Charming Mookanamane Falls, Sakleshpur, Karnataka

Charming Mookanamane Falls, Sakleshpur, Karnataka

Mookanamane Falls in Sakeshpur Taluk of the Hassan district of Karnataka is a beautiful and serene place, read all about it in our post.

Mookana Mane Abbi Falls

The water cascading down in a silver torrent was like a giant shower. The waters of the  Mookanamane Falls tumbled down from huge boulders to fall soothingly on us. In an instant, it drove away all the aches and pains of climbing down on a perilous and rocky path and left us rejuvenated and in high spirits.

Mookana Mane waterfalls is one of the many waterfalls that add to the pristine beauty of Sakleshpur Taluk in the Hassan District of Karnataka, India. Nestling in the midst of the hills of the Western Ghats, one of the top 18 biodiversity hotspots in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Mookanamane Falls is a delightful getaway into the arms of nature.

Mookanamane Falls- Nature’s Gift

Mookana Mane Abbi Falls

The Mookanamane Falls has an enchanting and endearing quality. It lies surrounded by thick forests and the waters make their way over a rock path filled with boulders and pebbles. In terms of size and grandeur, the falls are not in the same league as the Dudhsagar Falls, Athirapalli Falls or the Nuranang Falls of Arunachal Pradesh. However, Mookana Mane Falls has a distinct charm that will make you fall in love with it at first sight.

Visiting Mookanamane Falls | Mookanamane Abbi Falls

Mookana Mane Falls

It was our first day on what was promising to be an incredible trip to Sakleshpur. It was an action-packed day. The day had begun with a thrilling early morning jeep ride to the top of Patla Betta. We experienced some stunning 360-degree views from the top of the hill, and this was followed by a visit to the Bisile Ghat viewpoint.

Akki Rotti with ghee, Tomato Bhath, Kesari Bhath and chutneys
Akki Rotti with ghee, Tomato Bhath, Kesari Bhath and chutneys

We returned to our homestay and were treated to a hot and delicious breakfast which consisted of the famed Akki Rotti with dollops of homemade ghee. There was Tomato Bhath, Kesari Bhath and assorted chutneys, all washed down with cups of steaming hot tea and filter coffee. Fortified with this breakfast served with great warmth by the family of the homestay owner, we boarded the open jeep to embark upon another adventure in Sakleshpur. This time we were headed to Mookanamane Waterfalls.

We were in Sakleshpur to experience the place and the hospitality of the Sakleshpur Homestay Owners Association – To choose the best place to stay in Sakleshpur do checkout their site

Driving To Mookanamane Abbi Falls

Mookanamane Waterfalls

We headed out towards the falls which were located some 13 kilometres from the village of Palahalli where our homestay was located. The family of our host joined us and we drove breezily towards our destination, It was late afternoon, but the cool wind blowing across the road kept the temperature down. It was a smooth ride for most of the drive as we drove on the main road. We veered off the road into a narrow mud path when we were a few kilometres from our destination. A somewhat bumpy ride, but nothing compared to the many offroading experiences that we had had during our trip, and we were at the Mookanamane Falls.

A sloping dirt track led towards a small stream where fish and tadpoles made merry. A quaint bridge spanned the stream, and in the distance were some houses. Our homestay host informed us that the Mookanamane Waterfall had got its name from these house/s. “Mane,” in Kannada means house, and, “Mookana,” is probably the name of the person associated with the house.

It was not the ideal season to visit a waterfall as it was summer, however, waterfalls have their own magic, and Mookanamane Falls did not disappoint us.

We took a rocky path towards the left of the stream and after some time found it prudent to remove our footwear and proceed barefoot. The sharp rocks hurt our soles, but our souls were in high spirits as we could hear the sound of the gushing waterfall. Our hosts walked across the rocky path with the agility and nimbleness of mountain goats, while we clambered clumsily across the rocks.

Soon we were on a flat rocky surface and the water from the stream cascaded down a sheer drop of about 25 to 30 feet from here. It was a single torrent that took a leap from here. We were told that this was because of the summer season. After the rains when the waterfall was in full flow, it covered a width of almost 50 feet and cascaded down in multiple torrents.

Descent From The Crest To The Base Of Mookanamane Falls

Mookanamane Abbi Falls
Mookanamane Abbi Falls

The waterfall which looked feeble from a distance appeared strong from close quarters. As we peered down from the crest of the fall at the base below, the sight of the water falling and crashing on the rocks was irresistible. It drew us towards the base like puppets on a string.

We started our descent clambering down rocks and holding on to tree branches and roots, a la Tarzan. Finally, after a bit of adventurous rappelling without a rope and with the help of the outstretched hands of our hosts, we reached terra firma and stood in front of the cascading Mookanamane Falls.

The torrent of water that looked so benign from a distance, was roaring with full fury when we were close to it. Waterfalls have a strange soothing quality, and as we stood in front of the Mookana Mane Falls, our bodies, mind, and souls felt relaxed and rejuvenated.

If you thought, that this was the end of our adventure at Mookanamane Falls, you are mistaken. The adventure was far from over, the best was yet to come!

The fun is in standing right beneath the waterfall!” said our enterprising host. We agreed with alacrity and circled around the pond created by the waterfall dexterously jumping from rock to rock, walking gingerly and avoiding stepping on wet rocks as they were very slippery. One wrong move and you could fall into the water, the depth of which was not fathomed. Soon we stood side by side with the waterfall, only a large rock separated us from it.

A narrow and completely wet path beside the rock led to the base of the fall, our daring host gripped the rock and manoeuvered himself right beneath the waterfalls. It was then our turn. He asked us to take a safer route, so we climbed up the road and crawled to the end. With a helping hand from our host, we got down from the rock and stood straight beneath the giant jet of water. Of course, we had to do it turn by turn as the small ledge beneath the waterfall had place only for two people.

It was pure ecstasy as the water streamed down in an unending torrent with great force. The force of the water was enough to make you gasp but was not enough to push you off the ledge as long as you held on tightly. All of us spent a few minutes of pure joy beneath the Mookanamane waterfall, but those few minutes have created incredible memories that are sure to stay etched in our minds forever.

Fully drenched, we made our way to the top, this time taking a different route, we gripped a few tree branches and slowly pulled ourselves to the top, to reach the rocky path where we had left our footwear. Refreshed and rejuvenated, we made our way to the jeep. We knew that this was just the beginning, there was so much more to explore in Sakleshpur, which scripted its way into our hearts as the perfect weekend getaway from Bangalore.

Best Time To Visit Mookanamane Falls

Mookanamane Abbi Falls
Mookanamane Abbi Falls

The best time to visit Sakleshpur in general and the Mookanamane Falls is from October to February. The waterfalls are full and there is lush greenery everywhere, the weather is pleasant. You can also visit in the summer months, as the skies are clear and make for good photography.

Tips For Visiting Mookanamane Waterfalls

Mookana Mane Abbi Falls
Mookana Mane Abbi Falls
  • The path to the top of the falls is through loose rocks, so be careful and have proper footwear, in fact, it is advisable to go barefoot
  • Near the top of the falls, the rocks are very slippery, so exercise extra caution
  • When we visited it was summer and the water flow was less and we could reach the top of the falls as well as the bottom,  this may not be possible after the rains when the waterfall is in full flow, check with locals before venturing near the head of the falls or the bottom of the falls
  • You would need to be physically fit and agile to reach the bottom of the falls, as there was no path when we visited, however, we understand that steps are being built
  • Do not leave any of your precious trash anywhere near the falls, dispose of them in their right place
  • Mookamane Falls is a great place for pictures and selfies, but remember your life is more precious than that selfie
  • Carry your Mobile / Camera to capture the beauty of the waterfalls
  • Keeping in mind the terrain, it is advisable to take guidance from your Homestay owner while visiting places in Sakleshpur
  • Keeping in mind the terrain, it is advisable to hire a 4*4 Jeep to visit places in Sakleshpur. Your Homestay owner can arrange for the same

Appeal To Visitors To Mookanamane Waterfalls

Mookana Mane Waterfalls
Mookana Mane Waterfalls

The members of the Sakleshpur Homestay Owners Association are desperately trying to keep the surroundings of the Mookanamane Falls clean and plastic-free. They do regular cleaning drives here. However, it is sad that visitors leave behind trash in the form of plastic bottles, beer bottles, plastic wrappers, and other stuff, desecrating the pristine environment of the waterfalls.

We appeal to all visitors to leave Mookanamane Falls clean and plastic-free. Please do not litter, in fact, if you find trash, pick it up and dispose of it in the right manner. Let’s travel responsibly!

Images of Mookanamane Falls

Here are some scintillating images of the Mookana Mane waterfalls in Sakleshpur. These include pictures taken in December and those taken in the month of March. This will give you an idea of the difference in landscape owing to the change of seasons.

Images of Mookanamane Falls
Images of Mookanamane Falls

Here are a few pictures that capture the thrill of our adventure at Mookanamane Falls and the sheer ecstasy of standing beneath the torrent of water.

At Mookana Mane waterfalls
Mookana Mane waterfalls
Mookana Mane Falls
Mookana Mane Falls
Mookanamane Waterfalls
Mookanamane Waterfalls
Mookanamane Abbi Falls
Mookanamane Abbi Falls
Mookana Mane Abbi Falls
Mookana Mane Abbi Falls

We hope these pictures make you want to pack your bags to Sakleshpur!

List Of Top Waterfalls In and Around Sakleshpur

Mallalli Falls
Mallalli Falls

Here is a list of the top waterfalls in and around Sakleshpur. There are placed in random order.

  • Mookanamane Waterfalls
  • Magajahalli Waterfalls
  • Manjehalli Waterfalls
  • Mallalli Falls
  • Kadumane falls
  • Hadlu Waterfalls
  • Kalhatti Falls
  • Hebbe Falls
  • Donigal Small Falls
  • Abbe Gundi Falls
  • CoCo Waterfall

Check out our post about the top waterfalls in Karnataka.

Other Places Of Interest In Sakleshpur

Bettada Bhairaveshwara Temple
Bettada Bhairaveshwara Temple

Sakleshpur is a complete and perfect weekend getaway from Mysore, Bangalore, Mangalore, Chennai etc. However, it has so many places of interest that you may actually need 4-5 days to cover everything. Experiences in adventure, nature, culture, cuisine, and heritage await you in Sakleshpur. Here is a list of important places to visit in Sakleshpur.

  • Bisile Ghat
  • Manjarabad Fort
  • Patla Betta
  • Hosahalli Betta – Shooting Point
  • Gavi Betta
  • Shiva Cave Temple on Gavi Betta
  • Balancing Rocks on Gavi Betta
  • Mookanamane Falls
  • Kaginere View Point
  • Kari Gundi, Kaginere
  • Bettada Bhairaveshwara Temple
  • Yattina Buja
  • Pandavara Gudda
  • Kadumane Falls
  • Hoysala Ugama Sthana
  • Ridge Point

How To Get To Mookana Mane Abbi Falls

At Mookana Mane Falls

The Mookanamane Falls is located in Sakleshpur taluk of the Hassan district of Karnataka, India. Click here for Sakleshpur to Mookanamane Falls Route Map.

Sakleshpur to Mookanamane Falls Route Map
Sakleshpur to Mookanamane Falls Route Map
  • Mookanamane Falls’s distance from Bangalore is about 254 kilometres
  • Mookanamane Falls’s distance from Mangalore is about 148 kilometres
  • Mysore is about 149 kilometres away from Mookanamane Abbi Waterfalls Sakleshpur
  • The famous temple of Kukke Subrahmanya is about 49 kilometres from Mookana Mane Falls
  • Bisile Ghat view point is about 25 kilometres from Mookana Mane waterfalls
  • Udupi is about 200 kilometres from Mookanamane Abbi Falls
  • Chennai is about 585 kilometres from Mookanamane Abbi Falls
  • Sakleshpura is about 41 kilometres from the falls

Reaching Mookanamane Falls By Air

The nearest airport to Mookanamane Falls is Mangalore. You can fly to Mangalore and travel by road to Mookana Mane Abbi Falls.

Reaching Mookanamane Falls By Train

Sakleshhpura Railway Station at a distance of about 40 kilometres is the nearest railway station to the Mookanamane waterfalls. There are plenty of trains to and from Bangalore, Mangalore, Karwar, and other places. Some of the trains also have Vista dome coaches attached.

Reaching Mookanamane Falls By Road

At Mookana Mane Falls

Sakleshpur is ideal for a road trip from Bangalore or from Mangalore or Mysore. It is a perfect weekend getaway from Mangalore and also a great weekend getaway from Chennai. Mookanamane Falls is well connected by road to other places in Sakleshpur, Hassan district, as well as Coorg, and places like Bangalore and Mysore.

Check out our 75 best road trips from Bangalore.

To travel to Mookanamane Falls/Sakleshpur you can book your flight tickets right here through Cleartrip or Makemytrip or CheapAir or Priceline and fly to Mangalore. If you are thinking of a road trip, do check out the rental car options.

Where To Stay For Visiting Mookanamane Waterfalls

Homestay at Sakleshpur

Sakleshpur has many homestays and resorts. For an authentic experience of the region, its culture, and its lifestyle, staying in a homestay is the best option. You can choose from over 100 homestays who are members of the Sakleshpur Homestay Owners Association, and you will surely have an amazing experience in Sakleshpur.

You can select a homestay for your weekend getaway in Sakleshpur from over 100 homestays, each of which offers beautiful locations and impeccable hospitality. Check out this list of Sakleshpur Homestays from the Sakleshpur Homestay Owners Association. You can directly call them for booking or queries.

Mookanamane Falls

We hope you liked reading about the Mookanamane Falls of Sakleshpur. This is just one of the many attractions that will mesmerize you with their beauty in Sakleshpur. If you are planning a weekend getaway to Sakleshpur, a beautiful hill station in Karnataka and need any assistance, do let us know. For more interesting and informative posts do subscribe to our blog.

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Mookanamane Falls, Sakleshpur, Karnataka

Our visit to Sakleshpur in Karnataka, India was organized by Sakleshpur Homestay Owners Association to promote sustainable tourism through immersive local experiences of cuisine, culture, and adventure provided by members of the Sakleshpur Homestay Owners Association. The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are our own. #travel #Sakleshpur #VisitSakleshpur #Sakleshpura #Sakleshapura #Malenadu #WesternGhats #Weekendgetaway #Karnataka #hillstation #DekhoApnaDesh #IncredibleIndia

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Charming Mookanamane Falls, Sakleshpur, Karnataka

Charming Mookanamane Falls, Sakleshpur, Karnataka

9 thoughts on “Charming Mookanamane Falls, Sakleshpur, Karnataka”

  1. Wow, the article on Mookanamane Falls in Sakleshpur, Karnataka is incredibly captivating. The vivid descriptions and stunning photos made me feel like I was there. I’m definitely adding this to my travel bucket list!

    1. I am hailing from Kerala and there is no dearth to the number of waterfalls here. But due to the overtly enthusiastic tourism department all waterfalls are crowded. This one looks secluded and hence we can enjoy our time.

  2. Such magnificent waterfalls! Karnataka seems to be the hub of these roaring water bodies. I really have to explore this state now. The tomato bhath looks really tempting. Great guide as always!

  3. Bedabrata Chakraborty

    You travel so much I am getting jealous! Mookanamane Falls looks so full of zest. Hope to visit sometime. Also Akki Roti is my favourite, it’s a hidden gem of Karnataka. By the way, Sakleshpur Homestay Owners Association it appears is doing an efficient job.

  4. Wow!! Mookanamane Falls seem to be a true hidden gem in the midst of nature, and your description of the experience is truly captivating. The imagery of the water cascading down the boulders and the sensation of being rejuvenated by its soothing touch really paints a vivid picture of the beauty and power of the falls. Thank you for sharing this lovely post!

  5. This is so mesmerisingly beautiful. Your post helped me recall my visit to rock garden darjeeling and seeing the beautiful chunnu falls.

  6. For some reason I always happen to land in sakleshpur in the summers where there is no water falling from any waterfall. But i should make visit this one between Oct and Feb as stated by you.

  7. This location is so serene 😍🤌🏻 i have been to Karnataka Murudeshwar side earlier and loved the nature beauty. Will be planning my trip in monsoon to this water fall as that would be the perfect timing ♥️

  8. Once again as I have always said your itinerary is perfect
    The places and the photography are breath taking
    It gives me major fomo sitting at home

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