Famous Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh is the second-largest Buddhist Monastery in Asia & the world and the largest in India. Read all about it here.

Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

A child attired in the ochre robes of a monk fidgets in his seat as he attends the early morning prayers at the Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh. Outside, sunlight breaks from behind dark clouds to bathe the valley stretching below in what looks like a divine halo. There was a slight nip in the air as it was the month of September. We were in Tawang as part of our Arunachal Pradesh exploration with Holiday Scout and had reached there travelling from Guwahati and covering the picturesque towns of Bomdila, and Dirang.

Table of Contents

Tawang Monastery – Shangrila of India

Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh
Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

The sky suddenly turned from grey to a brilliant blue, as we stood inside the courtyard of the Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh. We watched three young monks playing with a bicycle, while a dog followed an elderly monk reverentially, three other monks were sweeping the entrance to the monastery diligently.

Though the trappings of modernity and complexities of technology have caught up with Tawang, vestiges of its once Shangrila-like existence can still be experienced inside the Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh.

About Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Incredible Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh
Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

The Tawang Monastery is the epicentre of Tawang town and is inextricably linked with its history. It stands loftily high up on a hill overlooking the Tawang Valley. It is one of the most historical places in India to visit, the second largest monastery in Asia and the largest Buddhist Monastery in India.

Tawang Monastery was founded in 1680-81 by Merak Lama, a disciple of the 5th Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso. The Tawang Monastery’s traditional name in Tibetan is, Gaden Namgyal Lhatse, which means, “the divine paradise of complete victory.”

Tawang Monastery belongs to the Gelug sect, which is one of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The Gelug School of Buddhism was founded by Tsongkhapa.

The Legend Of Gaden Namgyal Lhatse Monastery, Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh

Gaden Namgyal Lhatse Monastery, Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh
Tawang Buddhist Monastery

We pulled our jackets closer as we stood inside the Tawang Monastery and listened to the story of the genesis of India’s biggest Buddhist monastery. There was a chill in the air and the sky was overcast as Sange from Holiday Scout took us back in time to the 17th century when the Tawang monastery was yet to be built.

Standing, with the colourful structures of the Tawang monastery in the background, Sange told about the fascinating events that led to the birth of the beautiful and historic Buddhist monastery that we now know as Tawang Monastery.

It was in the 17th century that Merak Lama who was originally from the area that was then known as Monyul or the land of the Monpas, went to Lhasa in Tibet to study under the 5th Dalai Lama. While he was there, the Dalai Lama asked him to return to his native land and build a monastery in the land of the Monpas.

Merak Lama dutifully returned home. His mission was to build a monastery, but the question before him was where to build it. In those days the land of the Monpas covered a large area. According to references in several ancient Buddhist texts, Monyul stretched from the south of the borders of Tibet and covered parts of Eastern Bhutan, Western Bhutan, and the areas that come under Tawang and the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh today.

Faced with the dilemma of choosing an appropriate site for the monastery, Merak Lama sat down in meditation inside a cave after leaving his horse outside. After his meditation, when he emerged from the cave, he found that his horse was missing. He set out in search of the horse and found it grazing atop a beautiful hill overlooking the valley below. Merak Lama took this as a divine signal to build the monastery at this place, and the lovely Tawang Monastery came up at the very spot where he found his horse.

The legend of the genesis of Tawang Monastery also gave the monastery and the area its name, “Tawang.” In the Tibetan language, Tawang translates as “chosen by the horse.”

A Brief History Of Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

History Of Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh
Main Door of Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Fascinating as it is, the story of the birth of Tawang Monastery belongs to the realm of myth as there is no historical evidence to support this. However, it is an established fact that the Tawang Monastery was constructed between 1680 and 1681 by Merak Lama according to the instructions of the 5th Dalai Lama from Lhasa, Tibet.

It is also believed that the Dalai Lama had given a ball of yarn to Merak Lama, with the instruction that the perimeter of the complex of the monastery should match the length of the yarn. He also issued orders to the people of the villages surrounding the site of the monastery to help Merak Lama in the construction of the Dzong (Fortress).

Accordingly, the villagers helped in the construction of the fort wall. It is said that each village took responsibility for the construction of a given portion of the wall. What is fascinating is that even today, the same villages are responsible for the maintenance of their portion of the wall.

Tawang Monastery, like most other Buddhist monasteries, was built at a strategic location from a defence point of view. It was built at an altitude of about 3,000 metres atop a hill that provided a vantage view of the surroundings. Before the advent of the Merak Lama and the building of the Tawang Monastery, the region was dominated by the Nyingmapa sect of Buddhism.

When Merak Lama established the Gelug sect monastery in Tawang, there was resistance that bordered on hostility from the Black Hat or Nyingmapa sect. To make matters worse, the Drukpas of neighbouring Bhutan did not mince matters and even tried to invade Tawang. All these threats contributed to the fact that the Tawang Monastery was built like a virtually impregnable fortress in the 17th century.

A description of the administrative functioning of the Tawang Monastery is found in the records of Nain Singh Rawat also known as Pundit Nain Singh. He was employed by the British for their ambitious project to survey the whole of India, titled, “Trigonometrical Survey of India.” Nain Singh is believed to have covered a staggering 1,580 miles on foot, as he surveyed the trade route from Ladakh to Tibet and a huge section of the Brahmaputra. He visited the Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh between 1874 and 1875.

Narain Singh in his account for the Trigonometrical Survey of India, notes that the Tawang Monastery had a parliamentary form of administration which was called, Kato. This was a body which governed the monastery and the region under it and had the Lamas of the Tawang Monastery as its members. He also noted that the governing body operated independently of the Tsona Monastery in Lhasa, Tibet.

Tawang Monastery and Tawang were under Tibetan control till the year 1950, in spite of the Simla Agreement of 1914. In the year 1950 when Tibet lost its autonomy to the People’s Republic of China, the Tawang Monastery too came under China. In the year 1951, Tawang was liberated by the Indian Army and became a part of the Indian Republic.

In the year 1959, when the Dalai Lama fled Tibet to escape from the Chinese forces, he stayed for a few days at the Tawang Monastery, before proceeding further, and later establishing Tibet’s Government-in-Exile at Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh.

Tawang was at the epicentre of the Indo-China War of 1962 and was invaded and occupied by China for a brief period of about six months before the forces retreated.

Today, as you stand enveloped by the serene ambience of the Tawang Monastery, you can scarcely believe that this heavenly place has had, such a chequered history.

Visiting Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh – Largest Monastery In India

Visiting Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh
Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

It was raining lightly as we drove down to the Tawang Monastery from the Pal_mo Homestay where we were staying. A ceremonial arch signalled that we had entered the premises of the monastery. Towards our right was the huge monastery wall that completely enclosed the campus of Tawang Monastery.

Sange of Holiday Scout who was accompanying us pointed out small apertures in the shape of an inverted V built into the wall. He explained that these were used for positioning guns to guard the monastery which was once a palace fortress and faced constant threats. We gazed up at the wall behind which rose different buildings of the monastery and thought of how the serenity of the place may have been shattered by the sound of gunfire. Towards the left side of the road, stretched below the Tawang valley.

Buddhist iconography at Tawang_Monastery
The beautiful door of Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

We soon arrived at the main gate of the monastery, after virtually circumnavigating the perimeter of the monastery. The entrance is colourful and adorned with Buddhist iconography. There were not many people at the time we visited and we had the place almost to ourselves. Sange briefed us about the history of the Tawang Monastery and the layout of the monastery.

The Main Building or Dukhang of Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Dukhang Tawang Monastery

We soon followed Sange into the main building of the monastery, the prayer hall, or Dukhang as it is called. We observed a plaque on the wall of the building, that read, “DHOKHANG OF GADEN NAMGYAL LHATSE CONSECRATED BY H.H. XIV. DALAI LAMA ON 15TH OCT 1997.” We wondered about the date, but curbed our curiosity, knowing that our unasked question would soon be answered inside the Dukhang.

The hall was being cleaned, a few young monks were passionately sweeping the hall when we entered. The door to the hall was ornate and colourful and decorated with colourful Buddhist motifs. As soon as we entered the hall our gaze became transfixed on the beautiful statue of Buddha that is placed in the centre of the wall opposite the entrance.

Tawang Buddhist Monastery
Tawang Buddhist Monastery

It is an 18 feet gilded statue of Buddha sitting in padmasana flanked by his acolytes. The serene countenance of Buddha at Tawang Monastery has a strange calming effect and you feel at peace, just by looking at the statue.

The walls of the hall were covered with colourful frescoes of Bodhisattvas and other Buddhist iconography. Gaily decorated pillars rose from the floor, while colourful buntings and prayer flags swung in the breeze. The morning light entering from the main door cast a surreal glow on the statue of Buddha whose face shone with a divine radiance.

The Legend Of Palden Lhamo And Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Palden Lhamo Tawang Monastery
Palden Lhamo Thangka at Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Palden Lhamo is one of the three Dharampalas or protectors in the Gelug School of Buddhism, the other two being Mahakala and Yamantaka. She is a fierce deity similar to Kali or Chamunda Devi in Hinduism. Palden Lamo is the protector deity of the Tawang Monastery and is an integral part of its history.

Sange pointed towards a glass case to the left of the statue of Buddha and said, “Here is the original statue of Palden Lhamo that was given to Merak Lama by the 5th Dalai Lama when he left Lhasa.” He went on to explain, that the statue had been given to Merak Lama to be installed in the monastery that he had been asked to build. Accordingly, the statue of Palden Lhama was carefully carried by Merak Lama and installed at the Tawang Monastery when it was built in 1860-61.

“The statue of Palden Lama is always covered and one cannot see it, however, it was taken out only once in 1997 and consecrated again by H.H. XIV Dalai Lama, as it had accumulated dust.” We smiled at ourselves, as our unasked question about the inscription on the wall outside was answered.

Tawang Monastery In Arunachal Pradesh
Tawang Monastery In Arunachal Pradesh

After spending some blissful moments in the calming presence of the Buddha, we climbed up to the first floor of the monastery from where we could get a closer view of the face of the Buddha statue. It was a truly humbling experience to see the serene face of the Buddha in close quarters. From the gallery on the first floor, you can also get a nice view of the assembly hall below. The main building of the monastery consists of three floors including the ground floor.

House of Butter Lamp Offering At Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Butter Lamp Offering at Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh
Butter Lamps At Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

On the first floor of a building towards the left of the main prayer hall of the Tawang monastery is the “House of Butter Lamp Offering.”

Butter Lamp Offering at Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh
Butter Lamp Offering at Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

The offering of butter lamps is a ritual with deep spiritual and philosophical meaning in Buddhism, and you are sure to find designated areas for this in almost all Buddhist monasteries. The lighting of the Butter Lamp is a symbolic way of praying for the eradication of darkness and ignorance with the light of knowledge.

Butter Lamp Offering at Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh
Butter Lamp Offering at Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

We have always found this ritual fascinating and felt blessed to be able to light our own butter lamps in the sanctified environs of the Tawang monastery in Arunachal Pradesh. The house of butter lamps at Tawang Monastery is a big one, and the sight of hundreds of lamps quivering and glowing in the semi-darkness of the room was a surreal sight to behold.

Kitchen of Tawang Monastery
Kitchen of Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Below the House of Butter Lamps is located, the kitchen of Tawang Monastery. We paid a quick visit to the kitchen and found huge boilers and other utensils. There were massive supplies of vegetables and other groceries, our attention was especially drawn to the large quantities of Yak Cheese being stored. Yak cheese is an important ingredient in Tibetan cuisine.

Before leaving the Tawang Monastery, we learned that a morning class was held for the monks around 6-6.30 AM, and we decided that we would come back early in the morning, the next day around that time, for another visit to the monastery.

Attending Morning Prayers  At Tawang Monastery In Arunachal Pradesh

Morning Prayers At Tawang Monastery In Arunachal Pradesh
Morning Prayers  At Tawang Monastery In Arunachal Pradesh

It was our last day in Tawang. We were scheduled to leave the beautiful city after breakfast. We woke up to a gloomy morning. It was raining and the valley was covered in a sheet of grey. But we had resolved to visit the Tawang Monastery in the morning before leaving. So we braved the rain and stepped out of our homestay to walk towards the monastery.

Buddhist Monastery In Arunachal Pradesh

The road was deserted and the only sound apart from our own footsteps was the pitter-patter of the rain as it poured down from the heavens. A lone lady who seemed to be in a tearing hurry brushed past us and disappeared in the rain. We walked stoically, oblivious of the rain and thankful for our umbrellas which barely managed to keep us dry.

We walked all along the outer wall of the monastery tracing the same route that we had taken by car the earlier day. The steep road that led to the top of the hill on which stood the monastery glistened with rainwater, and the ancient outer walls of the monastery seemed to rejoice at the touch of the drops of rain.

Largest Buddhist Monastery In India
Tawang Monastery In Arunachal Pradesh

We soon reached the entrance of the monastery and found that barring a few roosters who were building up a racket the quadrangle of the Tawang monastery was deserted. We learned that the morning class had already started and the young monks were in a room in the library building. We made our way to the class, silently entered and took our seats at the back.

Young monks, some of them as young as 4 or 5 sat on the floor in padmasana reverentially listening to their teacher. Our attention was particularly riveted by the antics of a small boy who sat restlessly in front of us, trying to pull his robe closer to keep away the cold.

A signal from the teacher and the class was over, and just like any other class in any other school, the young monks trooped out noisily, immersed in animated chatter, sparing just a curious and cursory glance to our presence. After the class, we visited the Dukhang once again to have another look at the beautiful Thangkas that embellished the hall and of course the mesmerizing statue of the Buddha. A senior monk was chanting a prayer and its sound resonated through the hall with a compelling positive energy.

Tawang Buddhist Monastery
Tawang Buddhist Monastery

We found the morning experience at Tawang Monastery definitely worth the effort of waking up early and braving the cold and rain.

Tawang Monastery Architecture | Structure Of Tawang Monastery

Tawang Monastery Architecture
Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Tawang Monastery campus is enclosed by a wall that runs for about 282 metres. Within the perimeter of the wall are located the monastery buildings. The sprawling campus of the monastery consists of the main shrine or prayer hall which is three-storeyed, a library building, and a building which houses the kitchen and the House of Butter Lamps. There are around 64 residential quarters and a school.

Tawang Monastery
Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

There is also a Centre For Buddhist Cultural Studies within the Tawang Monastery campus. Though the original structure of the Tawang Monastery dates back to 1680-81, it was restored and renovated in the year 2003.

Tawang Monastery Library
Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

The monastery has its own printing press where religious books about Buddhism are printed with local paper. The library houses rare manuscripts including those of the Kangyur. The Kangyur which literally means, “Translated Words,” is made up of some 108 volumes of the teachings of Buddha, believed to have been spoken by the Buddha, himself. There are three sets of the Kangyur at the library of the Tawang Monastery, of which one is a printed version and two are hand-written versions.

Around 200 monks stay on the campus and a distinctive feature of the monastery is the yellow-roofed structures of the monks’ residential quarters. The main gate of the monastery stands atop the summit of the hill on which it stands.

You can drive right up to the gate on an asphalted road or walk up the steep road. However, there is another entrance right at the beginning of the steep incline and this entrance has two massive wooden doors. You can enter the monastery through this entrance and take a path with steps that leads to the main building.

Famous Festivals Celebrated In Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Torgya Festival
Torgya Festival at Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh    PC:Tawang Tourism

One of the famous festivals celebrated in a grand manner at the Tawang Monastery is the annual festival known as Torgya or Tawang-Torgya. It is a 3-day festival that features dances in colourful costumes and masks. The dances are held in the open courtyard in front of the main assembly hall of the monastery.

The costumes and masks represent different animals such as cows, tigers, monkeys, etc. Torgya Monastery Festival in Tawang Monastery, Arunachal Pradesh is celebrated according to the Buddhist traditional calendar and is usually between the 10th to 12th of January according to the Gregorian calendar.

Other festivals celebrated at Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh include the Tibetan New Year, Losar.

Quick Tawang Monastery Facts – Tawang Buddhist Monastery | Significance of Tawang Monastery

Tawang Monastery Facts
Tawang Buddhist Monastery

Here are some interesting facts about Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh that are sure to amaze you. These are useful things to know before visiting Tawang Monastery.

  • The Tawang Monastery is the second-largest monastery in Asia
  • Tawang Monastery is India’s largest Buddhist Monastery
  • The Tawang Monastery was built in 1680-81 by Merak Lama
  • Merak Lama who built the Tawang Monastery belonged to that area and had gone to Lhasa and was a disciple of the 5th Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso
  • Merak Lama returned to Tawang and built the Tawang Monastery as directed by the 5th Dalai Lama
  • Merak Lama carried a statue of Palden Lhamo, the protector God with him and installed it at the Tawang Monastery which is still there
  • H.H. XIV Dalai Lama stayed in Tawang Monastery for some time when he fled from Tibet in 1959 before proceeding to Dharamshala where he established Tibet’s Government-in-Exile
  • In the year 1997, the 14th Dalai Lama again consecrated Tawang Monastery and the statue of Palden Lhamo
  • H.H. VI Dalai Lama hailed from a village near Tawang

Best Time To Visit Tawang Monastery – Buddhist Monastery In Arunachal Pradesh

Buddhist Monastery In Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh

Tawang Monastery can be visited at any time of the year, and you shall see a different avatar of the beautiful monastery. However, the best time to visit Tawang in general and the Tawang Monastery, in particular, is during the summer months and just after the monsoon season. Ideally, you should plan your Tawang trip between September to March. If you are able to visit Tawang during the month of January, you can witness the Torgya festival.

Tawang Monastery Images

Images of Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh
Images of Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh
Tawang Monastery Images
Tawang Monastery Images

Here are some captivating images from our visit to the Tawang monastery that bring alive the serene vibes of this beautiful place.

How To Reach Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Tawang Monastery Buddhist Temple

Tawang Monastery is located in the city of Tawang in the North Eastern state of India, Arunachal Pradesh. Tawang is the headquarters of the Tawang district.

    • Tawang is about 440 kilometres from Guwahati
    • Tawang is at a distance of about 177 kilometres from Bomdila
    • Dirang to Tawang distance is around 134 kilometres
    • Ziro is about 547 kilometres from Tawang City
    • Itanagar to Tawang distance is about 505 kilometres

Reaching Tawang By Air

The best way to reach Tawang by Air is to fly to the Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Guwahati, and then proceed by road to Tawang, which is at a distance of about 446 kilometres. Guwahati is well connected by air to major cities of India including Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai, etc.

Reaching Tawang By Train

The nearest Railhead to Tawang is Tezpur in the Sonitpur district of Assam. Guwahati is the other major railway station that is well-connected to all parts of the country.

Reaching Tawang By Road

Tawang is well connected by a good road network and can be easily accessed from within the state of Arunachal Pradesh, as well as from Guwahati in Assam.

Tawang Arunachal

For your Tawang itinerary, you can book your flight tickets right here through Cleartrip or Makemytrip or CheapAir or Priceline and fly to Guwahati. If you are thinking of a road trip, do check out the rental car options.

Where To Stay When Visiting Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh | Tawang Monastery Buddhist Temple | Tawang Monastery Stay

Palmo Homestay
Palmo Homestay

If you are wondering where to stay in Tawang, relax, there are plenty of good places that are sure to make you feel at home.
When it comes to places to stay in Tawang, we would strongly recommend staying at the Pal_Mo Homestay, where we stayed during our visit to Tawang. It is a cute homestay with comfortable and clean accommodations and great food and is located quite near the Tawang Monastery.

You can book your stay at Pal_mo Homestay, Tawang or you can book the best hotels in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, India right here –  TripAdvisor or Cleartrip or  makemytrip or  goibibo or  Booking.com or  HotelsCombined or  Agoda and save a lot by getting the best deals on booking your stay.

Click to book the Pal_mo Homestay, Tawang or the best hotels in Tawang

Other Places To Visit In Tawang | Tourist Attractions in Tawang | Tawang Attractions

Bumla Pass Tawang Arunachal Pradesh
Bumla Pass Tawang Arunachal Pradesh

There is so much to see in and around Tawang, apart from the iconic Tawang Monastery. You can check out our detailed 4-day Tawang itinerary here.

Here is the list of attractions that you must not miss on your Tawang trip.

  • Tawang Monastery
  • Bumla Pass
  • Nuranang Falls
  • Jaswantgarh War Memorial
  • Sela Pass
  • Thukje Chueling Nunnery
  • Buddha Statue
  • Tawang View Point
  • Tawang War Memorial
  • Joginder Singh War Memorial
  • Shungatser Lake | Madhuri Lake
  • PT Tso Lake
  • Tawang Market
  • Tawang Craft Centre and Emporium
  • Urgelling Monastery
  • Khinmey Monastery
  • Chagzam Bridge

Famous Buddhist Monasteries In Arunachal Pradesh

Chillipam Monastery, Rupa, West Kameng
Chillipam Monastery, Rupa, West Kameng

Buddhism is widely practised in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and just like Ladakh, and Sikkim, the state has many ancient and beautiful monasteries. Here are some of the best Buddhist monasteries in Arunachal Pradesh.

  • Tawang Monastery, Tawang
  • Urgelling Monastery, Tawang
  • Gentse Gaden Rabgyel Ling Monastery, Bomdila
  • Thupsung Dhargye Ling Monastery (TDL Monastery), Dirang
  • Khastung Gompa, Dirang
  • Chillipam Monastery, Rupa, West Kameng

Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh FAQ

Interesting Facts About Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh
Young monks at Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh

Here are some questions about the Tawang Monastery that you may have, with answers.

In which state is the famous Tawang Monastery located?

Tawang Monastery is located in Tawang, the headquarters of the Tawang district of the state of Arunachal Pradesh in the North Eastern region of India.

Where is the largest Buddhist monastery located in India?

India’s largest Buddhist monastery and the second-largest monastery in the world is located in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh.

Can I stay in Tawang Monastery?

There are many homestays and hotels within walking distance of Tawang Monastery including the Pal_Mo Homestay.

How old is the Tawang Monastery?

The Tawang Monastery was built in 1680-81 and makes it about 343 years old.

When did the 14th Dalai Lama visit Tawang Monastery?

The 14th Dalai Lama first visited the Tawang Monastery when he entered India from Tibet in 1959 and later also in 1997 when he consecrated the monastery. He has visited Tawang Monastery many times since his first visit.

How far is Tawang Monastery from the Indo-China border?

Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh is about 37 kilometres from the Indo-China border at Bumla Pass.

A visit to the Tawang monastery and Tawang is indeed a pilgrimage that is intensely satisfying to the soul. The British-Indian anthropologist, Verrier Elwin, says so in as many words in his book, “A Pilgrimage To Tawang.” It may be noted that Verrier Elwin has written voluminously and spent a major part of his life with the tribals of Madhya Pradesh. So are you ready for the pilgrimage to Tawang? We hope that our post about the Tawang Monastery serves you in your quest for the surreal at the Tawang Monastery.

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Incredible Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh
Incredible Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh India

Our visit to Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh, India was organized by Holiday Scout. The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are our own. #travel #Tawang #ArunachalPradesh #TawangMonastery #BuddhistMonastery #GoNEindia #HolidayScout #ArunachalPradesh #ArunachalPradeshTourism #northeastindia #DekhoApnaDesh #IncredibleIndia

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Famous Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

Famous Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh

13 thoughts on “Famous Tawang Monastery Arunachal Pradesh”

  1. I absolutely loved reading about the Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh! Your post provided such insightful information about its history, architecture, and significance. It felt like I was virtually visiting the monastery. Thank you for sharing this enriching piece!

  2. Bedabrata Chakraborty

    Tawang Monastery has been on our bucket list for very long. And now we read the story. The photographs are so beautiful, from the outside the monastery looks like a painting. To answer your question, we are indeed ready for our pilgrimage to Tawang Monastery, we are just waiting for the call.

  3. I’m absolutely captivated by your post! The detailed breakdown of its history, architecture, and cultural significance is truly enlightening. Learning about its legends, festivals, and the unique experiences like attending morning prayers gives such an immersive sense of the place. The inclusion of quick facts and FAQs is also quite handy for anyone planning a visit. I’m left with a strong urge to explore this stunning Buddhist monastery and the beautiful region around it.

  4. I was planning to visit this place for long but was procrastinating. But after reading article and watching these stunning photographs, I have decided to visit Tawang Monastery in this year itself.

  5. Your post is incredibly detailed, as always! Your recent visit to Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh must have been a truly awe-inspiring encounter with profound spirituality and rich culture. Situated amidst the breathtaking Himalayan landscapes, the monastery’s majestic ambiance and serene surroundings create an atmosphere of unmatched tranquility. The elaborate architecture adorned with vibrant murals and prayer flags serves as a testament to the deep-rooted Buddhist heritage that permeates every inch of the space. Exploring the monastery’s inner sanctums, engaging with resident monks, and witnessing their rituals would undoubtedly have granted you both a profound insight into the world of Tibetan Buddhism. The sweeping panoramic vistas of Tawang town and the encompassing valleys, visible from this sacred site, must have been utterly enchanting. Your journey to Tawang Monastery undoubtedly left an indelible impression, effectively reminding me of the spiritual magnificence that resides at the heart of Arunachal Pradesh.

  6. I been to Namdroling Monastery in Bylakuppe, Karnataka. I am yet to explore the places and beauties of Arunachala Pradesh. I will definitely consider Tawang to visit next time. Adding this blog into my personal bookmarks

  7. WOW! Such a detailed post on Tawang Monastery. I’m planning a trip to Arunachal Pradesh soon and this post has given me loads of information. Can’t wait for my visit! Thank you for writing this! 🙂

  8. Wow the pictures are so beautiful and vivid
    I so wanna visit it now Arunachal Pradesh is amazing I have been there but didn’t visit the monastery
    This is going on my list for next time

  9. What a mesmerizing experience you’ve shared! The imagery of the young monk in ochre robes and the divine halo of sunlight over the valley paints a vivid picture. It must have been an incredible journey exploring Arunachal Pradesh with Holiday Scout, especially after visiting Bomdila and Dirang. Tawang Monastery truly seems like a place of spiritual and natural beauty. Thanks for taking us on this journey through your words! 🏞️🙏 #TravelInspiration #ArunachalPradesh #TawangMonastery

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