
Fascinating Fiesole, Italy

Fascinating Fiesole, Italy

Fascinating Fiesole, Italy

Fascinating Fiesole, Italy

We had planned for Florence in our itinerary as a place not to miss, given its claim to fame as the birthplace of the Renaissance. But what came literally as a pleasant and ethereal whiff of fresh air was our visit to Fiesole, a small scenic town situated at an elevation of a little under 1000 feet above Florence and affording some breathtaking views.

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Ravishing Rapperswil, Switzerland

Ravishing Rapperswil, Switzerland

Ravishing Rapperswil, Switzerland

Ravishing Rapperswil, Switzerland

Switzerland is a country which must have inspired the great masterpieces of art and literature, it is like a painting come to life, a poem wafting tantalizingly in the air, a sculpture skillfully etched by Nature. One relatively unknown gem where you can listen to the sound of your own footfalls and gaze reverently at the lake and soak in nature is Rapperswil.

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