Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

Heritage Transport Museum

The semi-darkness inside the building seemed to envelop me as I was virtually sucked inside and transported to another time and place. I embarked on a fascinating journey that had all begun with one of the greatest inventions and embodiments of Man’s ingenuity. The Wheel!

Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?
That was where I was. It was indeed fitting that we were visiting the Heritage Transport Museum, thanks to Tata Motors who had invited us to test drive their new car, the Tata Tigor and a drive to the Heritage Transport Museum was a part of the event.

Once I entered the museum and put on the headphones of the audio guide, I entered a wonderful world that took me on a flight of fantasy and I soared on the wings of imagination transcending the barriers of time, place and space.

Wheels and Pre-Mechanized Transportation

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

Wheels have always fascinated Man since their invention and these have been put to different uses. However, nothing has been revolutionised to such an extent as transportation. An exhibit traces the evolution of the wheel and how it has undergone a metamorphosis since its humble origins. Aren’t we all fascinated by wheels?

As kids, the wheels hold a special attraction, who does not remember running after an old cycle tyre with a stick in hand!

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?


Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

As I move ahead on the wheels of time, I see a huge range of exhibits of the contraptions used during the era of mechanised transportation. Intricately designed howdahs with animal motifs rub shoulders with royal palanquins which once had the honour of carrying royalty around.

Various types of carriages stand in the hall bereft of their animal tethers. Some of them are vintage horse-drawn carriages while others are exotic elephant and camel drawn carriages. They stand in silent repose, ghosts of a time that is buried in the annals of history.

The Railways

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

One of my earliest romances has been with trains and can never forget the excitement of seeing a train rumble past with its siren blaring as I stood near a level crossing, as a kid. The romance of trains endures to this day and hence I was excited to see a full-fledged railway carriage standing at the platform of a model railway station.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

The carriage was a luxurious saloon that captures the elements of the grandeur of the travelling style of the royalty of Rajasthan.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

I was fascinated by the vintage billboards that are displayed on the walls of the railway station that advertise vintage products. Another moment of history frozen in time for the benefit of people who were not a part of it. A collection of earthen cups with a kettle was a tea bridge that seemed to span the different frontiers of time.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

The Ride of the Two Wheelers

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

We all remember our tryst with our first two-wheeler, our very own bicycle, don’t we? The Two-wheeler section of the Heritage Transport Museum sent a childish thrill coursing through my beings and my neurons seemed to dance with glee!

The growth of the two-wheeler movement in India is very well represented here through the exhibits that include cycles, scooters, mopeds, and motorcycles.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

The childish glee of riding a bicycle for the first time and experiencing the feeling of flying and the sense of power as you feel the engine of a motorcycle revving up seem to have been captured in the silent exhibits of this section of the museum.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

Another noteworthy feature of this section of the Heritage Transport Museum is that it pays tribute to the ingenuity of the Indian mind through the exhibits in the form of Phat-Phatiya and other vehicular contraptions.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

The Autorickshaw Run

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

My travels across the cities as well as the smaller towns of India have always been a source of rich experiences for me. One aspect that I found really fascinating was the way the ubiquitous Autorickshaw (tuk-tuk) was decked and bedecked in different places.

In some towns, each of them even had their own name and had a unique personality on account of being decorated differently. The autorickshaws seemed to reflect the unique culture of the places of which they were an integral part. The Heritage Transport Museum is home to two unique autorickshaws. One of them has been embellished by the genius of the Indian artist Yusuf Arakkal.

Toy Story

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

The shrill shouts of excited children seemed to waft in the air as I approached the section of the Heritage Transport Museum which housed various toys based on the imagination of their designers.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

The child in me let out a shout of glee as I spied the cute and delightful exhibits. I wondered about the children who would have played with these toys in the ages gone by.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

It’s All About Cars

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

They stood in silent serenity, different shapes and different colours, gleaming and ready to move. Their beautiful contours were designed to seduce anyone who looked at them.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

I was now in the automobiles section of the Heritage Transport Museum and I was lost in the charm of the beauties lined up there. The section is an ode to the Indian car scene since the beginning of motoring. 75 vintage cars are parked in an area that has been recreated to look like an Indian street from the past.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

A vintage Chevrolet which has been re-designed with artistic finesse drew my attention and I was captivated by its sleek resplendence.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

Each one of the cars gleamed with an elegance that belied their age. They all looked ready for a spin.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

There were cars that had ‘starred’ in Bollywood movies and won the hearts of millions of people. There was the car that was used by Shahrukh Khan and gang in the movie, “Dil To Pagal Hai“, the car that was pulled by an elephant in “Haathi Mere Saathi” is also a part of the exhibit.

Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

A cute little petrol station from the pages of history comes alive in this section of the Heritage Transport Museum. The minute detailing that is visible here is really wonderful.

The Museum also has sections on Aviation and Maritime transportation. Transportation and its evolution expressed through art also graces the galleries of the Heritage Transportation Museum.

Now that you have heard of the Heritage Transport Museum, would you not like to head out there? So the next time you are in Delhi, do look beyond the Qutub Minar and heritage sites of Delhi.

Before you do, take a look at the information below, it is sure to be useful to you.

  • The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday between 10 AM to 7 PM and is closed on Mondays
  • Single Day tickets cost INR 400 for adults and INR 200 for children under 12, Entry is free for children under 3 years
  • The museum is fully accessible to wheelchair users
  • The museum is located about 75 kilometres from Delhi and near Gurgaon
  • For further details visit the official website of the Heritage Transport Museum

I was so lost in the world of Transportation, that time just flew and it was time to head back. Words fail to do justice to the wonderful experience that the museum has in store. As they say, pictures are worth a thousand words, so do check out our photo blog about the Heritage Transport Museum that features on our site:

The Heritage Transport Museum in Pictures

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Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?

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69 thoughts on “Have you heard of the Heritage Transport Museum near Delhi?”

  1. This museum looks fascinating! That’s cool there’s an exhibit that traces the evolution of the wheel and the metamorphosis of it. and how it has undergone a metamorphosis since its humble origins. I do love wheels to get me around 🙂

  2. I had no idea there was such a museum in Delhi! I’ll clearly have to visit it even if just for the trains, motorbikes and rickshaws! I wonder if that was a Royal Enfield I could spot on one of your photos ? (probably not, I’m not really good at recognising stuff like that! )

  3. This museum looks so cool. I love that they don’t just display the artifacts randomly, but make it look like art. Would love to visit!

  4. I have never heard about the heritage transport museum in Delhi. Personally, I am not really a museum lover and especially not interested in cars etc. but I have to admit that this museum looks very nice, well organised and have interesting exhibitions. I love the picture with all the bikes in the Two wheeler section. Perhaps I will visit it one day! =)

  5. I never knew such a museum existed. How interesting to find one right in the capital! When I was scrolling through the pictures even I was wondering about those children of past who played with those haha!

  6. No, I haven’t been there. But looks like a great place. A very similar place where I have been to is Malaga, Spain. Must go there one day. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Some of the vehicles are really interesting! Such a great range of them there!

    I’ll admit I don’t really know a lot about Delhi, but if I did visit I would be sure to check this place out!

  8. Wow — it’s amazing how much evolution transportation has gone through. I think this museum must have been a lot of fun — I’d love looking at all the older car models! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Like you, I found myself fascinated by the way we used to travel. I love literature from the Victorian Era and I knew they used carriages as transport. It’s so crazy to see how small they are and imagine how small people were back then. It’s so crazy to see what was luxurious back in especially with the trains!

  10. The transport museum looks very fascinating, we hadn’t heard about it until your post. We had visited one museum in Lausanne and we are sure this one is equally remarkable with so many sections. This is definitely on the list for our next Delhi visit.

  11. Had no idea of the existence of this museum, but it surely presents some interesting items. I specially loved the toy cars. The one that looks like a rocket is soon cute.

  12. This museum is a mecca for car/bike lovers and the fact that it is right here in Delhi is just the cherry on top. To be frank, this is the first time I am hearing about a heritage transport museum in Delhi, but now that I know am definitely going to plan a trip soon to get transported back looking at the vintage models.

  13. Yes, I had heard of the museum but never got a chance to visit. Love the vintage vehicles on display here. We will definitely visit it the next time we are in Delhi

  14. Wow what a great museum – such an awesome variety of memorabilia. The old cars are incredible and remind me of some of the old cars my dad has. Hoping to travel to Delhi later in the year. Will keep this fab museum in mind! Thanks.
    Kristie – you.theworld.wandering

  15. Wow! This takes me back to the olden days and it is a truly wonderful museum. I wish they did a world tour of all of these exhibits to NYC. I would love to visit.

  16. I would love to visit Delhi one day is one of those destinations on my must do list. When there I will make the point to visit the Heritage Transport Museum. Thanks for the tips!

  17. This looks like such a fascinating museum to visit! I had not heard of it before, but if I ever find myself in Dehli, I would certainly visit. I really think the wheel is one of the inventions that has evolved society the most.

  18. This is so cool! You can learn about history just by looking at the vehicles unique to their time period. The bicycle exhibit where they were stacked in a way that it looked more like an art sculpture is awesome!

  19. This is the first time that I am hearing about the Transport Museum and I think that it’s super cool. I am fascinated with history myself & how things have evolved throughout the years. I’d love to visit the Transport Museum in one of my future travels.

  20. I’ve never heard of this before! It’s nice to take the kids here especially if your child is interested in cars. I didn’t know that Delhi has such an awesome collection.

  21. Like you, I’m a car fan so this sounds like brilliant fun. What stands out for me is the rickshaw section, that really is unique! I love the decorated Chevrolet too, what a great event

  22. I love museums and vehicles so this place would be PERFECT for me. I love vintage cars and trains – but didn’t realise there is so much history captured here! Fantastic and look forward to visiting it when I do eventually come to India

  23. Wow I would seriously love to visit this place! It really does look like it would almost suck you back in time just seeing all these old vehicles! This is definitely my kind of museum!

  24. Very cool! My daughter is into everything vintage transportation; I need to pass this on to her. I know she is hoping to do some extensive travel this summer.

  25. I live in Canada and I don’t think we have anything like this museum here. At least not in the Provence where I’m from. Your visit looked like it was loads of fun!

  26. I had not heard of this museum! Judging by all your awesome pictures though it looks like one fun place to explore

  27. I had not heard of it but I assure you it looks like a place I would love to visit. Are those Vespas? I love how you described the train travel because at the moment I am fascinated with it.;)

  28. I had never heard of the Heritage Transport Museum until now, but it seems fascinating. Those old cars remind me of some I’d seen in Cuba. My friend would love this museum!!

  29. This place was such a revelation. I absolutely enjoyed it – especially the Indian vehicles bit. The phatphati and the heritage train….were two my favorites. Cheers

  30. Definitely wouldn’t have expected to find such an awesome museum close to Delhi. Having said that, getting around India by public transport made for some of the most torturous, frustrating but fascinating and exciting times when we were there for 2.5 months years ago. Based on that I can imagine that such a museum would have some interesting perspectives to share.

  31. I had no idea this museum was in Delhi, but I’d love to check it out next time we are there! It’s so interesting to look back in time at all the different methods of transport. Looks like they have just about everything covered!

  32. What an awesome place. I have never been to New Dehli, but have always wanted to go. The more I read posts like these the more it makes me want to go. This car place looks amazing. Thank you for posting.

  33. I don’t like driving and don’t own any car but I love vintage cars like those on the pictures and I am sure I would enjoy this museum as much as you did

  34. My partner would love to visit here, he loves the vintage cars! I wish our roads had vintage cars on them today instead of some of the ones that are considered “modern” now haha

  35. The Heritage Transport Museum sounds incredible, these types of museums always have so much to say about the history and culture of a place – and I’m a mad fan of vintage cars :D!

  36. We’re not always in to museums, but this would be right up our alley. We love the old cars and motorcycles. I really never would have pictured some of those old American cars in India. Pretty cool!

  37. I’d love to visit this museum! The cars look in mint condition! I love how the car was such a part of culture not too long ago. From drive-in movies to summer road trips, the car was a big part of leisure activities. I was born in the wrong era!

  38. There is so much history packed into the transport museum of Delhi. I love cars and old cars so could take so many pictures in here. It looks cool in there too out of the Delhi heat.

  39. I loved the photo story of this heritage museum and now looking at some more vibrant pictures, I feel that I must check this Museum for sure. I can connect with those toys, colourful autorickshaws and the kettle and mud tea cups – part of it took me back to my childhood!

  40. Saw almost every body mentioned “Transport museum of Delhi”. A bit of information on this… This museum is an excursion trip from Delhi. It is located in neighbouring state of Haryana and take little over half an hour drive to reach from Delhi’s International airport located near Gurgaon. Also the entire collection is privately owned by a gentleman Mr. Tarun Thakral.

  41. I had heard of this museum, but this is the first blog post I am reading on it. Vintage cars always fascinate me, so this would be a major attraction for me there. I had no idea the collections were so extensive.

  42. This is pretty cool! I am also interested in the evolution of automobiles. I like that they have autorickshaws. They represent Southeast Asia! The mini petrol station looks cute. Kids would definitely want to play around in this area. The toys look really imaginative and I wonder what did the creators name them years ago.

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