15 Things To Do At Home When Not Traveling

Things To Do At Home When Not Traveling

Here is a list of things to do at home when not traveling which are not only interesting and productive but also engaging activities.

15 Things To Do At Home When Not Traveling

Yes, we understand that travel is what keeps you going. travel is your life and passion. But what do you do when circumstances connive to ensure that you are locked up in your homes? How do you give vent to your creative urges? What are the activities that you indulge in? For a change instead of travel tips, we have come up with a list of things to do at home when not traveling and hope you find the list interesting and useful. The list includes activities that are of course related to travel, but also includes many activities that are not related to travel.

15 Things To Do at Home When Not Traveling

15 Things To Do At Home When Not Traveling

The activities that we have listed down here for you can all be done within the confines of your home, without having to step out at all. All that is needed are the gadgets and equipment that already exist in your homes and of course generous doses of creativity and imagination.


1. Travel Writing

A travel writer travels to the same place at least thrice. Once when he is imagining about the place before landing there. Next when he is actually there and finally when he is writing about his experience. So one of the logical and prime activities that will keep you focused is writing about your travels. It could be on your own blog, or an article in print, or an ebook. This, of course, happens to be our favorite and the top things to do at home when not traveling.

2. Other Writing

One of the other interesting things to do at home when not traveling is to try your hand at other genres of writing that you have not explored until now. It could be anything from fiction to commerce and current affairs, from cooking to fashion, anything that you have always wanted to but did not find the time for. Maybe this is the time to write that novel that you always planned to write.

3. Create and Edit Travel Videos

If you are thinking about all those video clips that you have shot over the years, most of them lying in the cans, then this is the time to make use of them. Go ahead and create your videos and share on social media, create your own YouTube channel if you do not already have one. Creating videos will take a lot of your time, but it will be really worthwhile and definitely one of the most interesting things to do at home when not traveling.

4. Organize & Archive Your Photos & Videos

If you travel as much as we do, you are sure to appreciate the huge number of images and videos that occupy the memories of our phones, memory cards, and hard drives. Being constantly on the move means that we hardly get time to organize them. A very useful and necessary activity, this is one of the important things to do at home when not traveling. So go ahead organize, label, and archive the images and videos, maybe on the cloud or any storage device of your choice which offers easy access and retrieval.

5. Plan For Your Next Trip

Travel virtually as you chalk out an itinerary for your next trip. This is something that is sure to keep you energized and charged at home. Do your research in terms of the places that you want to cover and other allied logistic aspects and prepare a tentative itinerary. Definitely something that will set the adrenaline pumping.

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6. Upskill Yourself Online

When you are having time at home one of the most productive things to do at home when not traveling is honing and improving your skills. There are a plethora of online courses, webinars, etc., on a host of subjects. So be it improving your SEO skills or giving that extra edge to your photographic skills, there will be something out there on the internet that is sure to add that extra dimension to your skills.

7. Read Books on Travel & Other Genre

Things To Do At Home When Not Traveling

Fly far on the wings of imagination. Reading is definitely one of our favorite things to do at home when not traveling. The treasures hidden between the pages of books are seemingly endless and covers everything under the sun and beyond it. Some of our favorite travel books of all times are;

Travels With Charley by John Steinbeck

Land of Lost Borders-A Journey in the Silk Road by Kate Harris

Around The World In Eighty Days by Jules Vernes

Some of our favorite classics in other genres are:

Love In the Times of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

1984 by George Orwell

War And Peace by Leo Tolstoy

The list goes on and on. Suffice it to say that books are great companions whether you are traveling or not.

8. Catch Up On Travel Movies

Things To Do At Home When Not Traveling

Watching movies is always a great pastime and something that everyone loves. Movies of any genre have their own appeal, but if you are interested specifically in the travel genre, then there are many to choose from. Some of our favorite all time travel movies are;

The Motorcycle Diaries

Eat Pray Love

The Beach

Out of Africa

The Bucket List

9. Binge Watch Your Favourite Web Series

With the mushrooming of OTT platforms, the internet is full of exciting entertainment options. Amazon, Netflix, Hotstar, Zee5, there are so many players out there. The customer is spoiled for choice now. So one of the entertaining things to do at home when not traveling is binge watching your favorite series. Some of our current favorites are the following across genres and platforms.

Jack Ryan

Sacred Games

The Forgotten Army



The Family Man

Special Ops

10. Story Telling 

In spite of the advances of media and the evolution of story-telling through technology, the art of story-telling has an old world charm. One pure form of joy is telling and listening to stories huddled together at home. This could range from a session of ghost stories to fairy tales or stories from the great epics.

11. Quality Time With Family

One of the best things to do when not traveling is to spend quality time with family. This could take any form from the simple act of having meals together and chitchatting to more active forms like indoor games. Indulge in your favorite game, be it Chess, Carrom, Ludo, or Table Tennis, and unleash happiness and fun. Singing and discovering hidden and latent talents of each other is another engaging activity to indulge in. Whether it is Antakshari or Scrabble or quizzes and crosswords, what is guaranteed is hours and hours of fun.

12. Give Time To Your Hobby

The pressures of modern-day living leave very less time for most of us to follow our hobbies. Be it, philately, numismatics, music, or painting, pursuing your hobby is a great way to be productively engaged when at home and not traveling.

13. Indulge In Creative Cooking

Things To Do At Home When Not Traveling

Cooking is not only a very satisfying activity, but it is also therapeutic in nature. Travel on the path of exploration on your culinary journey. Experiment and take your cooking skills to a new high. Add to your repertoire by experimenting with new ingredients, flavors, and aromas.

14. Get Fresh With Gardening

If you have a garden or even a terrace or balcony garden, nothing will give more pleasure than spending time with plants. Gardening is an opportunity to feel the texture of raw earth and revel in its aroma, of connecting with nature and with your own self too.

15. Do Not Forget The Fitness Mantra

Things To Do At Home When Not Traveling

When at home, it becomes all the more imperative to pay attention to your fitness. Ensure you structure in some sort of a fitness regimen into your daily schedule. It could be Yoga and meditation or aerobics, or a workout with weights and on the treadmill.

These are some of the activities that we undertake when at home and not traveling. How do you spend time when not traveling? Which are your favorite activities? Do let us know through our comments section.

Pinit15 Things To Do At Home When Not Traveling

Things To Do At Home When Not Traveling

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13 thoughts on “15 Things To Do At Home When Not Traveling”

  1. This is a really nice, comprehensive list. I’ve been enjoying my time at home, but I really miss being able to travel. Books and movies are my favorite distraction because they let me travel in my mind at least!

  2. I did many of the things you describe, but there is one thing that we learned and that is that the area where we live is real interesting. There are many parks for hiking, some waterfalls that we never knew existed, lakes to kayak and historical sites. For us this is now a new activity: explore our own backyard

  3. Thanks for sharing these tips! Have been doing pretty much of all them, but now after almost three months of being stuck at home, I’m growing a bit tired of the same routine every day 😉 My sixpack on the other hand may finally make an appearance, despite all the cooking I’ve been doing lately ha ha! Take care and stay happy & healthy!

  4. I’ve been enjoying a few items on your list! One thing I have been doing is working with friends and family on crafting new collaboration blog posts. For example, I did one with my cousin on best spots to take photos in nature! It has been a fun way to combine my travel writing with learning more about topics that are special to those around me. Also helps me to say feeling connected even while social distancing.

    Speaking of your upskilling point – If anyone has good suggestions for writing classes online, let me know!

  5. Great tip on upskilling! I’ve been able to find so many fantastic courses online to help me learn more about digital marketing and I’m loving the experience!
    Love the list of movies/ TV shows too – The Family Man is such a great watch!

  6. I agree with Rudy. The thing i have been enjoying most is exploring my local area…it’s like travelling, but super local. I have discovered so many cool places within walking/cycling distance of home.

    I like the other list items too though. we have no excuse for getting bored 🙂

  7. Such a great list of things to do at home! I have been writing about our past travels and doing lots of reminiscing looking back at photos and videos! I have also got a good fitness routine now which is harder to do while travelling! Love watching travel movies too – The Bucket List is one of my favourites 🙂

  8. This list has basically everything I’ve done during quarantine 🙂 I especially have enjoyed learning how to cook, which I think has helped me eat more healthy foods during this time. It is nice now that restaurants are open again, but I’m definitely still cooking at home a lot of the time. Movies are also a great way to pass a few hours and relax!

  9. We’ve been writing about our past travels, read books, watched movies and TV series, and spending time with our kittens. But to be honest, we haven’t had that much free time since we’ve been working from home all the time during the lockdown. Now we can’t wait to get some vacations since we haven’t stopped working since January!

  10. Lockdown was a great time to organize my travel photos and videos. I also realized that my diaries had a lot of notes that I never ended up publishing. These are some good tips that will help folks stay busy when they are at home and have nothing much to do.

  11. Wow! These are literally ALL the things I’ve passed my quarantine with (except for gardening haha)! I became a much better chef and learned so many new skills from starting my own blog. These activities are all wonderful forms of self-care and I hope more people will discover them through your post. I’ll make sure to share it to my followers!

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