Travel Tips: The Importance of Being Organized



Travel Tips: The Importance of Being Organized for a Holiday

ORGANIZED, the word is not just another word in the lexicon that holds sway in corporate meetings, it is something one can apply to simpler and more mundane functions of life other than to a Company’s MOS(Management Operating System). One can be organized in ones’ day to day life that may include your physical workout routine, etc.. But one area where being organized assumes a different meaning altogether is when you are traveling or planning a holiday. For a smooth travel experience on a holiday, it always pays to be organized, unless of course you are the adventurous kind and would like to cross the bridge when you come to it. Let us now take a look at different ways to get organized for our travels.

Prepare in Advance

Isn’t it really amazing that most people are caught unawares and unprepared when the the day of travel suddenly looms large in front of them. They may have actually booked a holiday months in advance but are not really prepared. Here is where an organized approach pays rich dividends and one can embark on one’s travel with the calm and poise of just stepping out to the neighborhood store. As soon as you decide where you are going and when you are setting off, create a checklist. This will include items such as buying currency and medical supplies. Have a box or drawer earmarked, specially for your travel needs and slowly fill it up with the things you would need to take and check them off your list. This way a few days before you travel you can do a double check rather than a mad dash.

Another area that a lot of people get stressed over is packing. We have already written a blog on creating a packing list that will help you to not forget anything. We also recommend packing at least 24 hours before you leave. Packing the previous day or even earlier gives you time to double check your lists. If you are packing with minutes to spare, you will inevitably forgot something, usually something important.

The Journey



Traveling to and fro to the final destination is often a part people forget to plan and end up stressing over as they are not organized. Before you set off, plan your route. If you are driving to the airport, decide which route you would take and how long it will take. On the day of your journey, it is advisable to check for traffic warnings first thing in the morning itself . Getting stuck in traffic and being late for a flight can be extremely stressful.

When you arrive at the airport it is wise to know in advance what you will do with your car. Most airports offer several services that will be both convenient and cheaper for you needs. For example, if you want to take the stress out of finding a parking space some airports such as Heathrow offer a myriad of different services including valet, allowing you to drop your car and yourself off at the terminal. With a bit of planning, this is one potential stressful part of your journey that you can check off.

The Holiday


A holiday is a well-earned break with the family and should be stress free. Yet many people find holidays very hectic and end up wasting time deciding what to do. Planning an itinerary out will optimize your time and create a less stressful environment. One area to take note of is being realistic in what you can achieve on your trip. We all want our money’s worth and yet try to cram too much and leaving little or no time to actually relish the moments and experiences to the full. If time is limited, one should plan keeping in mind one’s own interests. More time should be spent at the actual sights and to and fro travel time should be optimized.

Another reason to plan your holiday is to ensure you don’t miss out on what’s happening in the area. Check the Internet and see if there are any events or festivals going on near you. On arrival at the destination, check the tourist office and ask what is happening. This way you will have the best opportunity to have an immersive experience in the destination.

These are some simple ways and means to ensure an enjoyable travel experience on a holiday fueled by an organized approach. Do let us know your thoughts on how being organized helps in making travel a more pleasurable experience.

This is a guest post.




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53 thoughts on “Travel Tips: The Importance of Being Organized”

  1. This is such good advice, I really wish I was disciplined enough to stick to it. Although I have to agree with you, each and every time I have planned a trip, I have enjoyed it so much more. More planning = less stress

  2. Completely agree on this and sadly and sometimes guilty of not being as organized as I planned to be. My biggest thing is getting to the final destination. I feel that once I am in my temporary home, I can relax a bit 🙂

  3. These are really good tips- especially when it comes to packing and planning enough time to arrive at the airport before a flight. Nothing is more stressful than being stuck in traffic on the way to the airport. I love to be organized, but I think it’s also important to plan in some free time in case you find some attractions at the destination that you’re visiting. Some of my families favorite vacations have been those that are spur of the moment.

  4. I love this! I sometimes feel I am too organized and too well prepared which takes the fun out but I did manage to pull off some amazing ‘can’t too’ travel by just being prepared and organised!

  5. Great resource for anyone planning a trip, you can never be too organised. I especially like the tip for checking traffic news. I agree it’s good to check local festivals etc. in advance as these can add to your experience. I have a ‘holiday checklist’ spreadsheet I print in advance. In the toiletries/essentials section I tick off what I already have which then leaves me with a shopping list. I then strike off everything as I pack. Works great for me 😊

  6. Organised is one thing, but I would disagree about packing too soon.

    Often people dwell on their packs, adding a little thing here, or letting themselves get convinced to add more that they don’t truly need!

    Unless it is a short trip, sacrifice fashion over function.

    Less is more when you’re lugging a pack 10km’s in 40 degree heat! 😉

  7. Good tips. I’m the planner in my family, and the rest of them just go along with whatever I set up. Makes it pretty easy for everyone, but kind of stressful sometimes for the planner.

  8. Great tips for checking out the traffic and the travel route to the airport. I usually do not account the traffic congestion and that sometimes cuz problems. Thanks for sharing those tips.

  9. Definitely organization is key! I like to keep a Google Spreadsheet where I create a see, do, eat list and group them together by area. However, a fun part of travelling is also discovering hidden gems, so I like allowing for spontaneity. 🙂

  10. Ain’t that the truth! The only way you can really get away without being organised is if you’re in a long term rtw trip or similar. Otherwise you have to consider all sorts of factors, as you suggest…and a lot of people (me included on occasion) forget simple things like packing in good time, or considering getting to and from airports!

  11. I I feel like I am super organised and need to be less so. I admire people who are fly by the seat of their pants but maybe I shouldn’t? the hippy dippy free spirits of the world but that just isn’t me.

  12. These are so important! Being organized and having some form of a plan for at least the first few days of a journey make all the difference in how much opportunity you have to enjoy yourself and your surroundings in a new place!

  13. Terrific advice! I am a very “type b” person so I sometimes find it hard to plan and organize all the fine details. Logan (my husband) is always telling me to create a checklist so it looks like I actually need to give this a shot! I guess I can take pride in the fact that I always go prepared when packing. 😉

  14. When I leave for a trip I sometimes get a little sinking feeling if I haven’t planned thoroughly. Do I have the right adapter, do I know the currency exchange, what will the weather be? Planning is so important. For instance, there is nothing worse than exiting an airport in a foreign country late at night and not knowing the transportation options or how much you should be paying. While flexibility is important, knowing the basics is paramount to a relatively smooth trip. Loved your post.

  15. I’m not really someone who plans and organizes my travels much, but that’s because I can afford to leave things open and see what comes on my path. I think when you have limited time, it’s indeed a lot more relaxing if you’ve planned well ahead so you don’t miss out on beautiful site and you can have a care-free time!

  16. I’m terrible at being organized, but even so I think this is great advice. I particularly like the suggestion to optimize travel time to and from attractions, because this can eat up a lot of time. It’s not something you want to think about before your trip, but it’s important.

  17. I always try to be super organized on my trips, it makes me feel more comfortable and prepared. Don’t get me wrong, I can also go with the flow if things happen. But having researched before hand at least lets me know what my options are.

  18. I guess after traveling with a friend in University I discovered how organized I can be…ahaha. I personally think having a little organization goes a long way….as does flexibility

  19. I always pack with minutes to spare and I ALWAYS forget something. I hate that I am disorganized, because I know how important it is to be organized when traveling. For short trips, I agree that planning ahead is important. But for longer trips, I love leaving the itinerary open-ended!

  20. Travel days do tend be a bit stressful, lot of things to do and you have to be on time- the plane won’t wait! Lot’s of hurry up and waiting. We try to arrange a transfer on arrival to reduce stress. If tht is sorted we know how much it costs, how we have to pay for it and that the driver will know where we are going so we don’t have to sort it.

  21. I completely agree that one should be organised or at least try to be a little bit. during my travels I start making a list of things at least a week before the departure. It gives me ample time to add things to the list, check the weather and pack and also pack for uncertainities. It also gives me time to some last minute shopping if need be so that when I depart for my travels my focus is on the journey ahead .

  22. I do plan but I normally ditch it along the way. Haha. But yes, family traveling can be different or even the holiday, especially if you have limited time. Every minute should be used and stay stress-free. This also applies well for visa application (if needed) which normally needs some time to be acquired. And for the packing, I need to improve this area. Packing last minute makes me crazy. haha

  23. Great article! Sometimes we love the spontaneous trips, but let’s be honest, most of the times, we end up getting ripped off, lost somewhere, or forgot something. Being organised is stll a good practice!

  24. I definitely agree that you can never be too organised, especially if you’re going on a short vacation! It can save you a lot of time & money

  25. I am generally an organized person so when it comes to the preparation or packing for a trip I do it well. During the trip though I am okay with having a plan, but I like to be flexible that when something interesting arises, I don’t have qualms bending the itinerary. Traveling is still an adventure and it gets boring if everything is organized. Nevertheless you got some great tips here.

  26. Some people travel to places and chill, others try to get to as many destinations as possible. Whichever suits a traveler, yes, being organized is needed and much more so for those cramming everything. Being organized begins with the decision to be organized and planning through as much as possible from beginning until returning.

  27. When it comes to travel I make it sure that is well organized since I always travel with my kid. And having a kid in travel is a struggle if you are not prepared, I make it sure that I always have a checklist and lot of extra when it comes to packing. And when it comes to accommodation, I always find a place that is accessible and comfortable to stay.

  28. Completely agree with the being organized part. I love to be organized on my travel. I hate to waste time digging through my stuff for finding things and I equally hate to waste time trying to figure out where we are headed next or what is the day’s plan.

  29. Getting organised before the trip starts is thing which majority of people don’t consider. But, It is always a smart decision to be well organised in advance. It makes things perfect. And, whenever i travel i start my journey with a aim to make my mind refresh not stressed out. A big thanks for sharing this post. As now i’ll be more organised.

  30. Great Tips on getting organized. You should organize your travel plan. The most important tip for me is to check for any festive occasion, or any important incident on Interner before planning for the trip.
    Thanks for sharing.

  31. I make sure to have a list of everything that we’re going to need especially when the kids were smaller since I’d have to pack for them as well. These tips will definitely help anyone who’s traveling soon.

  32. While travelling I don’t want any kind of mess at the last moment. So, I always preplan the things and do accordingly. These tips are really helpful.

  33. Its really important to us to know the important of being organized. This post really helpful! I like the tips!

  34. Planning in advance is utmost important especially if it involves international travel. Having visited US, UK and may Asian countries on business regularly, i truly understand the importance of being organized prior to traveling.

  35. Rebecca Swenor

    These are some great way to be organized when traveling during the holidays. It is so important I believe to be prepared and to make lists ahead of time. Packing the day before is what we have always done so we don’t forget anything. A week ahead of time I also make a list of items to pack and a list of things to do before we leave. Thanks for sharing the tips.

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