Kargil Tourism – Amazing Places To Visit In Kargil, Ladakh

Kargil Tourism - Places To Visit In Kargil, Ladakh

Kargil Tourism offers a mosaic of experiences across places to visit in Kargil, culture, heritage, and adventure. It is an amazing winter destination.

Kargil Tourism - Places To Visit In Kargil, Ladakh

Where the frontiers of reality seem to blur and the boundaries of imagination take over, such a land is Kargil in the Union Territory of Ladakh, India. Kargil District is generally identified as a war zone, however, this is far from the truth, Kargil tourism has much to offer to travelers. Kargil’s literally divine contours seem to have been specially handcrafted with love by the hands of the Maker himself.

As you travel across Kargil, you wonder whether you are living a surreal dream or by a strange quirk of fate dropped into a beautiful painting. You wonder whether you have become the sweet notes of a beautiful Ghazal or dived into the verses of Wordsworth. Such is the ethereal beauty of Kargil that you want to live and die in its loving embrace.

Kargil stretches like a garland of pearls in the union territory of Ladakh and offers unparalleled experiences in nature, heritage, and adventure. All this is garnished with generous doses of warmth and hospitality of a people who are the life of Kargil tourism.

Truly Kargil is the land of snow and smiles, a place that one must visit and experience at least once in a lifetime.

Table of Contents

Kargil Tourism – Kaleidoscopic Kargil | Places To Visit In Kargil

Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism – Beauty around every bend in the road

As you drive across the snowy landscapes of Kargil, a feeling of timelessness sets in and you want the journey to go on forever and ever. Though we had travelled across Ladakh and feasted on its changing and surreal landscapes from the Pangong Lake to its mystical monasteries like Alchi, Basgo, and Lamayuru, etc., the experience that Kargil offered was something that even our imagination found to be beyond its frontiers.

Kargil Tourism – Ladakh Winter Conclave 2021

Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism – Rich Cultural Heritage

We were back in Ladakh, the first time after it became a Union Territory. We were there to attend the Ladakh Winter Conclave 2021, and this time we were headed to Kargil for the first time and looked forward to some unique experiences in the lovely region.

One is always awed by the sheer raw and natural beauty of Ladakh. You are under a hypnotic spell right from the moment the plane approaches the Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport in Leh for landing. Snow-clad mountains surrounding Leh reflect the rays of the sun creating myriad patterns. As you get out of the plane, the cold Himalayan winds envelop you in a tight embrace.

A traditional musical welcome awaited us at the Leh airport and after a quick completion of formalities and a nice and warm lunch at the Singge Palace Hotel in Leh, we hit the road towards Kargil which was about 217 kilometres away.

The Journey From Leh To Kargil | Kargil Tourism

kargil Tourism- On the road from Leh to Kargil
Kargil Tourism- On the road from Leh to Kargil

The ever-changing colours of the Indus river sparkled as it meandered along with us on our journey from Leh to Kargil. The river that has been a silent witness to the birth and growth of civilization on the Indian subcontinent clutched many a secret to its bosom as its crystal waters winked mischievously at us as we drove along its banks towards our rendezvous with Kargil for the Ladakh Winter Conclave 2021.

Kargil Tourism - On the road from Leh to Kargil
Kargil Tourism – On the road from Leh to Kargil

The spectacle that nature unveiled outside the windows of our car was such that we could not take our eyes off it. Our eyes were afraid to even blink, lest we miss something of the exquisite landscape that stretched out endlessly outside.

We had followed the same route on one of our earlier trips when we had driven up to the Aryan villages of Dah and Hanu. Pleasant memories flooded back as we passed the Gurudwara Pathar Sahib, the Basgo castle, and the monastery.

Soon we left the Indus behind as we moved forward towards our destination, Kargil India. Huge blankets of snow greeted us and the mercury dropped as we made good speed towards Kargil. A huge ice formation by the side of the road compelled us to stop for a while and take a look at this wonderful spectacle of nature.

Mulbekh Chamba Statue Kargil
Kargil Tourism – Mulbekh Maitreya Buddha Statue

It was dark by the time we reached Mulbekh which is about 45 kilometres from Kargil. Here stands an imposing rock sculpture of Maitreya Buddha (Future Buddha) that is believed to date back to the 8th Century. At the feet of the Maitreya Buddha, we were welcomed to Kargil and a colourful dance performance was presented.

It was late in the night when we reached the PC Palace Hotel in Kargil, a place that would be our home during our stay in Kargil. It may be noted that this hotel was the only hotel that was open in the winter months when Kargil is usually covered with thick layers of snow.

Kargil Tourism – Our 3 Day Kargil Itinerary

Kargil Tourism - Dras
Kargil Tourism – Dras

Our itinerary in Kargil had been very well curated and managed by the organizers including the Kargil Hotel Owners’Association and Ladakh Tourism and Kargil Tourism. It encompassed a colourful bouquet of experiences that ranged from places to visit in Kargil, Heritage sites, Winter sports in Kargil, Heritage sites in Kargil, Cultural experiences of Kargil, and culinary experiences of Kargil.

Kargil Tourism – Day One of Our Itinerary

Kargil Tourism - Snowy roads of Kargil
Kargil Tourism – Snowy roads of Kargil

Kargil city was just waking up from slumber when we made our way towards Dras. Dras in local parlance is often referred to as Hem-Babs which literally translates as, Snow-Land. As we neared Dras, we found snow everywhere, it stretched like a white blanket on either side of the road as far as the eyes could see. The blue skies painted a mesmerizing collage with the pure white snow that covered the land.

With temperatures ranging well below -20 degrees in winter, Dras is a veritable winter wonderland and is said to be the second coldest place on earth. As we drove towards our destination, the beauty of the virginal snow humbled us and we watched in sheer reverence the phenomenon of nature unveiled before us.

Ice Hockey Match In Dras

Ice Hockey Match In Dras Kargil
Kargil Tourism – Ice Hockey Match in Dras

Virtually in the middle of nowhere, we heard the sound of a whistle and loud cheering. We found ourselves on the sidelines of a thrilling ice-hockey match being played as part of the Ladakh Winter Conclave 2021. The players glided effortlessly across the length and breadth of the Ice Hockey Arena.

They dribbled and ran as if they were welded to the icy floor, chasing the puck with missionary zeal. Puck for the uninitiated is a hard disc that is made of rubber used as a ball in ice hockey. Watching the ice hockey match in such a sublime setting was nothing short of a revelation, and its memories send waves of excitement even today.

Visiting Draupadi Kund

Draupadi Kund Kargil
Kargil Tourism – Draupadi Kund

After watching the exhilarating ice hockey match, we drove along with the snow again into what seemed the middle of nowhere, Snow stretched infinitely on all sides, when we started walking on a small track towards a snowbank. There amidst all the snow stood what is known as Draupadi Kund, a pond that now lay frozen and was a bank of pristine and untouched white snow.

Legend has it that the Pandavas along with Draupadi stayed here for some time while on their way to the Himalayas. The myth has it that Draupadi used to bathe in a small pond which later came to be known as Draupadi Kund.

Kargil War Memorial | Dras War Memorial

Kargil War Memorial
Kargil Tourism – Kargil War Memorial at Dras

When you think Kargil, your mind immediately runs to the valiant sacrifices of our soldiers. The memories of the Kargil war heroes and the Kargil war story haunt you. As you enter the precincts of the Kargil War Memorial in Dras, you are overcome with strange emotions. Tears spring from your eyes of their own volition and you are choked with emotion.

As you see the tombs of the valiant soldiers covered with a white shroud of snow, with just their epitaphs peeping out, you are swept away in a deluge of emotion. You think about these soldiers who will never return home to the loving arms of a wife, father, mother, son, or daughter. who lie there on the frontiers of the country, after sacrificing themselves for the sake of the country.

Kargil Tourism - Kargil War Memorial
Kargil Tourism – Kargil War Memorial

The Kargil War Memorial is about 5 kilometres from Dras town. It stands against the backdrop of the Kargil mountains that had transformed into a theatre of war in 1999, during the Kargil war. Prominent among these hills are Tiger Hill and Tololing.

At the centre of the Kargil War Memorial is a pink sandstone wall that has a huge brass plaque with names of the soldiers who died during Operation Vijay engraved on it. In front of this burns the eternal flame, the Amar Jawan Jyoti, and high up the Indian tricolour flies high fluttering in the Himalayan air, an eternal requiem to the brave hearts of India.

चाह नहीं, मैं सुरबाला के गहनों में गूँथा जाऊँ,
चाह नहीं प्रेमी-माला में बिंध प्यारी को ललचाऊँ,
चाह नहीं सम्राटों के शव पर हे हरि डाला जाऊँ,
चाह नहीं देवों के सिर पर चढूँ भाग्य पर इठलाऊँ,
मुझे तोड़ लेना बनमाली,उस पथ पर देना तुम फेंक!
मातृ-भूमि पर शीश- चढ़ाने,जिस पथ पर जावें वीर अनेक!

These immortal words of the Hindi Poet Makhanlal Chaturvedi which you find engraved in front of the Amar Jawan Jyoti come alive as you pay your respects to the memory of the brave soldiers.

A visit to Kargil would be meaningless if you were not to prostrate yourself before the hallowed memory of the Indian soldiers who laid down their lives for the country and its people.

Watch the video of the Kargil War Memorial here.


Strolling By The Historic Balti Bazar

Kargil Tourism - Historic Balti Bazar
Kargil Tourism – Historic Balti Bazar

Wooden ramshackle structures with closed doors dot both sides of a narrow winding street. The structures have apparently seen better days. Today they are a shadow of their past, but within their dark interiors, they hide a glorious and vibrant history. Balti Bazar, the oldest market of Kargil was once a bustling centre of trade and commerce on the famous Silk Route.

Amongst the wooden structures, one can still glimpse some gems of the traditional wooden architecture that was typical of Ladakh of those times. A unique Gurudwara that shared a common wall with a mosque stood as a silent testimony to the secular character of the region.

Shopping At Apo Bazar

Kargil Tourism
Market Square in Kargil – Kargil Tourism

Running parallel to the historic Balti Bazar stands another street which is called Apo Bazar. The street is lined with shops that sell souvenirs and colourful traditional dresses. There are a few tailoring shops too. Towards one end of the Apo Bazar is a market square that is choc-a-bloc with vendors selling dry fruits and fruits including the cash crop of the region, dried apricots. Smoke rises from the many ovens and grills on which are cooking local non-vegetarian delicacies.

Hundarman Village

Hundarman Village - Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism – Hundarman Village

A village where time seems to have suddenly stopped. A deserted village where the inhabitants vanished without a trace, leaving their earthly possessions intact. Such a village is the Hundarman Village, a village that has been a puppet in the theatre of war. Hundarman was a village that became part of Pakistan in 1947 and was then again a part of India in 1971. The mud and wooden structures of the abandoned village have been kept intact and stand as a reminder of the lifestyles of the people of the region.

There is a small museum which has many artefacts that were used by the villagers when the village was abandoned. These include old currency notes, razors and coffee containers, as well as many items of daily household use. These remains tell a poignant story of the people about whom nothing is known.

A steep descent through a narrow pathway covered with snow led to the Hundarman village and to an age that has long been lost to the grey annals of history.

Kargil Tourism – Day Two of Our Itinerary

Kargil Tourism - Linkipal Ski Slopes
Kargil Tourism – Linkipal Ski Slopes

We woke up with high spirits to begin the second day of our exploration of the treasures of Kargil. The sky was clear and the light was bright, perfect conditions to catch a panoramic view of Kargil city.

Kargil City View Point

Kargil View Point
Kargil Tourism – Panoramic view of Kargil City

A bright day greeted us as we left Kargil city for the second-day itinerary of our Kargil trip. The weather had held up, locals informed us that at this time of the year, Kargil is usually covered with mounds of snow, but it was not so. We left the city of Kargil which lies in a valley surrounded by mountains on all sides. Soon we reached a point from where Kargil city stretched out picturesquely down below us.

Snow Football in Kargil

Kargil Tourism - Snow Football
Kargil Tourism – Snow Football match in progress

Football evokes a lot of passion. For many, the mere sight of a football is enough to set the adrenaline pumping and propel the legs to dart after the ball. But not far from the Kargil Airport, on a stretch of ground covered with snow, we watched two young teams pitted against each other in a unique game of Snow Football. The excitement of football was all there, the players gunning after the ball with frenzied action.

The fact that flimsy snow was the surface on which they were playing and not terra firma did not dampen the speed or spirit of the players. It was exciting to watch this unique game played against the backdrop of snow-covered mountains. Some of us could not resist the urge of trying our legs at dribbling the ball on the soft snow. It was indeed a memorable experience.

Snow Skiing At Linkipal Ski Slopes Kargil

skiing at Kargil
Kargil Tourism – Skiing at Linkipal Ski slopes

From the snow-covered football field, it was a short distance to the Linkipal Ski slopes. Budding and experienced skiers weaved gracefully through the snow slopes in perfect arcs, finishing with a perfect flourish. It was a treat to watch the skiers show off their skills on the slopes. Our hearts yearned to put on the ski’s and whiz along the slopes, but for that, we needed to come back and get proper skiing lessons. For the present, we satisfied ourselves with watching the young skiers in action.

Ashuna Trespone Valley

Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism – Trespone

Time seemed to have stood still. A hush had descended on the valley. We were at a beautiful spot near the Trespone village, one of the oldest villages of Kargil located on the banks of the Suru river. The snow-clad mountains reflected the colourful waters of the river which was studded with snowflakes and presented a bewitching sight.

kahwah-Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism – Kawah and Dry Fruits

After experiencing the magic of nature, it was time for some typical Kargil hospitality at the beautiful environs of the Trespone Valley Resort. We enjoyed steaming hot cups of authentic Kashmiri Kahwah, the fragrance of saffron emanating from the Kahwah had a magic of its own. Dry fruits and exotic cookies delighted our palates as we enjoyed the spectacular views from this lovely place.

Damsna Trout Fish Farm | Lunch At Sankoo Tourist Home

Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism – Tourist Bungalow at Sankoo

Sankoo is a picturesque village in Suru valley. We drove deep into the Suru Valley and when we passed the village of Sankoo it had started snowing. We reached the tourist home at Sankoo where we had a warm vegetarian lunch which included authentic local Dal and rice. The weather played spoilsport and we missed the views of the famous Nun Kun peaks.

The Suru Valley is one of the most picturesque and beautiful valleys that embellish the landscape of Ladakh.

Visiting The 7th Century Buddha Statue in Kartse Khar

Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism – 7th Century Buddha Rock Sculpture

We walked down a steep incline and crossed a frozen stream to come face to face with a towering rock sculpture of Buddha. The Buddha statue is believed to be a blend of Gandhara and Kashmiri sculptural styles and is dated to the 7th century. This Buddha statue along with the Mulbekh statue and some other similar statues in Kargil valley are also compared to the massive Bamiyan Buddhas of Afghanistan.

The seven-metre high statue of Buddha cut into the rock face is believed to be of the Future Buddha or Maitreya Buddha while some historians do not support the view and believe the statue is that of a Bodhisattva.

Culture & Cuisine

kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism – Vibrant music and dance

The evening climaxed with a fascinating cultural performance which saw artistes perform exhilarating dances and songs that brought alive the rich heritage of the region. This included the performance of the traditional Balti Dance also.

Kargil Cuisine
Kargil Tourism – Authentic local cuisine

Kargil has a rich and earthy repertoire of local cuisine and includes dishes like Thupka, Popot (Grain Soup), Azoq, Suggoo, etc. Rice and Dal and Paneer are the main dishes available for vegetarians when in Kargil.

Watch the video of Kargil’s Dance and Music here.


Kargil Tourism – Day Three of Our Itinerary

Kargil city
Kargil Tourism – Snowfall in Kargil City

We woke up to snow on day three of our Kargil itinerary. The main street of Kargil was covered with a blanket of snow. Cars parked near our hotel had inches of snow on them. It was the day we were leaving Kargil for Leh and we were happy to see the snowy avatar of Kargil city.

Hambuting La Pass

Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism – On the road from Kargil to Batalik

We left Kargil city behind but took its wonderful memories in our hearts. We were headed towards Garkone, the Aryan Village, via Batalik. We encountered a snowstorm as we reached the heights of the Hambuting La Pass. It was freezing cold and windy on the pass and snowing heavily. We spent a few quick moments on the pass before heading onwards towards Batalik.

Fabulous View of The Indus near Batalik

Indus river
Kargil Tourism – Quiet flows the Indus

We had to stop to admire the beautiful waters of the Indus as it meandered through rocky chasms near Batalik. The waters of the Indus dazzled like millions of emeralds and was indeed a sight to behold.

Meeting The Colourful People of the Aryan Village Garkone

Aryan Village of Garkone
Kargil Tourism – At Garkone village, Aryan Valley

The village of Garkone is one of the villages of what is termed as the Aryan Valley. The inhabitants of this village are believed to be of a pure Aryan race that came here from Central Asia. It is believed that these inhabitants are the descendants of Alexander’s lost army, The people have a unique and colourful culture.

We were treated to a traditional dance performance by the villagers of Garkone who turned up with their famous, colourful headgear. It was indeed a pleasure to watch the performance and interact with the villagers.

Chiktan Khar – Forlorn Ruins of A Grand Palace

Chiktan Khar - Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism – The ruins of Chiktan Khar

A dramatic fortress that lies in ruins captivates your attention as you enter the village of Chiktan. The fort in its heyday is believed to have been bigger than the Leh Palace. Many legends and myths lend an intriguing aura to the Chiktan Khar. Though a small palace was built at the site far back in the 8th century, the actual fort and royal residence were built by Balti craftsmen in the 16th century. The palace was built of mud, stone, and wood and considered a masterpiece of Tibetan and Ladakhi architecture.

Traditional Archery At Chiktan

Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism – Traditional archery

Below the Chiktan Khar, reception from the warm and hospitable villagers awaited us. They explained the history of the castle and the region and also treated us to a display of traditional archery. We too could not resist the urge to lay our hands on the bow and arrow and try shooting the target!

Sangnag Chosling Monastery, Yakmal Bodhkharbu

sanganak chosling monastery kargil
Kargil Tourism – Sangnag Chosling Monastery

Our last stop on our journey back from Kargil to Leh was the mystical-looking Sangnag Chosling Monastery. It was almost dark and a chill wind was blowing as we reached the top of a hill on which stood the monastery. It is a 350-year-old monastery that comes under the administration of the more famous Lamayuru Monastery. The monastery is primarily dedicated to Maitreya Buddha or the future Buddha.

The beautiful interiors of the monastery feature original paintings that centuries-old and still retain their vibrant nature. The people at the monastery received us with great warmth, explained the history of the monastery and the many legends associated with it, and treated us with steaming cups of tea and samosas.

Watch Our videos about our Kargil Experience


Kargil – An Amazing Winter Destination

Kargil is known for the Kargil War and the Kargil War Memorial, however, there is so much more to Kargil. Kargil in Ladakh makes for an amazing winter destin…

Kargil’s Dance and Music

Kargil is known for the Kargil War and the Kargil War Memorial, however, there is so much more to Kargil. It is an excellent winter destination and has a ric…

How To Reach Kargil | How To Get To Kargil

Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism
  • Kargil is a district in the Union Territory of Ladakh, India
  • The city of Kargil is located in Kargil District and along with Leh the capital of Ladakh
  • Kargil can be reached by two routes, one is from Srinagar to Kargil, and the other is from Leh to Kargil
  • Currently, there is no civilian airport in Kargil and so Kargil has to be reached by road either from Leh or Srinagar
  • One can fly from Delhi to Leh or Srinagar and then travel by road to Kargil, as presently there is no Delhi To Kargil Flight
  • The options to reach Kargil by road include Delhi to Kargil Bus, Srinagar To Kargil Bus, Leh To Kargil Road
  • Delhi To Kargil Distance is about 1007 kilometres
  • Srinagar To Kargil Distance is about 202 kilometres
  • Leh To Kargil Distance is about 217 kilometres

Have the Kargil photos and Kargil images fired your imagination?

Are you already planning a holiday in Kargil? You can book a cheap flight right here through TripAdvisor or Agoda or CheapAir or Cleartrip or Makemytrip or Priceline right here.  if you are thinking of a road trip to Baijnath or anywhere in India check out the rental car and bus options.

Where To Stay In Kargil | Hotels In Kargil | Places To Stay In Kargil | Kargil Tourism

Kargil Tourism - PC Palace Hotel
Kargil Tourism – PC Palace Hotel

The stay options in Kargil may vary with the time of the year that you are visiting. There are many resorts and hotels that offer a comfortable stay when in Kargil If it is winter many or most of the hotels are closed. However, as Kargil emerges as a winter destination, more and more hotels and resorts are sure to offer their services throughout the year.

Here are some of the resorts and hotels in Kargil.

If you are looking to book these or any of the best hotels in Kargil, Ladakh to book, you can do that right here. You can book your hotel in Kargil or your hotel in Leh through TripAdvisor or Cleartrip or Agoda or Makemytrip or Priceline conveniently right here!

Click to book the best hotels in Kargil, Ladakh, or best hotels in Ladakh

Good To Know Information About Kargil Before Visiting | Kargil Tourism

Kargil Tourism
Kargil Tourism
  • The average annual Kargil temperature is in the range of 7.5 degrees celsius, the winter months see temperatures dropping to as low as -8 degrees celsius
  • Kargil Weather is cold and temperate
  • Kargil has an average elevation of about 2,676 metres while Leh has an average elevation of about 3500 metres, hence one may not face AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) issues in Kargil
  • There actually is no best time to visit Kargil or best season to visit Kargil, it can be visited throughout the year for different experiences, though it is perceived that Kargil is closed during the winter months, it makes for a great winter destination with opportunities for winter sports like skiing, etc.
  • Kargil elevation on average is about2,676 metres
  • History Of Kargil has rich multi-cultural and multi-linguistic origins, Islam came to Kargil around the 15th century, before that there was a predominance of Buddhism in the region
  • There are many places to visit between Kargil and Leh including places like the Lamayuru Monastery, the Basgo Monastery, Moonland, Aryan Village, etc.

Places To Visit Around Kargil | Kargil Tourism

Kargil Tourism - Places to visit
Kargil Tourism – Mosque in Dras

There are a plethora of places to visit in and around Kargil, they offer rich experiences across nature, adventure, and heritage. Some of the places to visit near Kargil are:

  • Kargil War Memorial
  • Drass Valley
  • Mulbekh Monastery
  • Aryan Village
  • Batalik
  • Phuktal Monastery
  • Chiktan Khar
  • Zanskar Valley
  • Suru Valley

You can book package tours in Ladakh that will include the important places of interest in and around Kargil and Leh.  You can plan your activities and book experiences in Ladakh and book online places to visit in Ladakh.

Click here to know more and book Best Attractions in Ladakh

Kargil Tourism – FAQ

Is Kargil safe for tourists?

Yes, it is perfectly safe.

Is Kargil worth visiting?

Kargil offers some of the most amazing experiences that a traveller can look forward to, and is a must-visit at least once in a lifetime.

How can I reach Kargil?

One can reach Kargil by road either from Srinagar or from Leh. For details check out our, “How To Get To Kargil”, section above.

How far is Kargil from Srinagar?

Kargil is about 202 kilometres from Srinagar.

How far is Kargil from Leh?

Kargil is about 217 kilometres.

Is it safe to travel from Srinagar to Leh?

Yes, it is safe to travel from Srinagar to Leh.

Which route is better for Leh?

Srinagar to Leh route.

Is there snow in Ladakh in June?

No, there is no snow in June.

Kargil War Memorial is situated on which hill?

The Kargil War Memorial is situated with the backdrop of Tiger Hill, Tololing Hill, and others.

When is Kargil Vijay Diwas celebrated?

Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated on the 26th of July every year.

We loved every moment of our short sojourn in Kargil. A place where we need to head back to explore more of its wonderful treasures. We hope you liked reading our Kargil travel blog and are inspired to head to the snowy mountains of Kargil. Do let us know your thoughts through our comments section. Also, follow us on our social media channels to stay updated with our travel stories.

We were hosted by Ladakh Tourism. However, the views and opinions expressed here are our own.


PinitKargil Tourism - Amazing Places To Visit In Kargil, Ladakh

Places To Visit In Kargil, Ladakh

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10 thoughts on “Kargil Tourism – Amazing Places To Visit In Kargil, Ladakh”

  1. Woww now that’s such a detailed blog with day wise itinerary to Kargil, Ladakh. Seems like I don’t need to research anymore, just bookmark your blog when I travel next and I am sorted 😉

  2. I really liked reading this very well written blog, you have given every small detail, which will be very helpful for anyone planning to visit Kargil. The pictures are amazing too.

  3. Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful photos! Isn’t it amazing how such variety of colors and beauty can be found in Nature itself? The landscapes of Kargil are so awe inspiring. Kargil, Ladakh has always been on my list of places to visit, but somehow we never managed to travel there. Your pics make me want to plan a visit right away!

  4. I had never read such a detailed itinerary for Kargil or even considered it in my bucket list. The ice hockey, historical sights and the journey from leh to Kargil seems very interesting to me. Thanks for penning down your experience with such details.

  5. Wow Kargil has always been on my list of places to see but unfortunately I have not been able to visit it till date. I have been to Ladakh only once and I only did the touristy things mostly. I will definitely go back again and explore more places.

  6. Loved the way you documented Kargil. It’s a great move by local tourism authorities to promote the beautiful location. Almost travelled to those beautiful location through your blog post… Would love to visit soon.

  7. Kargil is such a beautiful place, usually ignored by people on a Ladakh trip. It was really interesting to read about Kargil and the beauty it has to offer. I had always wanted to travel to Ladakh during the winter season! Ashuna Trespone Valley looks ethereal. I hope to visit Ladakh sometime soon and explore Kargil properly before heading towards Leh.

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