80 Best Chanakya Niti Quotes In English / Hindi With Images

Best Chanakya Niti Quotes In English / Hindi With Images
A collection of gems – Chanakya quotes from the treasure trove of Chanakya Niti, that are relevant and pertinent to this day that were penned by the great Chanakya.Best Chanakya Niti Quotes In English / Hindi With Images

Chanakya Niti (चाणक्य नीति) is a collection of aphorisms compiled by Chanakya who lived between the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE. Chanakya was also known as Kautilya. He was a great economist, royal advisor and teacher during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya. Chanakya Niti is one of two works of Chanakya, the other being, ‘Arthashastra,” which is a political treatise. The aphorisms of Chanakya Niti and the thoughts that it encapsulates contain the erudite wisdom of the polymath, that Chanakya was. Here are some Chanakya Niti Quotes in English.

We bring you a gem of a collection of Chanakya Niti Quotes in English from the treasure trove of Chanakya Niti, that are relevant and pertinent to this day, thousands of years after they were penned by the great and powerful Chanakya.

Chanakya Niti – The Wisdom Of Chanakya | Chanakya Quotes

Best Chanakya Niti Quotes In English / Hindi With Images

Before delving into the deep ocean of Chanakya Niti, it is necessary to briefly understand Chanakya and the circumstances that prevailed during his time. Chanakya was born at a time that is considered a dark period in Indian history. Anarchy was rife, the country was split into little kingdoms fighting each other, making it vulnerable to foreign attacks.

In such a scenario, Chanakya who was also referred to as Kautilya, or Vishnugupta, emerged as a unifying force. He is considered to be the first who envisaged the concept of a nation and placed duty to the Rashtra or Nation above even Dharma.

He is probably the first person who visualized a united Indian nation that encompassed the subcontinent. Chanakya was a pioneer in political science, a consummate diplomat, and a man who believed in action, rather than dogmas. His Chanakya Niti is hence full of practical and sensible wisdom and is lucid and simple to understand. We present here a collection of gems – Chanakya Niti Quotes in English from the treasure trove of Chanakya Niti, that are relevant and pertinent to this day that was penned by the great Chanakya.

Chanakya Niti Quotes In English | Chanakya Niti Thoughts

Chanakya Niti Quotes |Chanakya Niti Thoughts  
Here is a collection of some of the Sutras of Chanakya – Chanakya Quotes from his masterpiece, Chanakya Niti. These are pearls of wisdom that are helpful to everyone in day-to-day simple or complex situations.

Whether you are feeling lost in today’s corporate jungle or trying to stay on top of your political ambitions, these aphorisms from Acharya Chanakya Niti, are sure to come in handy. Chanakya Niti for students of political science or for that matter any student is important as the sutras are filled with pithy and worldly wisdom.

Chanakya Niti In English | Chanakya Niti For Motivation | Chanakya Niti Quotes | Chanakya Quotes

Chanakya Niti In English | Chanakya Niti For Motivation | Chanakya Niti Quotes

1. Practice reveals one’s learning, demeanour the lineage; the virtues reveal one’s quality and the eyes of one’s anger.

2. Whether it be big or small, we must do every work with our full capacity and power. We must learn this quality from the lion. A lion never does anything halfheartedly, whether it is attacking a rabbit or an elephant, with equal ferocity.

3. Controlling all your senses like the Heron, and after carefully considering the factors of time and space as well the capacity of the Self, the wise accomplish their work successfully.

4. The capacity to carry the load despite being bone-tired, being undaunted by the vagaries of weather and getting satisfied in all the conditions – these are qualities to be learned from the donkey.

5. Control the greedy by money, arrogant by submissiveness, the fool by preaching, and the learned by telling him the reality.

6. Time devours the beings and destroys creation. It remains active even when the beings are asleep. No one can check its incessant flow.

7. Virtues enhance the beauty of the form; good manners enhance the glory of the family; perfection enhances the value of education and enjoyment enhances the pleasure of wealth.

8. Manners betray one’s family and the language of one’s country. Hospitality betrays one’s love and the physique betrays one’s food intake.

9. Do not wake the following up from deep slumber; the snake, the king, the wasp, a child, other’s dog, and the fool. They are better left sleeping.

10. Rains over the sea are useless, so is feeding to the well-fed, giving alms to a rich man and burning a lamp in the daytime.

11. The real gems on this earth are three: food, water, and kind words. Fools in vain call the pieces of stone as gems.

12. Blessed is the mouth that utters sweet speech and by its kind and affectionate sentence destroys the distress of the poor.

13. Blessed are those eyes that guide the way of the blind and protect them from their straying on the thorn-ridden paths.

14. Blessed are the hands that lend support to helpless persons and help in solving their troubles.

15. Like the trees growing their fruits for others’ benefit, blessed are those men who devote their life to others’ causes.

16. Righteous conduct is the root of happiness.

17. The root of Dharma is finance.

18. The root of humility is in the service of the seniors – elderly or old persons. When one renders honest service to elders one learns the worth of humility.

19. True knowledge helps the King discharge his duties more efficiently.

20. He who controls his senses has his all wishes fulfilled. He gets wealth and prosperity in every way.

21. It is better to have no king than a king who doesn’t know humility.

22. An able king can train his assistant into efficiency and then he can rule efficiently.

23. Without good assistants a king can take no right decisions.

24. A single wheel can’t move the chariot.

25. A king should choose only a well-learned and of strong character person as his minister. A minister should have an open mind and unflinchable loyalty to his king.

26. Success in the project is achieved only when prior deliberations are held as closely guarded secrets.

27. A friend is a true friend if he maintains affectionate relations even during the period of your distress.

28. The lazy can’t protect even the advantage already received.

29. Home Policy must relate to the interior matters of the state.

30. Foreign Policy relates to dealing with foreign countries.

31. The countries at the border with which we have frequent skirmishes eventually turn our enemies.

32. Fighting against a more powerful enemy is like foot soldiers taking on the elephant brigade. It would be just a suicidal endeavour!

33. Always sow a seed of dissension between the persons nursing jealousy for you.

34. Anyone addicted to gambling can never complete his or her project.

35. A culprit should be punished by the judge according to the intensity of the crime committed by him and not out of any personal grudge.

36. Lack of a proper penal code enhance unlawful activities in the state.

37. Growth and decay are always in one’s own hands.

38. If one has the dedication to find a clue to solve a problem, no problem remains difficult.

39. A work is completed if one is determined to do it. Then it becomes one’s sole aim.

40. Before starting any job, weigh all the possible pros and cons and then decide your course of action.

41. Not using the available means properly interferes with completing the work.

42. Doing work flawlessly is a rare happening.

43. He who discerns the right time of doing work gets sure success.

44. The job must be assigned on the basis of the expertise of its plausible performers.

45. One must publicize only that work which is complete and successful.

46. The achievements of knowledgeable or wise persons can also get sullied by the interference of fate or men.

47. The difficulties in work borne by men should be solved with wisdom.

48. Don’t be kind to harmful persons.

49. The one who depends on luck never achieves success in his/her assignments.

50. Those who run away from their responsibilities are never able to nurture their dependents properly.

51. When one finds a problem arising in the work, one should examine all the aspects of it minutely to find the fault and remove it.

52. Start any work after assessing totally your capability for doing it.

53. The cowards don’t care for their work or duties.

54. Never share your secrets with someone lacking depth of character.

55. He who points out others’ flaws in the people’s court or parliament, draws people’s attention to his own inefficiency.

56. Nothing is inaccessible or unachievable for those who are endowed with the wealth of truth.

57. One must complete one’s job in due time because any delay may not let one complete it at all.

58. Even if one has a single bad quality, it shall nullify all his other good qualities.

59. One must protect one’s faith even at the cost of one’s life.

60. Even a favour done by an enemy can be harmful.

Chanakya Niti Suvichar | Chanakya Niti Quotes | Chanakya Quotes | Chanakya Niti Quotes In English

Chanakya Niti Suvichar | Chanakya Niti Quotes

61. The company of milk makes even water as good as milk.

62. Silver becomes gold when mixed with gold.

63. A fool acts foul with even those who do him or her good.

64. There is no present or future for a lazy person.

65. Never rely on someone who is a known betrayer.

66. Poison is poison in all circumstances.

67. Keep your enemy deceived by your artificial behaviour till you find his weakness.

68. Never disclose your weakness to anyone.

69. Intelligent persons detect their benefits even amidst a crisis.

70. A frugal diet is the key to good health.

Chanakya Niti Images | Chanakya Niti Quotes In English With Images

Chanakya Niti Images | Chanakya Niti Quotes In English With Images

71. As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it.

Chanakya Niti Images | Chanakya Niti Quotes In English With Images

72. The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions.

Chanakya Niti Images | Chanakya Niti Quotes In English With Images

73. A man is great by deeds, not by birth.

Chanakya Niti Images | Chanakya Niti Quotes In English With Images

74. Purity of speech, of the mind, of the senses, and of a compassionate heart are needed by one who desires to rise to the divine platform.

Chanakya Niti Images | Chanakya Niti Quotes In English With Images

75. Never settle for anything less than what you deserve. It’s not pride, it’s self-respect.

Chanakya Niti Image | Chanakya Niti Quotes In Hindi With Images | Chanakya Quotes In Hindi | Chankya Niti Quotes

Chanakya Niti Image | Chanakya Niti Quotes In Hindi With Images

76. मनुष्य स्वयं ही अपने कर्मो के द्वारा जीवन में दुख को बुलाता है।

Chanakya Niti Image | Chanakya Niti Quotes In Hindi With Images

77. कोई भी व्यक्ति ऊँचे स्थान पर बैठकर ऊँचा नहीं हो जाता बल्कि हमेशा अपने गुणों से ऊँचा होता है।

Chanakya Niti Image | Chanakya Niti Quotes In Hindi With Images

78. किसी भी अवस्था में सबसे पहले माँ को भोजन कराना चाहियें।

Chanakya Niti Image | Chanakya Niti Quotes In Hindi With Images

79. शत्रु की दुर्बलता जानने तक उसे अपना मित्र बनाए रखें।

Chanakya Niti Image | Chanakya Niti Quotes In Hindi With Images

80. विद्या को चोर भी नहीं चुरा सकता।

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Chanakya Niti Quotes

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80 Best Chanakya Niti Quotes In English / Hindi With Images

80 Best Chanakya Niti Quotes In English / Hindi With Images

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