Top of Europe – Jungfraujoch, A Must See in Switzerland

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe

Travelling along on the freeway called life; some journeys leave an indelible mark on our minds and hearts and they remain evergreen in our memories. They reside deep in the recesses of the mind and it takes just a glimpse of a photo or the sound of some words to bring these memories to life in front of the mind’s eye. One such experience that continues to enthral us, is a breathtaking journey that we undertook to the Top of Europe – Jungfraujoch, a heavenly place high up in the Swiss Alps. Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe is a must-see destination in Switzerland. It is the highlight of a Swiss holiday, a UNESCO World Heritage site of the Swiss Alps. It has the highest railway station in Europe.

When we were planning the trip to Jungfraujoch and were googling for information, one image used to constantly come up. This was of a building with a shining steel dome perched high up on top of a snow-clad cliff. Seeing this image, I was overwhelmed by a sense of Deja Vu and I tried to remember where I had seen this before. After a lot of introspection and retrospection, I realized that the image had an uncanny resemblance to Xanadu, the magical abode of Mandrake, the Magician.

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

I had been an avid reader of comics of Mandrake and Phantom as a kid and the image of Xanadu had remained in the inner recesses of my mind and had come alive on seeing the images of Jungfraujoch.

With this kind of a background, I was terribly excited, when on a cold Saturday morning, when it was still dark, we left our hotel in Uster, which is a small city in the canton of Zurich and which had served as our base for exploring the beauty of Switzerland.

We walked swiftly to the Railway Station which was just a few minutes away and waited for our train which would take us on the first leg of our journey to the Top of Europe.

Jungfraujoch was definitely mesmerizing but as they say, the journey is as good as the destination and many times even more. The train journey to and from Jungfraujoch is in itself an experience to cherish.

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

The train arrived precisely at the time it was meant to after all the trains work like clockwork and function with the famed Swiss precision. We entered one of the First Class compartments and made ourselves comfortable, we had the entire compartment to ourselves! We settled down as the train pulled away towards our immediate destination, Interlaken OST.

The train chugged along, taking us nearer to our destination, and soon day broke outside, we looked out of the window and the sight that greeted our eyes took our breath away. Lush green meadows sloped as far as the eyes could see, the grass wore a silvery sheen because of the early morning dew, the first rays of the morning sun bent gently to caress the beautiful earth, some sheep grazed in this paradise on earth as little lambs gambolled behind them. In the far distance, we saw picturesque little houses embellishing the beautiful landscape with a daintiness which was in harmony with nature.

We could not take our eyes away from the window as the beautiful and picturesque landscape of Switzerland passed in front of our eyes. But our stomachs did not care, they needed their fuel and rumbled with anger. Thankfully,  we unpacked the sandwiches, cheese and orange juice, which our hotel had thoughtfully packed for us and had one of the most wonderful breakfasts that we have ever had. After all, not every day do you breakfast in a Swiss train, with your eyes feasting on the gorgeous Swiss landscape.

As we neared Interlaken OST, the landscape outside changed and we had our first glimpse of the mountains and their snow-clad peaks, the excitement we felt was literally palpable as I stood up to open a small window at the top which enabled me to take pictures without the intervening glass. The train passed through a winding bridge as we rode over a small rivulet with crystal clear water washing the rocks beneath it. We pinched ourselves, to make sure that this was real and not a beautiful dream the would end soon, such was the magic of the moment and no words would do justice to capture those hypnotic moments. Interlaken offers a lot of adventure activities. If you are an adventure junkie then you should not miss Switzerland skydive at Interlaken.

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

Soon we arrived at Interlaken OST, the end of the first leg of a breathtaking journey and the beginning of a more spectacular train journey that would now take us to our ultimate destination, The top of Europe – Jungfraujoch! 

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

We changed trains and hopped on to a train that took us to Grindelwald, a picturesque little village and gateway to the Jungfrau region, situated at a height of 1,034 meters. At Grindelwald, we again changed trains and took the train to Kleine Scheidegg. 

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

It was from Kleine Scheidegg that we would begin our ascent to the Top of Europe in a cog wheel train. The Jungfrau Railway itself is in many ways, an engineering marvel and has been climbing up the snow clad mountains for a century..

We excitedly got into the train and the train pulled off from Kleine Scheidegg on the last leg of our journey to The Top of Europe.

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

The train started a steep ascent almost immediately and as I peered out of the window, I was excited and shouted like a kid as I saw one of the most romantic and fascinating sights which excite boys and men alike. It was the train taking a turn in a wide curve as it made its way up the winding trail. We were able to see the engine in the distance as it made its way proudly up the mountain trail.

After about two kilometers the train drove into a tunnel, a tunnel which ran for almost seven kilometers, right up to Jungfraujoch. The tunnel is again a monument to the ingenuity, grit and determination of engineers who have bored this tunnel into the mountains of Eiger and Monch.

There were two brief stops before we reached Jungfraujoch. The first one was at Eigerwand or Eiger Wall, the underground station is situated behind the famous North face of the Eiger mountain. It is at an altitude of 2,864 meters or 9,396 feet.



The train stopped here for 5 minutes and everyone rushed towards the glass windows which are carved into the face of the rock. We were first of the block and managed to get a vantage point from where we were able to view the stunning Bernese Oberland in all its majestic beauty.

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

The second stop was Eismeer, which is situated at an altitude of 3,158 meters or 10,361 feet. The station is situated behind the South-East face of the Eiger. Here again the train stops for 5 minutes. We again rushed towards the glass windows and what we saw was a sea of ice as we viewed the Grindelwald-Fiescher glacier.



After a few minutes of silently marvelling at the spectacular white carpet that stretched beneath us, we were back in the train on our last and final assault on the Top of Europe – Jungfraujoch.

Soon we arrived at Jungfraujoch station, located at a height of 3, 454 meters or 11,332 feet and took an elevator.

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

The elevator took us to the Top of Europe Building which is actually the building with a steel dome on top of a cliff, which had captured my imagination. This building is situated on a cliff or summit which is known as the Sphinx. Because of this, the building has also come to be known as the Sphinx. It houses an observatory which is one of the highest in the world.

jungfraujoch top of europe

The building houses restaurants with panoramic views and what interested us the most was an elegant restaurant named Bollywood. We travelled in the elevator to a viewing platform by the side of the observatory at an altitude of
3,571 meters or 11,716 feet.


A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

We marvelled at the snowy white sea stretched out all around is and as it was pretty sunny and some of the cliffs glistened and looked like huge scoops of milky white ice cream.

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe

We also saw a crow sitting on a cable, its jet black colour a sharp contrast to the sheet of white behind it.


Then we walked down a tunnel and were out in the snow, we trekked for some time in the snow, made balls of snow and threw at each other and slid down the snowy slopes with gay abandon. We spent quite a bit of time playing in the snow and generally having an awesome time. Soon it was time to get back indoors.

We visited an ice grotto which housed many ice sculptures.

A breathtaking journey to the Top of Europe



We then made our way to the elevator which took us back to the Railway station to begin our journey back.

We were settled in our seats as the train pulled out of Jungfraujoch station, the darkness in the tunnel enveloped us, but our minds and hearts were aglow with the great experience that we had and the innumerable and valued memories that we were taking back. None of us spoke, afraid we would break the spell that enveloped us if we did.

Switzerland has much more to offer, with something beautiful in every nook and corner. 

Which one of your journeys have left an indelible mark on your hearts and minds, do share with us.

Top of Europe – Jungfraujoch

Top of Europe – Jungfraujoch

Recommended read:

10 awesome places to visit in Switzerland


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102 thoughts on “Top of Europe – Jungfraujoch, A Must See in Switzerland”

  1. Wow, those views are incredible! I think we do need to make this a priority to see before we die and when we go to Europe! You’re right, even though I didn’t know what Xanadu was, this place does resemble it! Thanks for the photo to compare it to! The first thing I thought of when I saw your post was the end of the movie Inception!

  2. Swiss mountains are so charming and i hope you come to Slovenia, we have similar natural scenes. My favourite mountain is Triglav national park, its not that stunning as Swiss Alps but its the highest peak in Slovenia and when you climb it you cross the lakes and views are simply fantastic.

  3. Wow, you have some absolutely stunning photos in this post. It looks like Switzerland is just beautiful. I have been to the Alps but in Italy rather than Switzerland. Looks like I need a visit! I love the look of the ice grotto and sculptures. There is something lovely about how much work has gone in to them even though they may ultimately just melt away eventually.

  4. The views are incredible! What an experience! I’d love to check out that ice grotto! 🙂 I laughed at your description about how your stomach’s need for food disagreed with your eyes’ desire to keep taking in the view!

  5. Wow, what a wonderful journey and a stunning destination! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog post, you made me feel like I could almost be there. I definitely need to add this to my bucket list of places to visit. THank you so much for sharing it with us 🙂

  6. I love how you combined this trip with your love for comics. It’s always a great way to attach a personal “mission” to it when you travel. Makes it so much more exciting (not that this epic looking place needed it though). The views were breathtaking and the ice tunnel just so cool!

  7. This place has long been on my to do list, and your stunning photos do little to change that!

    I’m constantly captivated by large mountains and snow.


  8. Its like a Dream. I can imagine the kind of emotions you must have gone through when you were standing top of that mountain in Europe. Someday I would like to experience that . Thanks for sharing.

  9. I went here a few years ago and remember it fondly! The view from the top was amazing and like nothing else in this world…Glad you enjoyed and could share!

  10. There’s really nothing like Switzerland! Everywhere you go, the view is breathtaking. There’s so much to see and I love that there are large areas that are still untouched by civilization. It’s one of the best places to go to to get away from it all.

  11. Omg the Swiss Alps look stunning! But I think my favourite photo is of the ice grotto 🙂 I always love to travel by train so I enjoyed reading about that. Great post 🙂

  12. I visited Jungfraujoch in 2011 and this post engulfed me with nostalgia. I was so much in love with the red train and this train journey is the the best that I have done so far. The Swiss alps just took over my senses and of course at the top, its all the more amazing.

  13. I would definitely love to explore the Interlaken region by train. The views you had were stunning. Besides the mountain itself, I would also love to visit the ice cave. This sounds like a must do trip when in Switzerland.

  14. That ice grotto is something else. Probably would give me a slight sense of being too closed in. Just stunning views from the train and from that station though. Wow, definitely a must see in Switzerland. Gorgeous.

  15. Oh my gosh, it’s so beautiful! I love those snowy pictures – it looks too perfect! I’ve only been to Lausanne and Geneva, I’d love to go back to Switzerland for some mountain activities!

  16. I have heard so many good things about Switzerland. Indians any how love the idea of Switzerland thanks to the many Bollywood films shot there, especially those by Yash Chopra.

  17. I adore Switzerland – it’s so beautiful and isn’t the efficiency wonderful? There’s nothing like a train arriving on time and as expected! This is one spot we haven’t hit though – adding to the list for next time!!

  18. Your pictures are stunning. Made me rewind back to our trip. Going by train to Jungfraujoch is such a wonderdul experience…the sights are just breathtaking. Unfortunately, when we reached the peak, it was cloudy and misty, so we missed that ultimate view. But the rest was one of the most beautiful journeys!

  19. I had so much fun doing this after my Viking Rhine River cruise. It was the only day of my life that I forgot to pack my sunglasses and the white out at the top nearly blinded me. Needless to say, my pictures were not very flattering. lol I hope you enjoyed as much as I did.

  20. What a beautiful place! When I was in Switzerland I only went to Lucerne and Rhine Falls. Clearly, I need to get up in the mountains! I love those ice tunnels! Thanks for sharing your beautiful experience in the Swiss Alps!

  21. Oh my goodness! The view is absolutely amazing. Thank you for sharing your experience. I’ve never been to Switzerland before but a few of my friends have and they all loved it. I should make Switzerland a travel destination soon!

  22. This was the first place that I ever saw snow!!! I was so excited. It was back in like 2007 – on my first overseas trip from Australia. It was actually Summer but there was still snow on the mountain. Definitely a day that I will never forget. Great suggestions!

  23. I had to copy-paste this word, Jungfraujoch because I cannot spell that myself hahaha… Anyway, wow, the scenery on your photos are absolutely breath-taking. That underground station is my favorite. It might have been crazy cold there with all that snow. I haven’t been to a place that snows yet, I’d probably be really cold (heck the aircon was enough to make my teeth chatter), but I’d still love to experience it.

  24. Amazing! This trip looks completely out of a dream! What better way to experience Switzerland that via train? How many days did you take for this trip? Did you get any kind of altitude sickness or anything?

  25. Such fantastic images.Switzerland is incredibly beautiful every side you look. It is always such a great feeling when you see in reality something you have always seen in images.

  26. Your post is amazing. I’ve been once in Swizz when i visited a friend of mine and we had a little walk to the Alps. I must say, the view was amazing, breathtaking..Your pictures bring me back in the time and my memories..thanks

  27. Beautiful pictures. I missed out on Jungfraujoch owing to paucity of time. Some day I hope I can get back to see it. I had heard of the ride up there and seeing it through your pictures was just amazing.

  28. Oh, I am dying of envy now! I skipped Jungfraujoch the last time and instead went to Mt. Titlis. I love your photos. Jungfraujoch is still on my list though. Perhaps next time 🙂 By the way, Titlis has an ice cave as well as the highest suspension bridge, maybe you can also check it out. I definitely enjoyed my time there.

  29. This post has gotten me SO EXCITED for my trip next year. We are planning a trip out to visit Jungfraujoch. Thank you for sharing your journey. Traveling via train would be such an incredible way to explore Switzerland.

  30. stunning pics, would love to visit switzerland, missed out this time when i visited Europe, the place looks absolutely stunning.

  31. I have never heard of this place before – but now that I have, it’s on my list for sure! I love mountains and snow and beautiful scenery so this ticks so many boxes! The train journey looks magnificent and I absolutely adore your photos.

  32. Gotta love Switzerland. I’ve been up a few of the Alps but not Jungfrau and it certainly looks amazing. The ice grotto in particular looks really intriguing. Will have to do this on my next visit.

  33. I have been here and though it’s pretty, it is honestly the most overrated touristy thing in Switzerland. SUPER expensive unless you take a day card and then get a discount. I would not recommend it to people if they had a short time only. Probably I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone at all. Going up to Grindelwald or max Kleine Scheddig is just fine too.

  34. Beautiful place and number one on my list of things to do when I go back to Switzerland – unfortunately didn’t get a chance to do it last time! The train ride to the top looks amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  35. This trip looks incredible! I love the personal connection that you were able to find with as well. I had never heard of it but I will definitely have to add it to my list.

  36. I just love Switzerland. It’s that one country for me that is always like a fairytale. Just picture perfect everywhere you go. This sounds like an incredible place. Would love the train journey and the ice grotto reminds me of something I went in on Mt Titlis, Switzerland. Really enjoyed reading about this great place.

  37. Your pictures captured that Switzerland is truly stunning! This has always been at the top of my European travel list. I can imagine it’s a place you would never get tired of the scenery. Have to do the train ride!!

  38. Wow, this place looks amazing! Only been to Switzerland for a brief stopover and didn’t get chance to see much. Will have to go back and check this place out

  39. I remember not being able to unglue my eyes from the window either when I took a train ride through Switzerland. Wish I’d spent more time in the country. Jungfraujoch looks spectacular and I’d love to see the glacier up close like that!

  40. We are soon headed here. I am going to bookmark your europe posts. These are gonna be of tremendous help to us. Exactly what we were looking for. Thanks for the post!! Any additional tips for going there with a 3 years old in April?

  41. I cannot imagine a person who wouldn’t enjoy the Swiss Alps – the region is simply stunning! I was there last summer and honestly could not believe my eyes. You captured the beauty of this place really well.

  42. Wow the ice sculpture is awesome. I went to the Hotel de Glacé in Quebec last year where they had one similiar. This part of Switzerland is totally stunning

  43. Simply Breathtaking! Those pictures are like gemstones which have glorified your blog! Those words intoxicated me and my imaginations ran faster than my heart beats as I pictured myself on the Top of Europe with my hands full of snow!

  44. Aditi Chakraborty

    This beautiful town is a wonderland of Europe. Did not know about its association to the mandrake comics. The pictures are a treat to any photographer’s eye. It surely made it to my bucket list.

  45. The descriptive account of travel experience to jungfraujoch prespires an individual to just pack their bags and travel to Europe. This post explains how a traveller feels while traveling. the Swiss beauty is defined nicely in this article.

  46. I can understand the feeling when something you read up in fiction matches with something that is real. I
    get similar feeling when I see the rolling meadows of Himalayas; I think about Heidi. The pictures are incredible to say the least, oh wait…it is Switzerland right? What else do you expect??

  47. Jungfraujoch is definitely going on my bucket list. Thank you for sharing this. The pictures that you have included are simply mind-blowing. Especially the one of Bollywood.

  48. Just like you, the Jungfrau region of Switzerland left an indelible mark on my heart the first time I visited. I’m fortunate to have returned many times over the years and am currently planning my next visit. I never, ever tire of the stunning scenery and agree that the train ride to the Jungfraujoch is a must do!

  49. An amazing blog was planning my trip to Switzerland.After reading this article I have finalized the places as well as the adventures to be done.Thanks for such a great share.

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