Travel Tips – Our 60 Best Travel Tips After 10 + Years Of Traveling

Travel Tips Our 60 Best Travel Tips After 10 + Years Of Traveling

Travel is an education that never ends. You do not have degrees or certificates to vouch for your education but what you do have is experience garnered over the years of travelling. You are rich with what you have learned on your own and from the experience of others. It has been over 10 + years that we have been travelling now and daresay have picked up a trick or two! Be it luxury travel or adventure travel, family travel or couple travel, we all want our travels to be happy, smooth and safe. We would like to share our best travel tips with you to make your travels an enjoyable one! Here is a list of our 60 best travel tips after 10 + years of traveling.

Table of Contents

Our 60 Best Travel Tips After 10 + Years of Traveling

best travel tips

Based on our more than ten + years of travel we have come up with 60 best travel tips that are sure to be useful. Read on to find the best travel tips.

Travel Tip 1: Make a list

Make a list
Make a list

Well, you need to start somewhere, so make a list of places that you dream of visiting, a bucket list. But once you have made it, do not get bogged down by it and the mechanics involved in monitoring it. Just let go and keep enjoying your travels wherever you may go.

Travel Tip 2: Do not overbook with a tight itinerary, be flexible

One mistake we used to do when we began travelling was cramming our itinerary and trying to see maximum places in minimal time. Don’t do that, be flexible.

Voyager best travel tips: Adopt the mantra of slow travel and enjoy the world one place at a time.

Travel Tip 3: Do online booking and get the best deals

best travel tips

Travel is an expensive proposition and there are no two ways about it. The more you save, the more you travel. Look for the best deals, book online, whether it is flights, hotels, or activities.

Travel Tip 4: Do not be scared of locals

best travel tips

To really know a place, one must interact with the locals. Do not shy away from them. Never mind if you do not know the language. A few words and sign language are enough to break barriers.

Travel Tip 5: Be Ready For Disappointments

Not everything will be as you would have imagined. Be prepared to be underwhelmed sometimes. That is the way the world is.

Travel Tip 6: Do not underestimate costs

Travel is expensive which means you need a budget, an estimate, the works! Make sure when you plan you include all cost elements. It is always better to err on the higher side of cost estimates rather than end up short of funds. So do not underestimate expenses and always keep aside a contingency fund.

Travel Tip 7: Pack light

best travel tips

You do not want to lug your entire home with you while travelling, do you? It is such a wonderful feeling when you pack light and travel light. You feel the freedom of a bird!

Travel Tip 8: Do not go on a shopping spree and spend too much

best travel tips

For once, curb that temptation to splurge on shopping. You may end up shooting way beyond your budget. Easier said than done though!

Travel Tip 9: Get a medical check-up done before you leave your home country and get necessary vaccinations

Health is wealth, it is said, and nowhere is it truer than when travelling. Ill health ruins the entire travel experience. Of course, precaution is better than cure, so ensure you have your regular medical checkups and also get necessary vaccinations based on the country you are travelling to. Some vaccinations are mandatory based on the countries you are travelling to and from.

Travel Tip 10: Buy an insurance

Buy an insurance
Buy an insurance

Did you know that all medical expenses incurred are not covered by your travel insurance policy? Insure and be assured. Though some countries mandate insurance, even if the country you are travelling to does not do so, make sure you have yourself and family members covered by a good insurance policy.

Following are the benefits that you could get with travel insurance:

  • Emergency Overseas Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption
  • 24-Hour Assistance Services
  • Baggage safety
  • Get covered for adventure/sporting activities

Voyager best travel tips: Get a travel insurance before you travel

Buy the best and reliable Travel Insurance here.

Travel Tip 11: Carry a first-aid kit and essential medicines

Carry a first-aid kit and essential medicines    Carry a first-aid kit and essential medicines

Do not leave anything to chance. Always carry your health kit. Take precautions against untoward incidents and ensure you are carrying a basic first aid kit and also all essential medicines in case you are on medication.

Travel Tip 12: Always keep yourself hydrated

best travel tips             best travel tips

Water is indeed the elixir of life. Keep drinking water and stay hydrated during travel and even otherwise. This is an easy way to fight off illness and fatigue. Always carry a good water bottle.

Travel Tip 13: Maintain at the least a minimum fitness regimen

best travel tips

It is necessary to stay fit while travelling. Make sure you incorporate a minimum workout of stretches, jogging, and yoga during your travel.

Travel Tip 14: Indulge in Sun chasing

best travel tips

Sunrises and sunsets are the most beautiful of natural phenomena that can be experienced daily. Look out for vantage places where these can be experienced during travel.

Travel Tip 15: Look beyond the Guidebook

best travel tips

While travel guidebooks and tour guides do provide a wealth of information about a place, their information is not necessarily the Bible of that place. Speak to locals and discover hidden gems that no guidebook mentions.

Travel Tip 16: Keep everything important in your backpack

best travel tips

Identification papers, documents, cash, and cards, etc., are the essentials that one should keep handy and not leave lying around in a hotel room. Pack all essentials in your backpack and carry along with you always.

Travel Tip 17: Carry a good camera

best travel tips

Make sure you have a reliable and good quality camera that will capture your travel memories for posterity.

Travel Tip 18: Click more photos

best travel tips

Take as many photos as you can. You may never go back to that place. But at the same time do not get lost in the pictures, enjoy the moment.

Travel Tip 19: Eat healthily

best travel tips

Eating and exploring local food is undoubtedly a part of travel. But be careful with what and where you eat. Eat healthily so that you do not fall ill and the experience gets soured.

Travel Tip 20: Wear comfortable clothes and footwear

best travel tips

Always ensure that you do your research and are dressed appropriately and comfortably according to the place and weather conditions. Carry clothes that are comfortable, suit the weather. Stay trendy and know what to wear that is comfortable. Be particularly careful about the footwear as your feet are definitely going to take a lot of strain.

Travel Tip 21: Learn a few basic words of the local language of the country you are visiting

One of the easiest and most convenient ways to learn a few words in the local language before your trip is to take online language lessons with experienced and skilled online language tutors. With their help, you can quickly master common words and phrases and confidently communicate with the locals, earning their appreciation and respect for your efforts.

Travel Tip 22: Stash your cash

best travel tips

Do not keep all your cash in one place, distribute it. We have had the experience of being robbed and losing a wallet. But we had cash stacked in a different bag and hence could make our way back home!

Voyager best travel tips: Always ensure you have cash and cards stashed in safe places.

Travel Tip 23: Keep a hard copy of the address of your accommodation before you arrive

You may have the address on your phone, but what if the phone does not switch on? Always better to keep hard copies of important addresses and contacts.

Travel Tip 24: Buy souvenirs

best travel tips

You may not be the kind inclined to shop everywhere. Nevertheless do buy something locally as a souvenir. This is good for memories and also promotes sustainable tourism.

Travel Tip 25: Look for Coffee shops / McDonald’s to connect to Wi-Fi

Network connectivity in this age seems to have become something like water for the thirsty. Look out for public areas offering Wi-Fi connectivity. Places like Coffee shops, McDonald’s and KFC outlets are good for this.

Travel Tip 26:  Use a VPN to secure your connection

While travelling you do not know which network to trust. To ensure the security of your data and device it is always prudent to use a VPN. VPN is also required to access region-restricted sites.

Travel Tip 27:  Scan your important documents and email them to yourself

Keep scanned copies of all important documents like passport, visa, invite letters, and any other identification documents. It makes sense to mail yourself copies too.

Voyager best travel tips: Without your passport, you may get stranded. Always have copies sent to your email.

Travel Tip 28:  Keep close friends and family contact info handy

Keep the contacts of family and close friends handy and easily accessible. This may be vital in case of emergencies.

Travel Tip 29:  Share your itinerary with your close friends and family

Make sure that at the least a few of your family members or close friends are aware of your whereabouts. Keep them updated on where you are.

Travel Tip 30: Avoid currency exchange at airports

best travel tipsAs a rule, avoid currency exchange at airports unless it is an emergency situation. It usually is an expensive proposition.

Travel Tip 31: Check the availability of a local sim card in case of an extended stay

It makes sense to invest in a local SIM if your stay in a particular place is going to be a long one. The option of buying a local sim is usually more convenient and cost-effective.

Travel Tip 32: Slow travel to get an immersive experience

Move towards more and more slow travel to really make the most of each place you visit. Immerse yourself in the life of the place and try to understand the local culture.

Voyager best travel tips: Have a meaningful and memorable trip. Slow travel helps in getting highly immersive travel experience.

Travel Tip 33: Keep a journal

Your memory may be as sharp as a razor, but still, do not rely on it. Keep a journal to jot down notes. This is something you will never regret doing.

Travel Tip 34: Get up early

It is always a unique experience to wake up in a new place. But make sure you do not while away time lying in bed. Get up and get out, there is a lot to see and time is running out.

Travel Tip 35: Always use Skyscanner

When you book your flights, make the use of the Skyscanner app to zero in on the most optimal flights according to your requirements. Skyscanner helps you in many ways to plan your journey and the holiday. Take a look at the benefits here:

Travel Tip 36: Use maps for online/offline navigation

best travel tips

Finding your way in unknown places is much easier now, thanks to technology. Make good use of maps on your smartphone. If you anticipate network issues, have offline maps downloaded in advance.

Voyager best travel tips: GPS route finder apps will ensure you are not lost in an unknown place.

Travel Tip 37: Visit local markets

best travel tips

Nothing is more exciting than visiting local markets. It is such a pleasure to mingle with locals and experience a slice of their life. Local markets also provide a fascinating window into the culture of the place.

Travel Tip 38: Wear a smile

best travel tips

There is one thing that must be part of your wardrobe when you travel and that is a smile. A smile is a perfect key to open doors.

Travel Tip 39: Mark your luggage

best travel tipsThere it goes! Oh! no, this is not the one! How many times have we not heard words like these at baggage carousels? Make sure you mark your luggage with easily identifiable tags. Saves a lot of time and hassles too.

Travel Tip 40: Get to know about local laws, customs, and dressing

Be aware of local customs and laws. Make sure that even inadvertently you do not break a law or do something which is viewed as disrespectful to the local culture. Dress appropriately as per the dictates of the region.

Travel Tip 41: Always charge all your devices whenever you get a chance

best travel tipsEnsure all your electronic devices are charged. Your cameras, phones, power banks, etc..If not, charge them at the earliest opportunity.

Travel Tip 42: Keep a tab of your spends

best travel tipsIt is always a good practice to know where your money is being spent at the end of the day.

Travel Tip 43: Carry an extra pair of clothes, toothbrush, medicines in your backpack

One prudent suggestion is to keep a set of clothes and essential toiletries in your backpack along with essential medicines. Who knows your baggage may take a day to reach you!

Travel Tip 44: Inform your bank and credit card company about your travels

Keep your bank and credit card company aware about your travels and transactions from a different country to ensure there are no hitches.

Travel Tip 45: Visit the local tourism office to get first-hand information

The Local tourism office is a great place to get accurate information about the place you are in and about its attractions. Usually, Tourism offices have their counters at Airports and Railway Stations. Do look out for them.

Travel Tip 46: Have an open mind

Be open and tolerant when travelling. Some places may be a culture shock but be tolerant and try to understand their way of life.

Travel Tip 47: Travel Responsibly

best travel tips

Leave the place that you travel to at the least as it was when you landed there. Do not litter or damage the surroundings in any way. Pick up a discarded plastic bottle and put it in the trash can, who knows that small act could trigger a revolution.

Travel Tip 48: Travel safe – Keep handy your Country’s Embassy Information

Fools rush in where even angels fear to tread. Be aware of this maxim and use prudence at all time to keep yourself and family safe. It is also advisable to keep the contact details of the embassy of your home country handy in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Voyager best travel tips: Travel safety is of utmost importance. Stay safe.

Travel Tip 49: Travel is all about relaxation

best travel tips

Don’t burn the midnight oil while travelling, relax! It is a time to rejuvenate the body, mind, and the soul.

Travel Tip 50: Be aware of the Political Scenario of the country you are travelling to

The world is in flux and socio-political scenarios change fast. Be aware of the situation in the country you are visiting. Look out for notices from your own embassy before and during your travel.

Travel tip 51: International driving license and traffic rules

best travel tips

If you plan to drive while travelling then ensure you have the required driving license and it is imperative that you are aware of all the traffic rules and regulations of that place before you travel.

Travel Tip 52: Tips for Road trips

best travel tips

You can hit the road by renting a car. Before you embark on a road trip, ensure you have the map, a well-serviced car with good tyres, information about places you can eat and stay while on the road and a first-aid kit.

Travel Tip 53: Food on the go

best travel tips

It is always good to carry some light and healthy snacks while travelling. We have found the dry fruits like almonds, cashew, and others to be very useful. You can have energy bars as well. Something that energizes you instantly on the go.

Travel Tip 54: Survival secrets for a vegetarian traveller

best travel tips

When we started travelling, friends and relatives scared us out of our wits saying that it was impossible to maintain a vegetarian diet in many countries. However, over time we have burst this myth and demonstrated that one can survive on a vegetarian diet anywhere on the planet. We always carry dry fruits and energy bars. We also have fresh fruits and salads.

Travel Tip 55: Have A Good Night’s Sleep

best travel tips

Sometimes the excitement that travel generates fuels insomniac tendencies. But relax and let your mind slowly sink into sleep. After all, you have a busy day ahead and need your body, mind, and soul to be recharged, rejuvenated, and energized.

Travel Tip 56:  Travel with family

best travel tips

Travel is a very enjoyable experience. Share it with your family. These experiences are going to create memories that you will cherish for a lifetime.

Travel Tip 57: Travel with your parents/elderly people

Travel with your parents/elderly people
Travel with your parents/elderly people

It is always an experience of a different kind when you travel with your parents or other elderly people. Do this often as this will give you a totally different perspective of travel and open the windows to totally new experiences.

Travel tip 58: Must have gadgets while travelling

Must have gadgets while travelling
Must have gadgets while travelling

There are some gadgets which are indispensable while travelling. Again this is a matter of personal choice. Some of the gadgets are a camera, a smartphone, headphones, power banks, external hard drives, tripod and universal adapters.

Travel Tip 59: Be prepared for long-haul flights

Long haul flights are a part and parcel of the serious travellers. Be prepared for them and do not get irritated. Use the time to catch up on your reading or sleeping. Stretch your legs and stay hydrated.

Travel Tip 60: Do not let Jet Lag bog you down

Do not let Jet Lag bog you down
Do not let Jet Lag bog you down

You might have had a long flight and jet lag may be tormenting you. But you do not want to lose time in that exotic location you have travelled to from across the globe. Take precautions to minimize jet lag by taking overnight flights, staying hydrated, avoiding caffeine and getting proper sleep on the flight.

We hope these 60 best travel tips are of some help to you. These are all based on our own experiences and we are learning even as we write this post.

What according to you are some of the best travel tips? Please feel free to add your best travel tips to this list based on your own travel experiences. We would love to know your thoughts in the comments section. Happy travels! 🙂

PinitTravel Tips – Our 60 Best Travel Tips After 10 + Years Of Traveling

60 Best Travel Tips After 10 Years Of Traveling

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57 thoughts on “Travel Tips – Our 60 Best Travel Tips After 10 + Years Of Traveling”

  1. Packing light is something I always plan on doing but when the time comes I really overload my suitcases with more than I will need. I am not sure why I think I will need to change my clothes more while on vacation than at home but I somehow worry about that while packing every time. Thanks for the tips!

  2. You give some great tips here, and from a really well travelled perspective. I’m still trying to cut down the packing, but still struggling! And speaking to the locals in their language is a joy that no other feeling can match. A real eye-opener of an article.

  3. How many years before you found the right balance on packing? I continue to be challenged by 7 – I overpack! These are great tips, thank you for educating those with less experience traveling.

  4. Reesa Lewandowski

    You are some experienced travelers! How awesome is that!? I really enjoyed your tips. I am such a novice traveler.

  5. Shelley R King

    I barely leave my house without making a list. lol We travel a lot and I love your tips. One of the things we do when we travel is co-pack. We figure an airline usually won’t lose all luggage so we pack a certain amount of outfits in every suitcase taken. If something is lost we still all have something to wear.

  6. These are such great tips, so much to remember, I do agree it is so important to listen to locals and be a bit more flexible. I tend to over plan and then I end up asking locals and change my plan after that xD Thanks for all the tips.

  7. Now this is a great resources list for those who will be or are traveling! Having an open mind could be the best tip next to writing a list. Flexibility in plans and plans changing is good, too!

  8. This is awesome and I am totally bookmarking it for future use! I was going to tell you my favorite tips but as I read through them I loved every single one!
    Staying hydrated is one of my favorites since I am always advocating doing so and it’s easy to forget in the excitement of travel! Love this – thank you for a comprehensive list of travel tips!

  9. So many great tips. We are traveling more and more now that our kids are getting older. We hope to travel more so now that we are doing this I am really looking for the best tips. You have so much experience. Will be saving this post!

  10. What a great list of tips!! All of the 60 are very useful to keep in mind while preparing for your next journey.

    I love travel tip 15, to look beyond the guide book and to speak to locals and discover hidden gems that no guidebook mentions. I also like tip 40 a lot! To get to know about local laws, customs, and dressing. It makes travelling so much more fun!

    Great tips! I will save this post for later!

  11. Such a great and comprehensive list. I think tip #5 is very important and tip #6 is a big one for me. I always tell my friends to overestimate everything 🙂

  12. I love how you described travel as being an endless education because you are so right. I like the idea of taking a long haul flight and catching up on sleep. Without sleep I get crabby aha.

  13. These are great tips! I have definitely learned the importance of packing light. I also enjoy buying local souvenirs (but not too many). I always say I’m supporting the local economy. And travel insurance is a must.

  14. Wow! This is one of the most comprehensive lists of travel tips I’ve ever seen. I love meeting the locals and learning where they eat and hang out. Those are always the best places with the best food.

  15. It still surprises me how some people are indeed scared to interact with locals, that’s crazy! Locals are the soul of visiting a new destination! What a superbe useful list I will be sharing this to most of my new traveller friends.

  16. Hannah Mitchell

    There are so many great tips you had! This is nicely written and organized well. Here is something for every little thing and I feel like you hit everything perfectly. This is a great guide for traveling, thanks for sharing.

  17. A very comprehensive list of travel tips useful both to regular travellers as well as those just starting to travel. As you rightly mention, one needs to be flexible in their travel plans. Sometimes situations may change at a moments notice as it happened when we were visiting Cairo. One moment we were enjoying exploring the local markets and then we had to head back to the hotel as some protests broke out. Your tip to mingle with locals is also one that I always recommend to my friends. Interacting with the locals makes your experience so much more exciting and enriching.

  18. I particularly like the tips about not overbooking and looking beyond guidebooks. A great part of traveling is just go with the flow and see what chance encounters you have on the road or what unexpected places you’ll find 🙂

  19. Excellent traveling tips!! Seems like you have really gotten the hang of traveling 🙂
    Will share this post so that more can benefit from it! Happy traveling!! 🙂

  20. A very comprehensive list of suggestions which would certainly be useful for any traveler. Personally, I prefer to see travel as an immersive experience and just as you recommend, I try to take it slow, interact with the locals, and in everyplace I visit, go to the local market.

  21. Very useful travel tips from experienced travelers. I also try to get absorbed in surroundings by talking to locals and trying to live like them during the visit. I always keep myself prepared for any untold circumstances like sudden weather change or closure of some routes. But I have seen, those untold circumstances always impression or memory forever. Keeping hydrated during travel and following fitness regime is the most important tip.

  22. These are great travel tips every traveller should be aware of. When we started travelling, we used to make tight itinerary as we wanted to see a lot of things in a short time. But now we’ve realised that we need to be flexible to completely enjoy our holiday. Also, travel insurance is something we always prefer. I didn’t know about the vaccine thing. Something new I’ve learnt today. Thanks for sharing all this helpful information.

  23. Excellent travel tips which you have consolidated here in this guide! I definitely have to constantly remind myself on not going on a shopping spree, because the souvenirs and trinkets on sale always get me as I stock up on these to give to family and friends after each of my travels. Packing light is also something I don’t seem to be able to do 🙂

  24. So many great tips in here! My grandmother first implored me to start a travel journal years ago, and even though I don’t write a ton in it, I love having it to look back on. A loose itinerary is so important, too–I can’t even count the number of major things we’ve changed our minds about on the fly while traveling.

  25. Parnashree Devi

    These are absolutely valid points. I always do scan my tickets, itinerary, passport, and visa and mail it to myself. This absolutely necessary tip. All other tips are very useful for travelers. We tend to ignore travel insurance sometime which is another very important document. Loved the post.

  26. Wow, what a comprehensive list! Some great tips in here- thanks for sharing. I think the ability to be flexible is so important; I’ve found I enjoy my trips so much more when I’m able to be flexible and change plans as and when. It’s great that you’ve been travelling for 10 years. I wish I could do the same. Maybe one day!

  27. Good tip about taking more photos but not getting lost in them. Its essential to also put down the camera and take it all in. Its hard for me to do that as I love photography but I still able to enjoy myself.

  28. Wow, a lot of great and I agree! I think it is always important to have a travel insurance, and be ready for unpredictable circumstances like weather and flight connectiins. To me, I have also learned to be flexible in trip planning, and have options or a backup plan in case things not happen your way. Just enjoy your time with your friends of family! @ knycx.journeying

  29. Great tips, especially about packing light, and bringing a first-aid kit and snacks. I never travel anywhere without a kit with band-aids, medicines, herbal remedies, etc. And snacks are a must since you never know when you’ll eat next or what will be available.

  30. A great list, although after all these years we still overpack when travelling. Prepare for disappointment, yes it’s often not like the picture in the guidebook unless you get there really early. Those pics tend not to show the hundreds of people with selfie sticks.

  31. Really good tips, 10+ years of travelling is sure to have made you learn a lot along the way. I especially agree with having a flexible itinerary, making sure you have medical (and travel) insurance before you travel, packing light, keeping an online copy of all important documents, and distributing the cash in different places to reduce the risk.

  32. This is almost like a bible for a traveler – albeit one with your experience. Hats off to writing this one. It is so needed. In some ways, it tells me – I aint the only one. Cheers

  33. It’s always fun to read other peoples tips for travelling. You’ll always tend to find one or two things that resonate with you. I agree with the waking up early – even when slow travelling, there is so much to experience when you wake up with the sun.

  34. These tips are invaluable for anyone who is currently traveling or just thinking about the possibility! Carrying a good camera is my favorite – though trying to eat healthily is a close second. Best of luck in your continued journeys!

  35. What a lot of useful tips! I’d add – forget the heels (for all women!). I always pack at least one pair – I never wear them.

    The list – your first tip – is IMO the most important one.

  36. So many good tips here! Scanning documents and keeping a copy is definitely a life saver. We do always forget to charge our devices. Whenever we get a chance to relax, we unwind and unfortunately the devices remain uncharged. Something to remember!

  37. These are very useful tips. Your post needs to be read by every travelers especially those who wants to start travelling, this will serve as a very good reminder for everybody. Thank you for sharing your best tips! Such a good read, thanks for sharing!

  38. Quite a list that you put together- and I absolutely loved it. A lesson really important to me now is about underestimating costs that you mentioned. Now I just can’t think of anything else but my debt for bring too little cash, didn’t save as much actually, and so I had to swipe my credit card quite too many times. 🙁 I can’t say I regret bringing my credit card, it was a life saver! But, maybe if I didn’t underestimate the costs, I would’ve been more prepared.

  39. Getting an insurance is really important. Most people would just travel without it and underestimate how much help it would be. You don’t know what happens and it’s best to always go insured. Great tips! Thank you!

  40. a very exhaustive list of tips. One we reason we don’t shop much is because , it starts adding to the weight, especially during a long trip. We also carry batteries and SD cards and also make sure we copy the day’s photo into a hard disk at the end of the day.

  41. Tips are a teeny bit too general, but I figure that was a necessity given the high number of items. If there was a tip from above that you would have wanted to expand on, which one would it be?

  42. Wow, no wonder that you were able to come up with these useful and great travel tips because you’ve been travelling around for more than a decade now. I’ve learned a lot from this post and one thing I would definitely love to embrace is the art of being flexible that I should not Overbook With A Tight Itinerary. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  43. These are all great tips! I saw a video for a great travel hack for stashing money. You empty out a chapstick stick and roll up some cash inside. Thought that was genius. Also, #2 and #4 are so important. If you slow down a bit, that allows you to enjoy the moment and often that means you get the chance to meet locals and chat as you are not running to your next stop.

  44. Some great tips! I think the most frustrating one for me is letting the bank know that you will be going to X. For us, sometimes we do, but most of the time we don’t and of course our card has been locked at the most inconvenient times.

  45. The more we travel, the more we learn from our experiences. This is a great list of tips to keep in mind while travelling. Keeping fit while on the move is something people usually ignore.

  46. Yes, there are many great tips here. I can see you are experienced with travel and have learned this the hard way in some circumstances.

  47. Great tips. I especially agree with the idea of not overbooking or overplanning. Sometimes I want to do everything, and can become disappointed when things do not go according to plan. I also agree that you should take more pictures than you think you need. And since we are family travel bloggers, I am partial to your tip to travel with family. Happy continued journeys.

  48. As expected, you always give all the unique types of information. I think this is the best info all of them, Every year a lot of traveler visit around all over the world, they face some problem for can not taking the right decision, especially the beginner suffer a lot. But those 50 tips will mentally and physically help all the traveler for best traveling experience. Every traveler should Avoid Currency Exchange At Airports, I never get that types of info from anywhere. I am also an adventure lover, I gather some best knowledge from here and I did not miss the sunrise and sunset on my any trip. Thanks for sharing this one.

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