Significance of Buddha Purnima – On The Trail of Buddha

Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Buddha Purnima celebrates the birth of the Buddha and is celebrated across India, Nepal, and other parts of Asia and the world.

Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Buddha Purnima is a day of celebration across Asia as well as across the world. It celebrates an epoch-making event in human history  It is on this day, more than 2,500 years ago that a boy was born in Lumbini, Nepal. His birth was to alter human destiny forever. Buddha Purnima celebrates the birth of Gautam Buddha, the man who in his lifetime attained enlightenment and gave the world a whole new way of life, the tenets of Buddhism.

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Significance of Buddha Purnima - On The Trail of Buddha
Buddha Purnima - On The Trail of Buddha

Buddha Purnima – The Birth of A Messiah | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Buddha Purnima
Reclining Buddha Bangkok | Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

The birth of Gautam Buddha and his teachings are celebrated on the occasion of Buddha Purnima. From India to Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, China, Sri Lanka, and other countries of Asia to Australia and the United States of America, the entire world joins in the celebration of Buddha Purnima in its own way. The teachings of Buddha and the path that he showed to the world are very relevant to this day. In these times when the world is beset with strife, agony, and misery, the teachings of Buddha spell hope and optimism.

Buddha Purnima – On The Trail Of Buddha | Buddha Trail

Buddha Wall Painting
Buddha Wall Painting in Weherahena Temle. Matara, Sri Lanka | Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Buddha left his mark across Asia. There are many places in Inda and Nepal that are directly linked to Buddha’s life and to the timeline of Buddhism in the world. The message of the Buddha was later taken to all corners of the world by his disciples. So one finds sites related to Buddha and Buddhism across Asia and other parts of the world too.

We consider ourselves really blessed and honored to have had the opportunity to visit many Buddhist sites across the world during our travels. From Lumbini where the little Buddha kept his first baby steps, to Bodh Gaya where he attained enlightenment, and Sarnath in Varanasi which was the site of his first sermon, we have bowed to the benevolence of the Buddha. Apart from these, the monasteries of Ladakh and the Ravangla Buddha Park in Sikkim, the temples of Thailand and Cambodia, and the Stupas of Sanchi, have filled our being with bliss and hope, from time to time.

Buddha Purnima is an opportune time to reflect on the message of Buddha and reminisce on the places associated with his life in particular and Buddhism in general.

Buddha Purnima – Buddha Trail, Lumbini

Buddha Purnima - Mayadevi Temple
Mayadevi Temple, Lumbini | Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Lumbini in Nepal is believed to be the birthplace of Buddha. Historians are one in zeroing in on Lumbini as the place where the Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha. It is believed that the Buddha’s mother Mayadevi was on her way to her maternal home in Devadaha from her own home in Kapilavastu. She had stopped at Lumbinivana to take rest in the midst of enchanting gardens. This is when the Buddha chose to be born.

Legend has it that Mayadevi gave birth to Buddha while standing and holding on to a tree while having a divine vision. Today, that divine scene comes alive at the Mayadevi Temple in Lumbini in the Nativity Sculpture.

Read our Lumbini post for detailed information about Lumbini and the birth of the Buddha.

Buddha Purnima – On The Trail Of Buddha, Bodh Gaya

Buddha Purnima - Bodh Gaya
Buddha Purnima – Bodh Gaya | Buddha Poornima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Buddha spent his childhood and the early years of his youth as the Prince of Kapilavastu. His life was a sheltered one, spent in royal comfort, and shielded from the miseries of the world. However Karma has its way, and one day the young prince was exposed to images of poverty, disease, and old age.

This was enough to trigger a billion sparks of inquiry in the young prince’s mind. At the age of 29, the prince left his home and family and the royal pleasures of life, to embark on a long journey, a journey that would take him closer to Truth and ultimately enlightenment.

The perseverance and dedication of the prince in his pursuit of truth bore fruit underneath a Peepal tree, more than 500 kilometers from Kapilavastu.

The young prince was illuminated with the resplendent light of enlightenment at a place near Gaya in the Indian state of Bihar. That place today is revered as Bodh Gaya and the place where he attained enlightenment is marked by a tree which is a descendant of the original Peepal or Bodhi tree, it is known as the Mahabodhi tree.

Read our Bodh Gaya post for detailed information about Bodh Gaya and the enlightenment of Buddha.

Buddha Purnima – Buddha Trail, Sarnath

Sarnath, Varanasi
Sarnath, Varanasi | Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

The Buddha was born in Lumbini and then Buddha attained enlightenment in Bodh Gaya. After enlightenment, the Buddha spent a few weeks meditating and basking in the luminous glow of enlightenment in Bodh Gaya. After this, he got up and moved to a place that was then known as Isipatana. Here the Buddha gave his first sermon in which he explained the 4 Noble Truths, to his 5 disciples. The first sermon of Buddha is recorded as the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. The place where Buddha gave his first sermon is known today as Sarnath, which is located about 13 kilometers from Varanasi.

To know more about Sarnath, check out our post about Varanasi.

The Four Noble Truths

Dukkha – Suffering or unhappiness is an integral part of existence in the world
Samudaya – The origin of this suffering is desire and attachment
Nirodha – This suffering can be ended by letting go of desires and attachment
Magga – The Eight Fold Path leads to the renouncement of desires and the cessation of suffering

Buddha Purnima – On The Trail Of Buddha, Kushinagar

Mahaparinirvana temple in Khushinagar
Mahaparinirvana temple in Khushinagar | Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Kushinagar or Kusinara is the place where the Buddha discarded his physical cloak to go back to his pure, spiritual form. His mission on earth had been completed. It is said that the enlightened being lay down between two Sal trees in a grove, and transmigrated into a state of Mahaparinirvana. Toda, a Buddhist shrine has been built to mark the spot. A large mound nearby is believed to have been a stupa that marked the place of the cremation of Buddha’s mortal remains. This was also the place where the relics of Buddha were divided into eight equal parts.

Buddha Purnima
Eight-Fold Path of Buddha

Buddha Purnima – Other Important Places Associated With Buddha


Shravasti | Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Shravasti which was known as Savatthi in ancient times was a large city during the times of the Buddha. The Buddha is believed to have spent 24 Chaturmasas here. Chaturmasas are 4-month periods when monks cease their wandering and stay at one place practicing meditation and other prescribed rituals. Ruins of a large number of monasteries and Buddhist temples have been found in the region. It is believed that it was here in Shravasti that Buddha spent a lot of his time and gave numerous discourses.


Rajagriha | Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

The city of Rajgir in the state of Bihar was known as Rajagriha or Girivraj in ancient times.The place is associated both with Buddha as well as Mahavira, the Jain Tirthankara. It is believed that Buddha meditated and preached at a place called Gridhra-Kuta or “Hill of the Vultures”. Rajgir is also the place where Buddha initiated the King of Magadha, Bimbisara, to Buddhism. Rajgir is also believed to be the place where Buddha delivered his famous Atanatiya Sutra.


Vaishali | Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Vaishali is believed to have been the first republic in the world, existing even before the ancient republics of Greece. Vaishali in ancient times was Vesali and one of the greatest centers of Buddhism. Vaishali was the place where Buddha announced to the world his impending Mahaparinirvana. The second Buddhist Council was held in Vaishali, a century after Buddha’s Mahaparinirvana.


Sankasya | Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Sankissa, was known in ancient times as Sankasya is a town in Uttar Pradesh, not far from the town of  Sravasti. It was here that the emperor Ashoka installed one of his famous Ashoka Pillars with an elephant capital. Legend has it that this is the place where Buddha is believed to have descended to earth from the Tāvatiṃsa deva world, where he had gone to teach Abhidhamma to his mother and other devas.


Nalanda | Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Nalanda is a place that is believed to have been visited many times by Buddha. In ancient times, Nalanda was a famous center of learning, one of the biggest ancient universities in the world. It was home to one of the biggest monasteries. The ruins of Nalanda are located near present-day Patna in the state of Bihar. Nalanda is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of India.


Sanchi Stupa
Sanchi Stupa | Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Sanchi is one of the most important places in the timeline of Buddhism in India. However, Buddha never visited Sanchi. The place is another UNESCO World Heritage Site in Madhya Pradesh, India. It has the Great Stupa which is believed to be one of the oldest stone structures in India. The construction of the original Sanch Stupa was constructed by Emperor Ashoka and is believed to contain the relics of Buddha. Other nearby stupas cover the relics of Buddha’s disciples, Sariputra and Mahamoggallana.

To read more details about Sanchi and the timeline of Buddhism in India read our post about Sanchi.

Buddha Purnima | Vesak In India| How Is Buddha Purnima Celebrated | Buddha Purnima Date, History & Significance

Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha
Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Buddha Purnima celebrates the birth of Prince Siddhartha in Lumbini, Nepal. Buddha Purnima or Buddha’s Birthday is celebrated across Asia and the world. Buddha is believed to have been born during the 5th-6th century BC.

It is interesting to note that Buddha Purnima is celebrated differently and at different times in different parts of Asia. In Southeast Asia as well as South Asia Buddha Purnima is celebrated as Vesak, a festival that commemorates the birth of Buddha, his enlightenment, as well as his attainment of Mahaparnirvana or death.

In India and Nepal where the Buddha was born and lived, Buddha Purnima is celebrated on the Full Moon Day of the Vaisakh month. In China and Korea, Buddha Purnima is celebrated on the eighth day of the fourth month of the Chinese Calendar. According to the Gregorian calendar, Buddha Purnima is celebrated in April or May, and the exact date varies from year to year.

Buddha Purnima is a public holiday in India. It is specially celebrated in Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh, Sikkim, Kalimpong, and Darjeeling. On this day people visit Monasteries and listen to special sermons by monks. As a Buddha Purnima special, traditional sweet rice porridge or Kheer is prepared to commemorate the occasion. The rice porridge is related to the story of a woman called Sujatha who offered the Buddha a bowl of rice porridge.

Buddha Trail Map

Buddha Trail Map
Buddha Trail Map PC:

Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha – FAQ

Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha
Buddha Purnima | Buddha Trail | On The Trail Of Buddha

Why is Budh Purnima celebrated?
Buddha Purnima celebrates Buddha’s birthday.

Who are the 7 Buddhas?
The seven Buddhas are, Vipassi, Sikhi, Vessabhu, kakusandha, Konagamana, Kasyapa, and Gautama.

Was Buddha born on a full moon?
Yes, Buddha was born on a full moon day in the month of Vaisakh.

What do Buddhist eat on Bodhi Day?
Buddhists eat rice porridge or Kheer.

What days do Buddhist worship?
The most important day for worship for Buddhists is the full moon day of the Vaisakh month which is celebrated as Buddha Purnima.

Which are some of the famous Buddha Temple in India?
The famous Buddha temples in India are the Mahabodhi temple in Bodh Gaya and the Mahaparinirvana temple in Kushinagar.

Where is Buddha Park Ravangla?
The Buddha Park Ravangla is located in the town of Ravangla in Sikkim near the capital city of Gangtok.

When is Buddha’s Birthday?
Buddha’s birthday is celebrated as Guru Purnima on the full moon day of the month of Vaisakh.

How Gautama Became A Buddha?
The Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha Gautama but was disillusioned with worldly pleasures and set out to seek the truth. His quest led him to enlightenment and he became Gautama Buddha.

Which are the places covered in The Buddha Trails?
The places usually covered in the Buddha trail are Bodh Gaya, Kushinagar, and Sarnath in India and Lumbini in Nepal


We hope you liked our Buddha Purnima post. We are sure it will be useful if you are looking for some lines about Buddha Purnima. If you are looking for Buddha Quotes On Karma or Buddha quotes on happiness or any other subject, check out our Buddha quotes post.

We wish you a very happy Buddha Purnima. Buddham Saranam Gacchami, Dhaman Saranam Gacchami, Sangham Saranam Gacchami.

PinitSignificance of Buddha Purnima - On The Trail of Buddha

Buddha Purnima - On The Trail of Buddha

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15 thoughts on “Significance of Buddha Purnima – On The Trail of Buddha”

  1. We have so much to learn from the teachings of Buddha.

    Honestly I did not have much knowledge about this except having read some books on Gautama Buddha.

    Your detailed analysis has given me a good insight.

  2. What a fascinating journey Sandy and Vyjay. I became more familiar with Buddhist ideas after meditating quite a bit. Traveling to places like Thailand and India further piqued my interest in this enlightened being. He and Jesus seem to be the two most perfectly evolved beings in human history on planet earth.


  3. This is a nicely written piece around Lord Buddha. It also traces his complete journey. I have visited a few of the places but can see few others yet to be explored. Probably will go for a Buddha circuit sometime.

  4. Thanks for sharing so many useful information on Budha through FAQ section. This is very detailed and informative blog.

  5. This will be such a cool and spiritual trail. I will definitely try to do this trail sometime. I have just passed through Lumbini when I was on a backpacking trip. Unfortunately I did not spend much time there. But I would love to go back.

  6. What a calm and fascinating journey I have experienced while reading this post. I loved this trail and would like to do this trail for sure. Loved the FAQ sections as it provides a lot of information on Buddha.

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