A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet

A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet

We strolled leisurely on the pedestrian and smoke free M.G.Road, the central shopping area of Gangtok, Sikkim. It was already dark and the open air mall was brightly lit and tourists moved around either shopping or window shopping, the air was chilly as winter was setting in and we hugged our jackets closer. Incidentally, Sikkim is the best place to visit in summer in India
We were in Gangtok for the last leg of our North East odyssey after having covered Darjeeling and some other places in Sikkim like Pelling and Ravangla, the North Eastern state of India.

One can book a trip to see Gangtok and Tsomgo lake. The below link helps you with it.

[yo-widget href=”https://www.yonderbound.com/activities/india/gangtok/tour-of-gangtok-india/act165334??ref=imvoyager”]

We slowly made our way back to the warmth of our hotel for a quick dinner and a warm bed as we needed to get up early for our trip to Nathula Pass on the Indo-China border.
On the way we met Budesh our guide cum driver who smiled at us and informed us that he had the permits ready for the morrow and asked us to be ready by 6 AM.
A quick dinner later we crashed into bed in the comfortable confines of our Hotel – Summit Namnang Courtyard & Spa with a feeling of anticipation about the adventure that the morning would bring, we felt like two young kids, excited about a school picnic in the offing!

M.G.Road, Gangtok - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
M.G.Road, Gangtok

We woke up to a chill and dark morning with butterflies in our stomachs, we got ready in a jiffy, stuffing ourselves with some sandwiches and washing it down with some ginger tea.

And we were off! On an exciting road trip that would take us till the Indo-China border – Nathula.

We soon left the outskirts of Gangtok and reached a Military checkpost where already many vehicles were parked awaiting clearance to pass through. Our driver parked our vehicle and proceeded to get our documents verified along with the permits he had obtained the day before from the Sikkim Tourism Department. It may be noted that foreigners are not allowed upto Nathula Pass, they can go only till Tsomgo Lake which is on the way.

Check Post - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Check Post

After a wait of about 30 minutes we were cleared and moved forward on our journey towards our first stop, Tsomogo Lake. Soon the landscape changed as we started our ascent, the road narrowed down and the terrain acquired a ruggedness of its own as we drove on with steep rock faces on one side and deep ravines on the other.

A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
The ascent begins

Half way through we had a pit stop at a small wayside food joint which served some hot and spicy noodles along with freshly brewed and hot mint tea. Looking at the one of the signboards we realized we had reached an altitude of 10,400 Feet and were 25 Kms from Nathula pass and 8 kms from Tsomgo Lake.

A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Our first pit stop

Our bodies fortified by warm food we resumed our upward journey and were soon at Tsomgo lake. The lake is beautiful to say the least, it is fed by the Himalayan glaciers and is at a height of about 12,313 Feet. It remains frozen in winter and the effect of sun, ice and water ensures that the lake assumes a kaleidoscopic hue with colours changing based on the seasons. This lake is considered very sacred by Buddhists. We found some locals with brightly dressed up Yaks on which you could ride for a fee.

Tsomgo Lake - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Tsomgo Lake
All dressed up but nowhere to go - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
All dressed up but nowhere to go

With another look at the gleaming Tsomgo lake we resumed our journey and as we climbed higher and higher the temperature dropped perceptibly  We looked out of the window to see a signboard which said; ‘CAUTION, YOU ARE UNDER CHINESE OBSERVATION’, and our friend Budesh pointed out some Chinese Bunkers in the far distance.

A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Nearing the Indo-China Border

We soon had an opportunity to draw some cash from the world’s highest ATM, situated at an altitude of 13,200 ft. at a small town called Thegu situated between Tsomgo lake and Nathula.

World's highest ATM - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
World’s highest ATM

Next we passed the town of Sherathang which is a point for Indo-China trade. Budesh informed us that this place has an internet café which probably is probably one of its kind, given the fact that it is located at 13,600 ft.

Indo-China Border Trading Post - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Indo-China Border Trading Post

Soon we passed Baba Mandir. We did not stop there, our friend Budesh informed us that this was the ‘New’ Baba Mandir and most tourists came till here only but he was taking us to the original Baba Mandir which was further away at a height of more than 14,000 feet. He then began to regale us with the legend of the Baba Mandir and we listened enraptured, oblivious of the beautiful and wild terrain around us, atleast for the moment.

New Baba Mandir - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
New Baba Mandir

Major Harbhajan Singh was a soldier in the Indian Army who did duty for his country in the harsh and cold climes of Nathula Pass. He died by drowning in a glacier while transporting essential supplies to a remote outpost on the border. After his death he appeared to a friend in a dream and helped the search party locate his body which was found three days after his death. He appeared again in his friend’s dream and instructed that a shrine be built in his memory. The very Bunker in which he did duty has now been converted into a temple, all his personal artefacts are intact and maintained by his army colleagues.

Legend has it that his spirit still roams the harsh terrain of the Indo-China border and sends warnings of enemy movements if any even today! Concluded Budesh as he negotiated a hairpin curve expertly.

We pulled our jackets closer as a chill went up our spine and hair stood on end, and this was not because of the drop in temperature!

A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Original Baba Mandir-Way to the Bunker of Major Harbhajan Singh
View from atop the Bunker - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
View from atop the Bunker
Wild Yaks - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Wild Yaks

We were soon at Nathu La . In the Tibetan language, Nath means ‘listening ears’, and la means, ‘pass’.

Incidentally, the Nathula Pass was part of the historic and ancient silk route through which trade and culture permeated.

We got out from our vehicle at an altitude of 14,140 Ft., and the chill and biting mountain winds hit us, suddenly we could experience the scarcity of oxygen as we felt a slight discomfort and our legs dragged heavily. It is indeed important to note that at this altitude, it may not be advisable to take kids as well as anyone with health issues should be prepared, one could buy a couple of portable oxygen cylinders for the trip in case of emergencies.

The chill and the rarefied atmosphere did not dampen our spirits, we marveled at the sheer beauty of the spectacle before us, wild and virgin terrain on one side, flanked by snow white clouds majestically drifting towards their unknown destination, snow capped mountains peeping from behind the clouds, it was a moment to die for!

A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet

We spent some time at this place which is also one of the Border personnel meeting points for the Indian Army and the Chinese army. We could see the border fence in the distance as well as the faraway mountains of Bhutan. We had some hot and spicy tea at a small tea shop and this was like manna from heaven to our cold bodies. We could not resist the opportunity to thank some of the Indian Army personnel on duty for their valiant efforts of keeping vigil in such harsh conditions.

We left Nathula with a salute to the Indian Flag that flew proudly at 14,410 Ft. and the brave men who kept it flying.

We drove back on the same direction that we had come for about 30 minutes and then took a deviation towards a place called Kupup. We had the road pretty much to ourselves as we meandered up the treacherous road, soon we reached a place that afforded a maginicent view of the snow clad Himalayan ranges, we stopped our vehicle and got down .

It was an amazing experience, there was no one as far as the eyes could see, the ethereal silence was broken only by the howling wind, we could almost touch the huge white clouds that drifted along and as the clouds parted momentarily the silvery mountains in the distance shone with a strange divine luminescence.

A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Far, far from the maddening crowd
Snow clad mountains of the Himalayan range - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Snow clad mountains of the Himalayan range

We were back in our vehicle and soon reached the final point of our destination, the original Baba Mandir about which we had hear some hours back .

We climbed a flight of steps to the Bunker where the soldier saint had diligently kept vigil when he was alive. The bunker has been kept exactly like how it was earlier, there is a bed, military uniform and all the simple artifacts of a soldier. There is a small temple at the foot of the Bunker, where we paid obeisance and an Indian Army soldier filled our hands with a fistful of raisins which was the holy offering of the day at the temple.

Temple dedicated to the soldier saint Major Harbhajan Singh - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Temple dedicated to the soldier saint Major Harbhajan Singh
Inside the Bunker - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Inside the Bunker

As we relished the sweet and sour taste of the raisins, the weather suddenly changed and we were enveloped by huge clouds, the wind became colder and harsher. Budesh informed us that we needed to leave as the weather would worsen from now on and visibility would be affected.

We quickly scrambled into our vehicle and began our journey back to Gangtok, it was a totally different scenario on the way back, the light and shine that had accompanied us till now had given way to darkness and fog, we could barely see anything beyond a few feet. We passed the Tsomogo lake, but could barely see it, we passed all the sights that we had enjoyed a few hours back but could barely see them.

We reached Gangtok as nightfall hit and sank into our hotel beds after a warm dinner to dream about a dreamlike road trip that we had the good fortune to undertake.

Elephant Lake on the way to Nathula Pass - A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet
Elephant Lake on the way to Nathula Pass

Did you enjoy reading this post? We did a road trip to a splendid waterfalls. Do check it out here –Weekend drive to the magnificient Shivanasamudra Falls.

A road trip fromGangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet

A road trip fromGangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet


60 thoughts on “A road trip from Gangtok to Nathula at an altitude of 14,400 feet”

  1. Great post! That is definitely a road trip to die for! lol I would love to go there someday and try spicy noodles on a cliff side. lol Great photos too!

  2. Those views are amazing but those roads are very scary looking lol. I guess we have to go through a little fear to see something so beautiful!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 We went in the month of November and it was quite tolerable. AT Nathula pass though we gasped for breath as temperature drops as you go higher but all in all it was tolerable. But we heard that it is best to visit in April/May.

  3. OMG! This is exactly what I want to do too! I’m going to bookmark this and possibly ask you tips and tricks in 6 months or so! That you so much for sharing!! 🙂

  4. I haven’t been to India but looking forward to going and hopefully putting this on my itinerary. It sounds like such a great adventure with so many experiences and unforgettable events. Thank you!

    1. Thanks Sarah. 🙂 Sikkim definitely should be on your itinerary. If you ever plan to visit India, let me know if you need help planning the itinerary.

  5. I might need the help of well-dressed yak. Haha. This is indeed a road to die for but I guess you still need to take a lot of road trips and let us hear your stories here.

  6. Wow.Amazing shots and lovely write-up.Must be an amazing experience for you while you were at the 13,200 ft. Thanks for the lovely virtual tour.

    Sriram & Krithi

  7. As a little kid I went to Nathula Pass when I visited Sikkim with my parents. I could related to most parts of your story. And what I remember from my trip is a soldier sitting alone at a distant rock from the road. We had gone there and greeted him, he was so happy to have just some human to interact with…my child heart had then wished this world were borderless and like one big family…

  8. This is one experience that I am waiting to do – fingers crossed for next year. I really want to see that lake. Sikkim has been calling out to me for long. Besides Nathu La, I would love to do Pelling as well. Sigh! Soon Soon!

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