What to see in and around Fort Kochi, Kerala


What to see in and around Fort Kochi, Kerala

The waves of the Arabian Sea crashed against the boulders which shone like black pearls as they reflected the rays of the early morning sun. We watched this tableau of nature, relishing our breakfast, seated in the open dining area of the Le-Petit Elephant hotel in Cherai, Kerala. We were in love with the place and were having the time of our lives. We were still in a state of euphoric exultation having been through some Zen moments, watching a stunning sunrise in the Kerala backwater boat cruise and a nirvanic sunset at Munambam Beach. We also had some fascinating moments visiting the modern and hi-tech  Vypin Lighthouse with some amazing views of the sea and the lush green countryside. But more was to come. We were now looking forward to experiencing the sights, sounds, and fragrances that the area popularly known as Fort Kochi nursed within its folds.

Fort Kochi which is a conglomeration of water-bound regions near the mainland of Kochi in Kerala which is also known as Cochin has a history that at once fascinates and intrigues. We were looking forward to seeing a region that had been the theatre of many an invasion and war, a region that still echoed to the battle cries from the past.

It was the Portuguese who first set their feet on the land that we now call Fort Kochi, to be followed and displaced by the Dutch. The Dutch in their turn were defeated by the British as the sun over the British Empire loomed large on the horizon. Another intriguing aspect of Fort Kochi is the fact that the fort being referred to in its name does not exist. The fort was completely destroyed by the Dutch when they wrested the possession of Fort Kochi from the Portuguese.

With such an interesting background, it was no wonder that Fort Kochi piqued our curiosity and interest and we were looking forward to getting there, real fast! Before we embarked on our voyage of discovery in Fort Kochi we did check some travel guides to Kochi and mentally made a note of the must-see places in Fort Kochi.

What to see in and around Fort Kochi, Kerala, India

Come, join us as we explore Fort Kochi and its nuggets of history and culture. We hope this post gives you an idea of what to see in Fort Kochi and doubles up as a travel guide to Kochi.

We fasten our seat belts and the car sets off on a road that runs parallel to the sea for some time and then bends around taking us across a wonderland of lagoons and swaying palms towards our destination, Fort Kochi.

We soon approach a jetty of sorts and watch in childish glee as our car drives straight into a ferry that is moored on the pier. The ferry is crammed with people, some on foot and many on their bikes, who stand in mute monotony, obviously oblivious of the thrill that we feel. For them, it is just another day. They are on their way to work or study and this is part of their daily routine.

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

The ferry slowly moves into the sea as we watch a ship steaming away in the distance from our car window. The ferry ride is short and we reach the opposite shore within 10 minutes and our car ejects out of the ferry.

We can almost see the car preening itself for hitching a ride on the ferry!

We drive for a few kilometers and the driver gives us instructions in staccato bursts of what to see, where to go, etc., as he parks the car in an open parking area that lies behind the Palace. We clamber out onto a bright and sunny day and walk towards the interiors of Fort Kochi.

A narrow road leads us to our destination. As if by coincidence, the first thing that meets our eye is a desolate cemetery with an iron gate with a lock on it. We peep through the gate as we note that this is a Jewish Cemetery. Though a cemetery may not figure in the list of must see places in Fort Kochi for most people, we were intrigued by the place and wanted to take a peep into the place.

Jewish Cemetery

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

We looked through the iron gates at the dark grey tombstones, weathered by age. Green plants with colorful flowers provide a breath of life to the otherwise somber surroundings. A board inside the cemetery apologizes for not allowing visitors. As we look at the tombstones, our minds seem to race to a time when those who lay buried underneath them walked the earth. They would have walked, run, skipped, jumped and laughed on the very land that we were standing on. Today, they lay motionless, transformed into dust beneath the cold and gray tombstones. As we turn away from the cemetery, we see a fading inscription on marble on the wall beside the gate. It proclaims that the compound wall and the shed within were built in 1898. We walk away from the cemetery, saying a silent requiem for the departed.

Paradesi Synagogue

Fort Kochi
Pardesi Synagogue

We walked through narrow but impeccably clean streets to reach our next destination which was the Paradesi Synagogue. This synagogue ranks as the oldest active synagogue in the Commonwealth. The synagogue was built in the year 1567 and stands juxtaposed with the Mattancherry Palace Temple and an 18th-century clock tower. In fact, the synagogue shares a common wall with the temple. Visitors are allowed inside the synagogue for a small fee and can spend some time in its peaceful and historic environs. The synagogue houses artifacts with great historical value and these include golden crowns and a brass railed pulpit among others. The synagogue must indeed rank high in any travel guide to Kochi owing to its historical importance.

Jew Town

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

The small streets looked so quaint and the shops that lined both sides were so colorful and filled with antiques and curios that we could not resist sauntering around and peering into the shops. We saw an old clock that clutched secrets of a bygone era in its bosom, coat of arms, shields that may have once stood between the life and death of a warrior, figurines of clay, paintings by unknown and unsung artists, colorful dolls decked up as Kathakali dancers and many other fascinating items of intrigue. Some of the houses and doorways too looked so fascinating that we wondered as to what happened behind the walls!

What to see in and around Fort Kochi, Kerala

A shop we entered and walked around in displayed a huge, round clay vessel which the sales assistant described as, “The World’s Biggest Varpu”. “Varpu means a cooking vessel”, she hastened to add for the benefit of ignoramuses like us. The Varpu is on exhibition in a shop named Crafters, and though it may not figure in any travel guide to Kochi, it is really worth taking a look at.

Fort Kochi
things to do in Fort Kochi-Mattancherry Palace – Jew Town
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

Colorful umbrellas, dresses, dolls, statues, Rangoli or colored decorative powder painted a riot of color on this quaint street of Fort Kochi. The stores with names like ‘Shalom”, showed the Jewish influence in this place that stood as a silent testimony to the seamless merging of myriad cultures from history.

We would recommend spending a lot of time in Jew town and going beyond the standard travel guide drill to have a really immersive experience of the quaint place.

Apart from curios and antiques,  there were other shops too that sold everything from clothes to snacks and of course spices.

Spice Market

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

One end of the street is dedicated to the spice market. Spices bring alive the magic of Indian cooking. Our nostrils sniffed at the fragrance of cinnamon, cardamom, clove, and other exotic spices as we approached this part of Jew town. Shops selling spices dot the area, reminiscent of a page of history that seems to be long forgotten when people from the distant parts of the world were drawn by the hypnotic fragrance of these very spices. As we were lost in the pages of history, a man pushing a cart filled with sacks of spices labored past, the sweat glistening on his sinewy arms.

Police Museum

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

We walked right into the precincts of the police station that stood right in the middle of Jew Town. The Police Station was nothing like what we had ever seen earlier. Not that we have seen many of them! The friendly police officer explained to us that this was a unique Police Station. It was an International Tourism Police Station, set up as a help center for foreign travelers. The Police Station offered various services like handling queries related to passports and visas, help in case of lost passports, provision of tourist maps, booking of cabs and boats, etc.. Inside the neat and compact Police Station itself, there is a museum which chronicles the fascinating history of the Police in Kochi from the colonial era to the present. Uniforms and weapons used by the force are on display. We felt that this indeed was a Police Station with a difference. The Police station is another place that may not figure in most of the travel guides to Kochi, but again its uniqueness makes it worth a visit.

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

We walked through the streets of Jew town and passed a narrow alley on the right-hand side which featured some colorful street art that flanked a pair of archaic windows on our way to the Mattancherry Palace.

Mattancherry Palace

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
things to do in Fort Kochi-Mattancherry Palace
Pardesi Synagogue
Fort Kochi

We arrived at an unassuming gate, which was the entrance to the Mattancherry or Dutch Palace. The Palace was apparently built and gifted to the King of Kochi sometime around the year 1555 by the Portuguese as appeasement for having destroyed a temple in the vicinity. More than 100 years later the Dutch renovated the palace and it came to be also known as Dutch Palace since then.

Having seen the grand palaces of Rajasthan and Mysore, the Mattancherry Palace looked simple and almost spartan in appearance. A steep flight of stairs took us up into the Palace and we brought our tickets at the reception room. Sadly, though we could carry our cameras, photography was prohibited inside the Palace. We moved through the palace, thinking about the royal family whose feet would have trod on the very same floor. We marveled at the colorful murals that adorned the walls. Murals which had stood the test of time and even today captivated the mind with their beauty and artistry. The murals depict scenes from Indian Mythology, primarily the Ramayana and episodes from the life of Krishna. The paintings are the highlights of the Mattancherry Palace. Some of the rooms had large windows that were similar to French windows with large spaces to sit on. The windows, by design, looked on to some refreshing waterbodies. We sat down on one of these to take a few minutes rest as we thought about the Kings and Queens who may have spent many a pleasant evening sitting there and enjoying the cool breeze.

Indo-Portuguese Museum

This was a lovely museum situated in Fort Kochi. We found the museum to be a rich ode to the confluence of Indo-Portuguese culture. The charming museum is divided into 5 sections, namely, Altar, Treasure, Procession, Civil Life and Cathedral. The wonderful exhibits include sculpture, vestments, and objects of precious metal. Some of the important exhibits include a piece of a 16th-century altar made from teak wood, a 17th-century silver and wood cross, and a coat of arms of the Franciscans.

Chinese Fishing Nets

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

They seem to rise like some divine apparition from the fringes of the sea, assuming a gilded form at sunrise and sunset. These are the Cheenavalas or Chinese fishing nets which have started to assume iconic proportions synonymous with Kochi. These are huge mechanical contraptions that are operated from the shore using a cantilever that can lower nets as wide as 20 meters into the sea for catching fish. These kinds of fishing nets are unique to Kochi in India. They are however used across the coast of Southern China. A visit to Kochi remains incomplete without a glimpse of these mechanical contraptions shimmering against the waters of the sea. One can walk on the beach where one can find these nets, however, we found the area a bit dirty for walking. We found a better place to watch the Fishing nets in Cherai against the backdrop of the rising and setting sun.

Fort Kochi Beach

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

It is not really much of a beach, but there is a promenade by the side of the sea. We walked on it till the edge jutting out into the sea. It was nice for a stroll, watching the waves crashing in monotonous splendor on the rocks. The boats and ships that passed by were an interesting sight too.

Dutch Cemetery

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

Just on the edge of the sea, near the beachfront, surrounded by high walls lies a decrepit cemetery which is known as Dutch Cemetery. This cemetery which was built in 1724 is among the oldest in India. We peeped through the gate into a world of gray and black tombstones of varying sizes and inscriptions in Dutch. The last person to be buried in the cemetery was a Captain Joseph Winckler in 1913. We moved away from the cemetery wondering about the Dutch and British nationals who lay buried in a land so far away from their homeland.

 Maritime Museum

We found the maritime museum really fascinating. It presents a lovely tableau of the maritime history of India right from 1612 when the Indian Marine too birth in the city of Surat in Gujarat. One of the things we really loved apart from all the interesting information about ships and the Navy was the 3D paintings that painted a picture that was almost lifelike. If you love ships and everything associated with them, you cannot afford to miss a visit to this museum. This museum definitely figures high in our list of must-see places in Kochi.

St. Francis Church

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

The lovely church which is supposed to be the oldest one built by the Europeans in India is really endearing in spite of its antiquity. The façade of the church combines with the tall trees in front to create a serene ambiance that seems to beckon visitors to its fold. The interior of the church lives up magnificently to the promise made by its impressive façade. The wooden, carved pulpit enhances the pristine atmosphere inside the church. One of the historical spots within the church is the spot where once lay buried the famous explorer Vasco Da Gama. Vasco Da Gama died in Kochi and was buried in this very church. His mortal remains were however exhumed and taken to Portugal 14 years later. The place where he was buried is clearly marked in the church.

Santa Cruz Basilica

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

Not too far from St. Francis Church is located a magnificent structure that seems to dwarf everything around it. The architectural masterpiece in Gothic style seems to have been designed with stones of sublime love cemented with the mortar of heartfelt devotion. The Basilica is the Cathedral Church of the diocese of Cochin. The building stands out boldly against the sky in spotless white splendor, with doors that open into a world of devotion and love.

Cochin Cultural Centre

Cochin Cultural Centre

A nice way to bring the day to a grand finale in the evening is to usher it in with the rhythmic and hypnotic beat of drums and gongs. This what we did. We went to the Cochin Cultural Centre to view a Kathakali dance performance. Kathakali is the famous dance form of Kerala which combines elements of Ballet, pantomime and many traditional Indian dances. The powerful dance performance which is based on stories from Indian mythology is sure to transport one into a different world. One important facet of this dance is the meticulous make up the dancers put on including the perfect face painting. We reached the place early and were able to watch the artists donning their make-up with wide eyes! This is an experience that will stay etched in ones’ mind for a long, long time as the rhythmic beats of the drums fade away.

Lunch in Fort Kochi

Fort Kochi
Fort Kochi

All the walking around, of course, needed to be fueled by calories, so we did have our lunch in the midst of our wanderings, There is a range of food and eateries to choose from when in Kochi that includes the best in seafood, traditional Kerala cuisine, Chinese, Japanese and Italian, to name a few. We believe and live the adage of being Roman in Rome, hence we decided to have what is called Sadhya which is a traditional vegetarian meal that literally translates into Banquet in English. We found a small and neat vegetarian restaurant and soon we had a banana leaf in front of us. Portions of various dishes in exotic colors materialized on the leaf in front of our eyes. We were hungry and dug into the food. We were a tad disappointed as the food did not taste as good as it looked. But who cares, when the stomach is rumbling away to glory!

We had a wonderful 2 days exploring Fort Kochi, a lovely place where history unveils a surprise around every bend and corner. A place that reverberates with drumbeats of culture and resounds to the echoes of the sound of conches of history wafting across the sea of time. To truly have an immersive experience in Fort Kochi, we would advise keeping at the least a couple of days to savor the sights, fragrances, and tastes of the place. If you are planning a trip to Kerala then you could check out the Kerala Tour Packages.

Order food online: Faasos, Firangi Bake, Pizza Hut, Swiggy, Oven Story, Dominos

FAQ – Fort Kochi

Why is Fort Kochi famous?

Fort Kochi is an area steeped in history. Its old streets and heritage buildings bring alive the Dutch, Portuguese and Colonial history of the place. Many of the important places to see are located in and around Fort Kochi.

Is one day enough for seeing Fort Kochi?

One day is sufficient to cover Fort Kochi, but if you want to really travel slow and have an immersive experience of the place and culture, it is recommended to spend at least a couple of days in Fort Kochi.

How much time does it take to reach Cochin International Airport from Fort Kochi?

The distance from Fort Kochi to the airport is about 44 kilometers, but depending on the time you are leaving, the travel time will vary. It can take anywhere between 1 to 2 hours based on current traffic.

Are there accommodation options in Fort Kochi?

There are plenty of budget and luxury hotels in the Fort Kochi area.

Is Fort Kochi a nice area to stay in Kochi?

Fort Kochi is a lovely area to stay in.

How about shopping in Fort Kochi?

One can shop for antiques and other colorful artwork, souvenirs, and spices at Fort Kochi

Kochi Tourism

How To Get To Fort Kochi

  • Fort Kochi is a historic area in the city of Kochi in the southern Indian state of Kerala
  • Fort Kochi is at a distance of about 44 kilometers from the Cochin International Airport
  • The city of Kochi is well connected to all major towns and cities of India by air, rail, and road
  • The Cochin International Airport operates fully on Solar Power and offers direct connectivity GCC, Srilanka, Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia

Are you are planning a trip to Kochi in Kerala, India then you can book a cheap flight through TripAdvisor or Agoda or CheapAir or Cleartrip or Makemytrip or Priceline right here. You can fly to Kochi and then from there you can travel to Fort Kochi by road. You can also do road trips to many interesting destinations in Kerala like Kumarakom, Allepey, Thekkady, and Athirapally from Kochi. You can also reach Kochi from within India by self-drive car or cab or bus or alternatively take a train.

Where To Stay In Fort Kochi

Kochi city is a sprawling metropolis. There is no dearth of accommodation options. If you want to stay right in the Fort Kochi area, one of the best 5-star hotels that is a heritage building is Forte Kochi.

There are plenty of other options to stay in Kochi. There is a choice of budget accommodation as well as luxury hotels.

One can book hotels through TripAdvisor or Cleartrip or Agoda or Makemytrip or Priceline and save a lot by getting the best deals on booking your stay.

Click to book the best hotels in Kochi or best resorts in Kochi

Tours/Activities available in Kochi – Things To Do In Kochi

Kochi attractions are plenty and if you are wondering what to see in Kochi or what to do in Kochi, then look no further. Kochi attractions pass are available for the most recommended Kochi tours. You can now book tours in Kochi as well as activities in Kochi.

Click here to know more and book Best Attractions and Activities in Kochi.

Driving Around Kochi, Kerala, India

Places to visit in Kochi are plenty. If you are looking at getting the best deals on car rental then we have it covered here. You can rent a car by choosing either self-drive or chauffeur-driven car to explore and experience Kochi and in and around areas and embark on a road trip of exploration and discovery of Kochi and other parts of Kerala, India. Alternatively, if you have a valid Indian driving license then you could also rent a self-drive car.

We have covered in this post the top things to see in and around Fort Kochi, Kerala. We hope you enjoyed reading our  Fort Kochi Guide and got a fair idea of what to see in Fort Kochi when you are in Kochi. Have you been to Kochi? Has this Fort Kochi blog post been useful? Do connect with us and share your thoughts in the comments section.

You might want to read our other posts on Kochi. Here are the links:

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Cochin, Kerala, India

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95 thoughts on “What to see in and around Fort Kochi, Kerala”

  1. Lunch at Fort Kochi looks delicious. I would love to see the traditional Kathakali dance too. It would be very calming to watch the Chinese fishing nets close to the water’s edge.

  2. I’ve never been to India but I’ve accidentally stereotyped it in my head as really really busy. Clearly Kerala is the exception to this – it looks so relaxing! I had no idea there was so much to do around there. And that food looks delish!

  3. I dream of visiting a real spice market. It looks like so much fun. Kerala looks like a truly beautiful place to visit. It is on my list for next year. I would definitely spend some time on the beach and check out St. Francis! I also love your little slideshow tool. What a great way to show off your awesome photos.

  4. This is very comprehensive and I liked that you tackled almost everything in this post which is very helpful. How I wish I can visit one of these places soon and experience its beauty.

  5. I have fond memories of Fort Kochi. It is a time warped town like no other. Just last month I made my 3rd trip to Fort Kochi and wanted to stay longer. It is that kind of place. No matter how many times you have been there, you want to experience it again and again.

  6. Indian spices are truly tasty I must say. One of the best foods of India is curry that comes with a perfect taste of curry sauce. I haven’t been to India but I will definitely go as soon as I got the chance. I’ve so much about the place and your post gives me more thrill to book my next flight there! hahahaha

  7. Kerala is such a nice place to visit. How I wish I get to be invited in their tourism promotions tour in order for me to experience Kerala first-hand. India really has a lot of places for us to see and things to do. This country is diverse and I love the simplicity of Kerala itself. 🙂

  8. I am a huge fan of spices and would love to visit that. Just walking around and being able to smell the wonderful spices is a huge treat. I wish I could go to a spice market in my hometown like this one. The police station also sounds like an interesting place to explore 🙂

  9. Wow, I never knew about this place until now! From this article, it’s fascinating with its diversed culture. I absolutely adored the street art in the Jew Town.

  10. I would possibly like to travel to India later this year. I’ve never heard of Kerala + Fort Kochi sounds like a place with lots of history and a vivid little food scene. Will pop it on the list. Thanks for the awesome tips!
    Kristie (you.theworld.wandering)

  11. I love the markets and shop districts in India. All so colorful and happy.
    We enjoyed India (Rajasthan, the Golden triangle and Goa) last November-December a lot, but did not make it this time to Kerala. Next time definitely!

  12. Kochi has always been on card, but somehow I have not yet visited it. Thank you for the virtual travel. The spice market is very interesting. I would love to shop there. Comprehensive and beautifully written post.

  13. Okay now i am ashamed to be an Indian – haven’t even heard of fort kochi and it looks sooo pretty. btw love ur sliding images, how did you do that? so cool!

  14. Kerala looks a great part of india. i would definitely love to go there. i am traveling to mumbai next month , how far is that from mumbai?

  15. Loved reading this! I learned so much. I first learned of Kerala from the book, The God of Small Things – it’s one thing to imagine a place, it’s another to view pictures of it. I bet it would be another level to see it in real life!

  16. Thats an exhaustive list of things to do at Kochi! Having already been to Kochi – this post reflects on how many things I have missed seeing in Kochi!!! Good one. Saving it for future use 🙂

  17. What an extensive post – didn’t know there would me so much jewish history. I’m currently living in Israel (don’t have Jewish background myself), and enjoy learning more about it a lot.

  18. Wow, you’ve packed so much into just a short post.

    Such a blend of cultures and religions, but as usual, it is those Chinese fishing nets that always captivate me!

  19. Beautiful place to wander around for a while! The best, in my opinion, are the Chinese fishing nets, they are so unique! And you took really beautiful pictures of them at sunset

  20. The most interesting parts of this post was the Jewish towns and cemeteries. It’s so interesting that it’s a tourist attraction in Kochi because this is common in America. I agree that one of the best parts of Indian cooking are the spices and my mouth would probably be watering as I walked past.

  21. Fort Kochi seems to contain the charm and beauty of the land of Kerala within itself. Nice post which has captured well the spirit of the place.

  22. That photo of the fishing nets during sunset is simply stunning. I absolutely love it. Fort Kochi looks like a great place to visit and the history is so diverse. Very cool!

  23. I’ve always wanted to visit Kerala, all I hear are incredible travel experiences. I love how many photos you shared, I bet my husband would have a field day photographing this place. I love the colorful rangoli, there’s something about all those bright colors that I love!

  24. This is bringing back to many wonderful memories. I loved my time in Kerala and Kochi was an incredible place. I loved watching the locals working at the beach. Something very mesmerising about it

  25. Sad that there is no longer a fort to see in the area. Would have been nice to see how it once looked. Especially to walk along the fortifications and think about how it once must have felt for the defenders when seeing enemy ships along the horizon. Luckily there still seem to be a lot of sights left, many of which sounds really interesting. 🙂

  26. I love driving onto ferries too! Those shops look like so much fun to wander around in, love the umbrella! The fishing nets really got my attention, would love to witness them in action

  27. I have never heard of Kerala, but it looks like a great place to visit and learn about history! So many museums and historic site to explore! I’d love to stop by that spice market!

  28. Fort Kochi is really fascinating. The long history of war is sad of course. But the cultural implications of all that make the area so rich. I never expected to read about a working Jewish synagogue, or a Dutch cemetery or a Indo-Portugese museum. Thanks for introducing Fort Kochi. We’d love to visit.

  29. This article hit a lot of spots for me. First I am Jewish and I had no idea there was so much Jewish history here. I wonder why no visitors were allowed in the cemetery. And then my husband is in law enforcement so I was also very interested in the police museum. It is always great when I place will cover both my interest and those of my husband as I know it will make for a great trip. Thanks for sharing this great find.

  30. I liked that you shared a little bit of everything on your trip. Sightseeing destinations as well as shopping spots. So much diversity to see, purchase and learn about.

  31. I would love to visit the Indian Spice market and try the different spices. How intriguing! Your photos are so beautiful of a beautiful place!


  32. I did my engineering in Cochin and I have been to Fort Kochi multiple times when I was studying there. I love how it is like stepping into another era or place, especially because of the strong Jewish influence. Chinese fishing net photo is my favorite in this post.

  33. I’ve never been to India before, but Kerala looks different than what I pictured for India in my head. The fishing nets look so cool, and make for beautiful sunset pictures! Kerala looks very relaxing, and like a place I’ll definitely add to my list 🙂

  34. I have never heard of Kerala, but it seems very rich in culture and history. How were you able to retain all those facts? I like also, how you added sights featured off the beaten tourist path.

  35. Wow, so much information. The backwaters of Kerala have always interested me, I guess because I see so many bloggers going there, but I didn’t know much about the area. Thank you for all of the information and great descriptions of what there is to see and do in Kerala.

  36. It never ceases to amaze me how diverse India is and how much there is to see. These places look fabulous. My next trip to India should definitely be to Kerala

  37. How lovely to explore Fort Kochi with you. I had no idea about the Jewish synagogue – and it being the oldest one in the Commonwealth. The history of the town is one I’d love to learn during a visit like yours. Kerala has long been on my list, in part because the colonial history it has endured has made it into a unique place against the rest of India. Beautiful photos t00 – my favourite is that colourful umbrella!

  38. Wow you have seen so many things in just two days. The area has a lot to offer. I would love to visit the police museum it looks so interesting

  39. This is very informative! I liked that you tackled almost everything. Plus, I loved seeing the photos because it was much less crowded than I was picturing it to be. Oh, and the spice market looks amazing!

  40. Wow – some other posts we’ve read on Kochi only focus on one or two things, so we didn’t get an impression of how much there is to see or do. You’ve opened our eyes a bit! Would love to visit that spice market, and the police museum seems very interesting. Thanks for the education!

  41. Fort Kochi looks and sounds like a beautiful and interesting destination. I haven’t been to Kerala and will add Fort Kochi to my itinerary.

  42. When you travel, it sometimes really does not matter if you’re interested in history or not—history is interested in you. Just seeing the top sights here gives you Jewish and Dutch history, among others, neat. I sometimes feel a bit strange touring places like this, as there must have been clashes and problems throughout the years but of course it looks awfully interesting as well. thanks for sharing.

  43. I am planning for Kerala trip this year mid. This post will surely be helpful for me. Fort Kochi looks really great and spice market is really a must visit for one who loves cooking like me 🙂

  44. You write beautifully and your posts are so clear. I love reading them. Kerala is one of the beautiful green gems of Indias. I have heard, read and seen so many pictures of it but still have not seen it with my own eyes. It is high on my list and hopefully this year I will be able to see it. The spice market really looks interesting and the lunch at Kochi fort too looks tempting.

  45. I went to kerala 6 years ago. thanks for reminding me of all the good memories of the place. It is a very interesting and spiritual place with nice beaches and friendly locals.

  46. Thank’s for sharing all these tips!
    It seems like there’s quite a few things to do in Fort Kochi, and the food seems amazing! 😀

  47. Wow, there is so much to see and do in Fort Kochi – seems like a melting pot of different influences and so much history in one place! Fascinating to see a Jew Town as well as traditional spice markets and great architecture throughout the town. Definitely somewhere I would want to visit when I make it over to India

  48. I love your gallery; you have amazing photos! I would like to visit the spices market and the little streets with local shops. I’m a big fan of local shops! And the history…wow! I’ll have to plan a trip there.

  49. The Police Museum looks like a lot of fun although I hate museums!! The street are is vibrant but I would really enjoy the spice market. I love to cook and my boyfriend is Iranian so we love all the spicy, bold spices!!

  50. I never paid much attention to fort kochi area in Kerala earlier. This seems to be so reach in history. Mattancherry Palace looks like one of a kind. And the old jewish areas also look quiet interesting

  51. I have been to Kochi for a couple of days to attend a friend’s wedding and did a bit of sightseeing a few years back. Tough I could explore only a few places I completely fell in love with the coastal city. I have visited Mattancherry palace, the sea bridge, fishing nets, local spice market and also tasted the Sadhya during the wedding. Your post brought back some fond memories and also a came as a reminder that there are many more places I haven’t explored in Kochi. Especially the Kochi and the Jewish synagogues. Looks like I should make a visit pretty soon 🙂

  52. I did not have an opportunity to spend enough time here. Just managed a little of Fort Kochi but I see how much I have missed. Waiting for my next visit now.

  53. Kerala looks beautiful! And I’d love to have lunch at Fort Kochi. It looks like a really different pace of life too, and must be a real relief from the busy cities.

  54. How wonderful that you could enjoy such an extensive visit to Ft. Kochi! You’ve really covered a lot of details, too, so that others can benefit from your experiences. I loved the colorful tapestries in the market, and your sunset photo is spectacular!

  55. It is strange for me to see all the remnants of European settlements in India. It makes sense that these European traders set up their own communities but for some eason I never imagined such permanent looking settlements with churches and synagogues. The Fort sure changed hads a lot.

  56. It’s wonderful that you are sharing stories of Kerala with so much love and passion, it inspires travellers to visit this beautiful part of the world. So much to see and do around Fort Kochi, thank you for providing all this information. #feetdotravel

  57. Never thought there could be so many things to do in a fort! I still don’t understand why photography is not allowed in many places in India. Especially in tourist places. I loved the artificial banana leaf idea , to give you “the feel”. 🙂

  58. The more I read about India, the more I want to visit. I didn’t imagined there are so many things to do and see in Kerala. Love the pictures, especially the one with the spices – this is something that fascinates me. Thanks for sharing.

  59. The jew town looks seriously fascinating to us, and the culture must have been very interesting to see in India. Those fishing nets are massive, I hope you were able to enjoy some good fish. Sweet post 🙂

  60. Once I went to the backwaters, was not far from Kochi, but had to skip it. I really regret that day. I love the second photograph with the nets. The timing is just perfect there at the blue hour!

  61. I could spend days shopping at those colorful Kochi markets – spices, umbrellas, clothes – everything one can probably think of! Jew town looks cute too. I would definitely refer back for planning my trip to Kochi.

  62. India is the only country which has deserts, snows, hills, ocean & plain land. And Kerala is the best part of India to visit. Thanks for your post because I am preparing myself for Kerala & Kashmir. 😀

  63. Wow, there is so much history and so much to do here! I LOVE that umbrella in your photo! I would have been so tempted to buy one, though I have a feeling it wouldn’t really do well in the rain 🙂
    I like when places have a whole police force ready to help and protect tourists. I think it makes me feel just a little bit safer knowing that the place I’m visiting wants to invest in ensuring that I have a safe visit to their city.

  64. Fort Kochi looks like a place worth exploring for at least a week, not just two days. I love the look of the city, with all the beautiful colors and the spice market. The food looks delicious as well and those sunsets by the water are definitely something I would love to experience.

  65. I’ve never heard of this place before but this post makes me want to visit so much!! I love places like this with loads of history on show, so it’s definitely going on my list! 🙂

  66. Love the amount of interesting historical information you added in your article about fort Kochi. Not only do you share your experience in this beautiful place but you also provide us the readers with all kinds of interesting facts about this place.Kerala looks so different from the rest of India.I really enjoyed reading this post, it’s beautifully written!

  67. Fort Kochi is a refreshing town and it’s a place which has not lost its old world charm by embracing the urban look. I was here for a short time and would love to explore the ones that you have mentioned here. So many great places to look out.

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