures, the place has certainly not lost it’s sheen 🙂

  14. I enjoyed all the quotes you had about flowers. I think the photos are lovely too. I agree that flowers are an amazing mood elevator. All I have to do is go to a botanical garden and I feel so much better!

  15. What a great and fun post! I actually love flowers and photographing them and I hope I can make it to Amsterdam next year to see all of the tulip fields nearby! I also loved your poem in the beginning!

  16. Nice article. Good set of photos too. I had been there a few years back early morning when not much crowd was there. It is good to see it is maintained well.

  17. This is beautiful – both the poem and the photos! I love taking photos of flowers myself and I hope to make it to some spring flower festivals next year :).

  18. I keep visiting Lal Bagh, but it wears a totally different look during the flower show. Loved your choice of quotes for these beautiful flowers. I loved Sim’s park too. Despite being crowded, I couldn’t help clicking the vibrant Daffodils 🙂 Thanks for this visual treat.

  19. Totally agree. Flowers and a child’s smile are difficult to resist ! In my recent trip to Himachal, I literally stopped the driver so I could click wild flowers growing by the hillside ☺️

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