Eco Travel – Towards Sustainable And Responsible Tourism

Eco Travel – Towards Sustainable And Responsible Tourism

Eco travel is a way of travelling without upsetting the fragile ecological balance and harming the natural as well as the cultural environment.

Eco Travel – Towards Sustainable And Responsible Tourism

Nature is the source of all life. Water is the elixir of life. Mother Nature’s womb has given birth to the earth and everything in it. All life forms and the five elements of nature namely earth, water, fire, air, and space constitute our world. A world created with an eco-system that rested on the foundations of harmony. Yet, the human race in its pursuit of development and race for technological supremacy is shaking these very foundations. Pollution, indiscriminate use of plastic, disrespect, and disregard for other living beings, careless use of natural resources, deforestation, are all contributing towards the deterioration of the earth and its eco-system. According to the United Nations, “It would take 1.6 Earths to meet the demands that humans make on nature each year.” So, is the situation really apocalyptic? What is being done to arrest this deterioration? How can the common men and particularly travellers contribute towards stabilizing the ecological balance of the earth? These are some of the many questions on the top of everyone’s minds. While organizations and Governments worldwide are taking up initiatives and making policies to ensure the preservation of the earth and its environment, travellers too can practise Eco travel by adopting sustainable and responsible tourism.

Eco Travel – Towards Sustainable And Responsible Tourism

Eco travel

The secret of the sustenance of the earth and life on it is in maintaining its fragile balance. Each and every element of the eco-system has its role to play, and disturbing or removing one element has disastrous consequences. There are many ways that one can contribute towards maintaining the ecological balance of our eco-system by adopting socially responsible tourism as well as travelling to and promoting responsible tourism destinations. One needs to become a conscious eco-traveller committed to ecotravel. There are so many ways that one can contribute directly or indirectly to the different aspects of responsible tourism.

So what is Eco Travel? – What is Ecotrip?

Eco travel

Eco travel encompasses all the principles of responsible tourism. Right from the use of eco-friendly travel products, to taking steps not to damage the natural environment of the places one travels to, Eco travel covers a range of issues that need to be addressed. The conscientious eco-travelers prefer modes of transport that reduce the carbon footprints, encourage local products, are respectful of local cultures, do not disturb wildlife, and say no to animal tourism.

A normal traveller leaves an ugly carbon trail in his wake, from his home to the airport, from the airport to his hotel, from the hotel to different places that he visits at his destination, from his hotel back to the airport, and finally back to his home. The trip would have also upset the delicate balance of our eco-system in so many unseen ways. On the contrary, an eco traveller can set easy to follow responsible tourism examples at every stage of the eco trip he is taking. Let us, deep-dive, into each element of travel and see how a traveler can contribute towards sustainable and responsible tourism.

Eco Travel – Mode of Transport

Chang La Pass

One of the challenges before the world is to reduce carbon footprints. Vehicles contribute to the greenhouse gas emission which takes a toll on our atmosphere. Here are some ways that we can help in reducing the carbon footprints by adopting green travel:

  • Travel to the airport by electric car or if it is nearby, just take a walk if practically possible
  • If you must take a diesel or petrol vehicle, see if it is possible to share your ride
  • If it is practical and viable choose your mode of travel to your destination with the lowest carbon footprints
  • Buses have lesser emissions than trains while planes leave the maximum carbon footprints
  • If you have to travel by plane than see if you are able to choose a Green airline
  • It is not easy to identify a green airline, but if possible study their sustainable practices, whether their planes are old, how do they handle their catering, do they recycle their waste, etc..

Traveling To A Green Destination

Pangong Lake Ladakh

What is a green destination? How to identify it? Again this is easier said than done. But with more and more awareness, more and more tourist destinations are taking conscious efforts to go green by adopting responsible and sustainable tourism practices. More and more Governments and Tourism Boards today are striving to make their destinations green. These could be in small measures like the proper segregation and disposal of waste, recycling of plastic waste, eco-friendly transport, etc..

Nature in Rwanda
Rwandan Countryside

An excellent example of a Green destination is the tiny country of Rwanda in East Africa which is showing the way to the world by its laudable efforts of conservation of the environment through the protection of its forests, wetlands, and lakes. Plastic is banned in Rwanda and the entire country comes together every fourth Saturday for a community cleaning endeavour known as Umuganda. One of the well-known success stories of Rwanda is the conservation of the endangered Mountain Gorillas.

If you look around there are many green destinations around you. This does not mean that you do not travel to destinations that are not green. In fact, you must, to see how you can help in making them green, maybe by raising awareness or working with the stakeholders in some way or the other.

Choosing A Green Hotel | Eco – Friendly Accommodation

Eco Travel

Choosing your accommodation, your place of stay is another important aspect of the travel cycle. It is heartening to note that many hotels and resorts are themselves involved and take a keen interest in sustainable practices. So it is not really hard to look around and find a hotel that is environmentally sensitive and is geared towards sustainable practices, in other words, a place that is striving to be a green hotel. The concept of Green Hotels means that the hotels and resorts are making visible efforts towards sustainability, they may not be right there, but the steps they are taking are visible and also they are ensuring that they do not actively contribute towards the degradation of the environment and the region they are located in. Some of the visible signs took for are listed below, these are indicative and in no way exhaustive.

Say No To Plastic

The hotel or resort says no to plastic.

There are many hotels and resorts that we have been to that have stopped the use of plastic bottles, they no longer provide mineral water in plastic bottles but have replaced them with purified RO water in steel or glass bottles. In fact one hotel that we had stayed in recently had set up drinking water stations at strategic places in the hotel where guests were supposed to fill up.

Providing Employment To Locals

It makes sense for hotels and resorts to employing local labour so that the locals benefit, but not all may be doing this, though the majority of the places we have been to do so as this makes economic sense too.

Efficient Waste Management System In Place

A green waste management system where effluents are treated with environmentally friendly methods and not discharged carelessly is another characteristic of a Green Hotel.

Encouraging Local Culture & Products

The use of locally sourced products, be it vegetables, seafood, spices, or even furniture is a sign of a hotel that is geared towards supporting sustainability and fostering eco travel. Another important aspect is the support of local arts and cultures through activities for the guests and other means.

Indulging In Green Activities

Travel, unless it is purely for business includes various activities that could range from pure sightseeing to cultural and adventure activities. As an eco traveler, this is a very important aspect to keep in mind to ensure one is adhering to the precepts of eco travel.

Saying No to Animal Tourism

Animal tourism is the bane of the world and something that every conscientious traveler needs to raise his voice against. The Eco traveler needs to say no to animal tourism each time and every time. Be it visiting zoos or animal sanctuaries known for their poor record of caring for animals or riding elephants and camels, any form of animal exploitation should be avoided.

We had no regrets of saying no to an Elephant Safari at the Chitwan National Park in Nepal and walking instead, never mind we did not get to see rhinos at close quarters.


Himalayan Marmot in Ladakh
Himalayan Marmot in Ladakh

When it comes to wildlife, go for bonafide safaris only that are legitimate and approved. One needs to understand that we humans are encroaching into the wild and respect the law of the jungle and follow instructions given by the authorities. Some of the key points to follow when viewing wildlife are as under:

  • Follow the instructions of the guide
  • Maintain silence so as not to disturb wildlife
  • Ensure you do not litter anything in the sanctuary area
  • Do not tease or shout at animals
  • Always ensure you maintain a safe distance
  • Do not feed any animals or birds
  • Follow all safety measures

Respecting Culture

Galo Dance in Arunachal Pradesh

Culture is one of the main components of travel. In a highly diversified world consisting of disparate cultures, it is very important for the Eco traveler to be sensitive to different cultures. Eco travel involves accepting cultures and traditions which may seem downright alien to the culture that you are familiar with. If you participate in cultural activities, ensure that you accord it due respect and understand it with empathy.

Respecting Cultural And Heritage Landmarks

Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India
Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India

It is sad that there are many cases where tourists violate and indulge in practices that are, to say the least, sacrilegious. In the mad rush for selfies, they tread on tombs and fragile structures, not only hurting sentiments but also endangering fragile historical structures. These king of callous practices have no place in Eco travel and responsible tourism.

Encouraging Local Businesses

It is important for Eco travel that it impacts the local economy and the local businesses get a boost. As a champion of sustainability one should shop in local markets, buy local handicrafts and other local products that encourage local artists.

Eating Local Food

The Green traveler looks to impact the local economy even in the food they choose to eat while traveling. Eating local food made from products sourced locally is a desirable practice.

Eating Eco-Food | Eco Diet

The food one eats too needs to be the kind by eating which you are not contributing to an imbalance. For example, eating a rare variety of fish that is known to be endangered and thereby hastening its extinction.

Using Eco – Friendly Travel Products | Eco friendly travel accessories

Eco Travel

The travel products that we use are another way that we can contribute towards a better and more ecologically balanced world. Be it eco friendly travel toiletries or other eco travel products, it is important that one keeps a wary eye for such products that contribute towards environmental degradation and avoid them. Eco friendly travel items ensure that wastage is minimized and the environment is not threatened.

Eco friendly Travel Products

Listed below are few eco-friendly travel products:

  • Refillable water bottles
  • Re-usable straw
  • Menstrual cups
  • Eco-friendly toothbrush
  • Eco-friendly travel clothing

Eco Travel – Biodiversity & Wildlife

Akagera National Park
Akagera National Park in Rwanda

Did you know that within the next 10 years, one out of every four known species may have been wiped off the planet?

This is an alarming fact highlighted by the United Nations, which has adopted the theme of biodiversity for the year 2020 and for the celebration of the World Environment Day on June 5th.

Why is Biodiversity so important?

Well, biodiversity is the pillar on which rests the existence of the world and its inhabitants. Biodiversity can be viewed as an intricate network that connects the 8 million plant and animal species that inhabit the earth along with their ecosystems. Each of these, have a role to play in the overall scheme of things, and they are interdependent.

Tips For Eco-Friendly Travel

  • Try and avoid plastic products
  • Travel light as this helps in reducing carbon emission on flights
  • Try and travel overland as much as possible
  • Conserve water and power wherever you are, at home or at a hotel
  • Make use of public transport as far as possible
  • Carry a refillable water bottle for use during your travel
  • Plan for environmentally conscious trips
  • Eat eco friendly food
  • Carry eco friendly travel mugs and say no to disposable paper or plastic cups
  • When you pack think of the environment and refer to an Eco Friendly packing list


What is an eco trip?

Eco trip is a trip that you do under the banner of ecotourism. It is usually to a lesser-known place that is less crowded and developed as an alternative destination to a standard and commercialized destination.

What is the most environmentally friendly way to travel?

Logically the most environmentally friendly way to travel would be walking. Other practical options are electric vehicles.

What are some examples of responsible tourism and ecotourism?

Some of the best examples of ecotourism trips can be found in places like Antarctica, Costa Rica, etc..

What is ecotourism tours and why is it important?

Ecotourism is travel to environmentally fragile places and interacting with the ecosystem without upsetting the ecological balance. These eco friendly tours are done on a small scale and usually as an alternative to more high- impact mass tourism.

What is eco friendly tourism?

It is tourism that is focused on green travel to green and eco travel destinations and involves environment-friendly activities. Many ecotourism companies today are into eco friendly budget travel and offering these kinds of tours. Eco travel trends around the world are showing a positive trend and spell optimism for the future.

What is the cleanest way to travel?

The cleanest way to travel without degrading the natural environment is by walking, cycling, or the use of electric cars.

Is it better to travel by train or bus?

In terms of carbon footprints, Bus would be a better option.

What is the most eco-friendly airline?

Airlines are not good for the environment, but there are some airlines that leave less carbon footprints than the others. The airlines that have modern and energy-efficient planes have lesser carbon emissions.

How can you be sustainable while traveling?

Embarking on eco travel is the way towards sustainable traveling. Right from your mode of transport to where you go, where you stay, and what you do impacts the world around you. To be sustainable while traveling, one needs to be mindful of this and ensure that the balance is not upset.

What is sustainable travel and Eco tourism?

Sustainable travel and tourism is geared towards travel that does not upset the ecological balance and is mindful of local cultures and local economic development.

What is an example of sustainable tourism?

There are many examples of sustainable tourism around us. Many resorts and destinations are working towards this end today.

What is responsible tourism and travel?

Traveling while consciously being aware of ones’ responsibility the environment and culture of the place are what makes a traveler responsible.

What does it mean to be a responsible tourist?

One needs to introspect and see how as an individual one can be a responsible tourist by following sustainable practices, check out this post about sustainability for more details.

How do you travel responsibly?

A responsible traveler indulges in eco travel, mindful of his surroundings and ensures that he does nothing to negatively upset the fragile balance of the environment and uses eco-travel products

What is Eco Adventure Travel?

With the world moving towards an eco green travel trend, adventure travel too needs to be environment friendly. Whether it is river rafting or a wildlife safari, proper measures need to be taken.

What does sustainable travel mean?

Sustainable travel is traveling without harming the environment of the place, both in terms of nature and culture. It also involves the use of eco travel products that do not contribute to endangering the environment and leaving a trail of carbon footprints.


To sum up, it all boils down to how we as individuals and travellers can contribute towards halting the slide of the world owing to ecological degradation. Each baby step we take as individuals would snowball into a giant step for mankind in the race to preserve our world, its heritage, and culture. We do hope you liked our eco travel and ecotrips blog and it serves as a eco travel guide, we look forward to inputs from you on how you pursue sustainable and responsible travel. Do connect with us through our comments section or any of our social media handles.

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Eco Travel – Towards Sustainable And Responsible Tourism

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27 thoughts on “Eco Travel – Towards Sustainable And Responsible Tourism”

  1. Sandy this is a topic that is so important, especially right now when travel has just about come to a stand still all over the world. We cannot continue in the way that we have been, the world cannot sustain that any longer.

    I know that this worldwide situation has been devastating but perhaps it will be the catalyst for change that is so needed.

  2. Thank you for this informative post! I had no clue Rwanda was a green destination!
    I always try to purchase the carbon footprint offset when booking flights but I don’t know how impactful that is. These days, I’m looking more into overland travel since I have more time and it protects both the environment and my wallet 🙂

  3. Jenn | By Land and Sea

    Bravo! You have touched on many things here that help make trips more sustainable! It’s amazing that there are so many little things travelers can do to lessen their impacts. I’m curious to see how sustainability will evolve in the future.

  4. Wow these are some tips I would never have thought of ..walking instead of taking taxis unnecessarily is a good one and simple one that can be followed.. sustainability is the key

  5. Shreemayee Chattopadhyay

    Wow, you have covered all aspects here. Thanks for such an informative post. Sustainable living is the best way to give back to Mother Nature.

  6. Such an informative and eye opening post Sandy, I really wish and pray that going forward even the world opens we all take to responsible eco travel.

  7. That’s a informative post. I had no clue that we have Eco travel too. Sustainability living is really very important.

  8. This is very interesting and the need of the day… My bestie loves travelling.. I will share this with her!

  9. This is such a motivating post about traveling responsibly. Agree we add to carbon footprint unknowingly while traveling. These eco traveling tips helps a lot

  10. Great tips for successful eco travel. You hit on a lot of things I had never thought of, like a specific eco friendly diet, although we just watched a video about foods that are not legal in the US. I think they cover the same types of things, like shark fin soup. I will keep these tips in mind when I travel.

  11. This is such an informative article, and it really hasn’t come at a better time! Now that travel has been put on hold for a few months and nature around the world has flourished, we really need to think hard about the way we will start travelling when it’s back up and running again!

  12. This is a fantastic post which makes us all more aware of the environment. My hope is that we have all seen the benefits and changes and we continue to use the same methods and live the same lifestyle that we have been doing. The world will be a much better place.

  13. Great post idea Sandy. Sustainability is always something I like to keep in mind when travelling, though getting anywhere from Australia always involves a long flight. The flying aside, choosing eco tourism operators for tours and accommodation is always a priority for me.

  14. Thank you for this wonderful and very important post. It’s a shame – and very damaging – how much especially poorer countries sacrify to supposedly please tourists. I think that especially the current situation should teach us a lesson – or at least make us think.

  15. Wow, I learned so much by reading this post about ecotourism. I’ve often been concerned about my carbon footprint while traveling, so I really appreciate these tips. You’ve given me a lot to think about…I am especially saddened by the predictions about the impact on animals. I’ll definitely be more proactive about seeking out green hotels and modes of transportation, as well as taking other small steps outlined in your article. If every one of us does the right thing, surely it will have an impact? Although, I would like to see a commitment from big corporations, too…

  16. Love these tips! We also work hard to try and make every trip an eco trip. While we mostly road trip, we’ve cut back on our flights and try to live as waste-free as possible. I’d love to hear more tips around eating eco-friendly while travelling!

  17. This is a topic that has become central to my travels and I love the way you explained the topic with all the tips. Now before going on any travel I make sure it’s an eco-travel. Giving back to the community and not increasing the carbon footprint is something I consciously look for. In all the hotels taht I have stayed in the last 2 years I have never used plastic bottles, instead I have insisted to getting a purified RO water in steel or glass bottles.

  18. I think we are so much more aware of the importance of sustainable travel now! I think we will travel much more eco-consciously in the future.

  19. This post is full of a ton of great information about eco traveling and ways to make a positive impact when you travel. I like that more hotels are becoming more aware of their carbon footprint, which makes it a bit easier to choose an eco-friendly or friendlier stay.

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